Who's Who in the Far East/MAIN, Dr. David Duncan
MAIN, Dr. David Duncan (HANGCHOW), L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.E., 1881, M.B.G.P., 1902, F.R.U.P.E., 1905; b. 1856, m. Florence Nightingale Smith, d. of late D. Diugwall Smith, Edinburgh, and a, d. of late Alex. McVicor, post captain R.N. Educ.: Edinburgh. Medical Missionary in charge of C.M.S. Hangchow Hospital and Medical Training College, since 1881; surgeon to I.M. Customs. Publications: Whitlas Dictionary, Playfair's Midwifery, Cheyne's Wounds, Abscesses, and Ulcers, etc., in Chinese. Decoration Order of 5th Button. Address: Hangchow, China.