Who's Who in the Far East/JOHNSTON, Rev. Mercer Green
JOHNSTON, Rev. Mercer Green (MANILA), Clergyman of Protestant Episcopal Church; 6. Dec. 3, 1868, in Mississippi, U.S.A. Educ.: Academy and Theological University of South Sewanee, Tenn.; studied law at Virginia University. An assistant in Grace Parish, N.Y., 1893-1930; Rector of St. Paul's Church, and Chairman of Faculty and Chaplain of West Texas Military Academy, 1900-03; Rector of Pro-catheclral Church of St. Mary and St. John (formerly St. Stephen's) Manila; President of Bishops' Council of Advice; one of examining Chaplains; Associate Editor of Manila Outlook; Hon. Vice-President of Columbia Club, 1903-06. Club: Columbia, Manila. A ddress: 248 Calle Nozaleda, Manila, Philippine Islands.