Who's Who in the Far East/LEWIS, Robert Ellsworth
LEWIS, Robert Ellsworth (SHANHAI), M.A.; Sec. of International Committee of Y.M.C.A.; b. Sept. 29, 1869, at Berkshire, Vermont, U.S.A.; Educ.: Brigham Academy; State University, Vermont, M.A., 1899; College Secretary, Mass., R.I., and Boston, 1894-96; Travelling Secretary, S.V.M., Canada and U.S.A., 1896-97; Secretary, International Committee of Y.M.C.A., since 1898; Travelling Secretary, China, 1898-1900; attached to American Army, relief of Peking, 1900 (mentioned in despatches). Publications: " The Educational Conquest of the Far East". Address: 2, Barchet Road, Shanghai, China.