Who's Who in the Far East/MACDONALD, Sir Claude M.
MACDONALD, Sir Claude M. (TOKYO), K.C.B., K.C.M.G.; H.B.M. Ambassador; b. June 12, 1852, s. of late Major General J. D. MacDonald; m. 1892, Ethel, d. Major W. Cairns Armstrong, 15th Regt. Educ.: Uppingham College; Royal Military College, Sandhurst.-Entered 74th Highlanders, March 16, 1872; Captain, Feb. 12, 1831; Major (Brevet), Nov. 18, 1882; served throughout Egyptian Campaign of 1882, and through Suakin Expedition of 1884-1885, as a Volunteer with 42nd Highlanders; employed on Special Service in Egypt, from Feb. 13, 1883, to June 21, 1887; attached by War Office to Agency, Cairo, from 1832 to 1887; retired from Army, March 25, 1896; Acting Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, from July 16, 1887, to March 21, 1888; ap. pointed Commissioner on West Coast of Africa, Dec. 15, 1888; proceeded on Special Mission to Niger Territories, June, 1889; sent to Berlin with reference to delimitation of boundary between Oil Rivers Protectorate, and Colony of Cameroons; Commissioner and Consul-General in Oil Rivers (now Niger Coast) Protectorate and adjoining Native Territories; Consul to Island of Fernando Po; Consul in the Cameroons, Jan. 1, 1891; Minister to China and Corea, Jan 1, 1896; was at Peking during Siege and commanded Legation defenders, 1900; Minister to Japan and Consul-General in Japan, Oct. 26, 1930; promoted Colonel (Reserve of Officers); British Ambassador at Tokyo, 1905. Decorations: Egyptian Medal with three Clasps; Khedive's Star; 4th class of the Osmanieh; Jubilee Medal; China Medal and Clasp; Coronation Medal; 2nd class of Rising Sun. Clubs: St. James; Junior United Service; Tokyo. Address: H.B.M. Embassy, Tokyo, Japan.