Who's Who in the Far East/O'BRIEN, Frederick
O'BRIEN, Frederick (MANILA), Journalist and Lawyer; b. 1869; m. 1897. Educ.: Loyola College, Baltimore, Mil., U.S.A.; University of Maryland. After leaving college spent two years in travelling about world; news Editor, Honolulu "Advertiser," 1900; Western! Editor, New York "Commercial," 1902; travelled through Orient for New York "Commercial": Editor and Publisher, " The Cablenews," Manila, P.I., since 1902; Correspondent of New York "Herald" in Orient for past three years; has been connected with journalism since 1891. Publications: Magazine articles and contributions to local journalism. Clubs: University, Manila: Array and Navy, Manila; Olympic Club, San Francisco, California,. U.S.A. Ad tress: University Club,. Manila, Philippine Islands.