Who's Who in the Far East/ILIFF, Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Durnford
ILIFF, Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Durnford (CHEFOO), Bishop of Shantung, exclusive of Territory ceded to Germany in 1898; b. Oct. 7, 1867, 5th, s. of Rev. George Iliff, Headmaster of Hall School, Sunderland in. 1898, F.S., c. d. of T. Stephens, of Deal. Educ.: St. Edmund's School, Canterbury; St. Augustine's College Canterbury. 1st class University Prelim, for candidates for Holy Orders, 1889; Deacon, 1891; Priest, 1892. Missionary at Tai An-fu, 1890-1894; Peking, 1894-1895; Ping Yin, 1895-1897; Tientsin, 1898-1903; Consecrated 1st Bishop of Shantung at Lambeth Palace Chapel by Archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by Bishops of AYakefield, Stepney, Corea and Bishop Montgomery, 1903. Address: May to Sept., St. Peter's, Chefoo, North China; Sept. to May, Tai An-fu, Shantung, North China.