Who's Who in the Far East/HUTTENBACH, Hon. August
HUTTENBACH, Hon. August (SINGAPORE), Merchant; b. 1850, at Wormsam-Rhein; m. Clara Trevelyan, d. of late Rev. Nicholas Frank Hill, Allan Court, Cheltenham. Ednc.: Latin College, Worms-am-Rhein. Served in the Franco-German war in 1870; arrived in East, 1872; founder and senior partner of Hiittenbach Brothers and Co., Singapore, Penang, and London; and Hiittenbach, Liebert and Co., Penang; Capt. -Commandant, Penang Volunteer Fire Brigade, 1879; opened new steam communications with Penang -Selangor, Straits-Coromandel Coast, etc.; created all British Mail line from Europe via Bombay-Negapatam-St raits Settlements; member of Legislative Council, 1894-96 and 1905-6; authoiity on currency question. Publications: "The Silver Standard and the Straits Currency question," and sundry essays. Addrexx: Singapore, Straits Settlements.