Who's Who in the Far East/HASEBA, Sumitaka
HASEBA, Sumitaka (TOKYO), M.P., Leader of the Constitutional Party; b. Satsuma, April, 1854. Joined Saigo's Army in Civil War of 1877 and was imprisoned after its settlement; was for a long while an administrative official in Kagoshima District and is one of very few M.'s P. who sat in House from it inauguration in 1900; appointed Chief Councillor of Home Office in 4th Ito's Cabinet. Address: Tokyo, Japan. HASEGAWA, General, Baron (SEOUL), Commander-in Chief of Corean Garrison; b. Smvo, Aug. 1850. Appointed Major, 1872; Colonel, 1878; Major-General, 1880; Cr. Baron 1895; Lieut.General, 1896; Full General, July 1904; Commanded a Brigade in Chino-Japanese War and took a distingiiished part in the battles of Port Arthur and Wei-hai-wei; in the Russo-Japanese War, commanded the Imp. Guards Division under General Kuroki and led it to victory at the Yalu and Liaoyang; afterwards transferred to important post of Commander-in Chief of Corean Garrison. Address: Seoul, Corea.