Who's Who in the Far East/JAMESON, John Watt
JAMESON, John Watt (HONGKONG), Marine Salvage Engineer; b. Nov. 16, 1851; m. Rolla Gertrude Way, of Tientsin. Educ.: Edinburgh Academy. Arrived in China in 1872; remained in Saigon and Cochin China as Superintendent Engineer for 16 years; proceeded thence to Tientsin and was manager of Taku Tug and Lighter Co. for 12 years, during which time had considerable experience in salvage work; upon leaving Tientsin devoted attention to salvage enterprises and has had many successes, one of the most important being the floating of the U.S.A. battleship "Oregon," stranded in the Gulf of Pechili; brought out in 1905 the special salvage steamer "City of Birmingham," the first of its kind to be introduced in to Chinese waters. Clubs; Conservative, Edinburgh; Tientsin. Address: Hotel Mansions, Hongkong.