Who's Who in the Far East/HAVILLAND, Walter Agustus de
HAVILLAND, Walter Agustus de (TOKYO), B.A., 1893, M.A., 1901; Professor; b. Aug. 31, 1872; y. s. of late Rev. C. R. de Havillaud and Hon. Mrs. de Havilland, sister of present Viscount Molesworth. Educ.: Elizabeth College, Guernsey, 1881-90, and Cambridge University, 1890-3; Professor, Kobe Mission School ( S.P.G. ), 1896-98; Fourth High School, Kanazawa, 1898-1904; Higher Normal School, Tokyo, 1904-6. Publications: Short Stories for Composition and conversation. Address: Hotel Metropole, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan.