Who's Who in the Far East/NO YES, Rev. Henry V.
NOYES, Rev. Henry V. (CATON), D.D.; Minister and Missionary; b. April 24,1836; m, Jan. 29, 1876. Educ.: Western Reserve University, Ohio, U.S.A. Has been at Canton since May 23, 1866; spent first 19 years in itinerating work in regions of San-Ui, San-Ning, Yan-Ping and Hir-Ping; during this period established six out -stations and two churches in those districts; for past 20 years has been engaged in educational work and was largely instrumental in establishing Presbyterian High School and Theological Seminary at Canton. Publications: Concordance of New Testament (Chinese); was one of each of the committees who prepared respectively a commentary upon the whole of the New and the Old Testament. Address: Canton, China.