Who's Who in the Far East/MORGAN, Evan
MORGAN, Evan (TAIYUANFU), Missionary; b. Oct. 1, 1860; m. 1886, Marion Lindsay, d. of R. Wesdon, Bristol and n. of late Henry Winter-botham, M.P., Under-Secretary of State for Home Affairs. Educ.: University College, Bristol; London University. Arrived in China, 1884, at time of Franco-Chinese War; has spent six years in Sianfu, Shensi, and was there during Boxer trouble, and was frequently in danger from excited mobs; left Sianfu under escort provided by H.E. Tuan Fang about a month after Taiyuanfu Massacres, of which sent first telegraphic news to coast; with exception of furlough and period spent in Shensi has lived throughout in Shansi; engaged in evangelical, educational and translating work. Publication: Translations into Chinese of books on science, etc; articles in "North China Daily News." Address: Taiyuanfu, via Peking, North China.