Who's Who in the Far East/KOKE, Matsuoka
KOKE, Matsuoka (TOKYO), Minister for Agriculture and Commerce; b. 1846. Entered Government service in 1870 as Secretary in Department of Justice, and became Chief Judge, officiating in that capacity at Tokyo and Kobe; was appointed assistant Chief Secretary in Department of Justice, 188O, and became President of the Hiroshima Appeal Court in the same year; sent to Europe to investigate judicial systems, 1836, and was absent from Japan two years; during absence was appointed Judge of Supreme Court and Director of the Civil and Criminal Affairs Bureau; upon return to Japan was also appointed a member of the Law Code Investigation Committee; President of the Tokyo Appeal Court, 1890; Attorney Ceneral in the Supreme Court, 1891; appointed member of House of Peers, 1S91; Vice-Minister for Home Affairs, 1894 and 1S8; President of the Court of Administrative Litigation. 1899-1906; given present portfolio. 1905. Address: Tokyo, Japan.