Who's Who in the Far East/HOPKINS, Lionel Charles
HOPKINS, Lionel Charles (TIENTSIN), H.B.M. Consul-General. Appointed Student Interpreter in China, Jan., 13, 1874; acting Consul at Ningpo, 1882; at Chinkiang, 1883; at Amoy, 1886; at Pakhoi, 1836 to 1888; at Chinkiang, 1889 to 1890; at Kiukiang, 1890 to 1891; promoted 1st Assistant, April 1, 1891; acting Consul at Tamsui, 1833, to 1895; promoted Vice-Consul at Shanghai. Jan. 24, 189o; acting Consul at Chefoo, 1895 to 1896; at Hankow, 1896; at Wultu, 1896; at Chefoo, 1897; promoted Consul at Chefoo, Sept. 27, 1897; Consul-General for Consular District of Tientsin ami Peking, March,22, 1901; Consul-General for Provinces of Chihli and Shansi, Feb. 28, 1902. Address: H.B.M. Consulate, Tientsin, China.