Who's Who in the Far East/KAMIMURA, Vics-Admiral Hikonojo
KAMIMURA, Vice-Admiral Hikonojo ( TOKYO ), Commander -in -Chief, Yoko.suka Station; b. at Satsuma, May 5, 1850. Was Captain of cruiser " Akitsushima " in Chino-Japanese War, 1894-1895; Captain of battleship, "Asahi," 1899; promoted Vice-Admiral, 1903; visited Australia with a training squadron in 19U3; on outbreak of Russo-Japanese War was appointed Cornmander-iu-Chief of 2nd Japanese Squadron, and sank the "Rurik," and seriously damaged the " Groinoboi" and the "Rossia," in the encounter off the eastern coast of Corea, Aug. 14, 1904; and later forced the "Novik" aground on Saghalien; appointed to present post, 1906. Address: Tokyo, Japan.