Who's Who in the Far East/OSBORNE, James Henry
OSBORNE, James Henry (SHANGHAI), Secretary, S. C. Faruham, Boyd and Co., Ltd.: b. Nov. 9, 1853. Educ.: Privately. Been in China (Shanghai) over a quarter of a century and witnessed several stirring events, among others the late riot, where served with reserves; Masonic: P.M. 1027. E.C., Senior Installed P.M. M.M. in Shanghai; P.Z. 129 S.C. and promoted Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland for China and Colony of Hongkong; one of the founders of the Masonic School, now the Shanghai Public School; President of the Executive Committee of the Masonic Hall. Decorations: Medal for active service with Shanghai Volunteers. Clubs: Shanghai, Race, Masonic, and most sporting clubs. Address: 108, Range Road, Shanghai, China.