Who's Who in the Far East/HARMAND, Jules Francois
HARMAND, Jules Francois (TOKYO), Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary for France; b. Oct. 23, 1845; m. Dec. 19, 1878, to There'se Grabrielle Farjas. Educ.: Lycee, Versailles. Was a member of the scientific and archaeological expedition to Cambodia, 1873; the expedition in Tonkin with Francis Gamier, 1873-4; the scientific expedition in Indo-Chiua, 1875-6-7; Consul and Commissaire for France in Siam, 1831-2-3; Comraissaire-Ge'neral in Tonkin and Auuim, 1833-4, (in this capacity signed the Treaty of Hu6 in Aug., 1833); Cousul-General for France at Calcutta, 1885-90; Minister for France in Chili, 1890-l; Minister for France in Japan, 1891-1903; was in charge of interests of Rassia in Japxu during tha RUSSO-Japanese war. Publications: " Laos et Populations Sauvages de 1'Imlo-Chine," 1830-1;"Ethnographic de 1'Indo-Chine," 1881; "Trade Introduction de India de Sir John Strachay," 1891;"Question du Tonkin," 1835, and numerous contributions to publications of Geographical, Anthropological and Commercial Societies of Paris. Decorations: Comm. Le'gion d'ilouueur; Grant! Cross of St. Anne (Russia); G. C. of Isabella Catholica (Spain); G. C. of Double Dragon (China); G. C. of Cambodia; G. C. of Dragon (Anuam); G. C. of Couroune (Siam); G. C. of Rising Sun (Japan), etc. Address: French Legation, To'cyo, and 225, Faubourg St. Uoaore", Paris.