Who's Who in the Far East/PIGGOTT, Sir Francis Taylor
PIGGOTT, Sir Francis Taylor (HONGKONG). Kt., M.A., LL.M.; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Hongkong; b. April 25, 1852, s. of Rev. Francis Allen Piggott, of Worthing; m. Mabel Waldron, e. d. of Jasper, Wilson Johns, J.P., D.L. Educ.: Paris; Worthing College; Trinity College, Cambridge. Called to the Bar, 1874; special mission to Italy, 1887; Legal Adviser to Prime Minister of Japan, 1887-1891; Secretary to the Attorney -General, Sir Charles Russell, M.P., on the Bearing Sea Arbitration, 1893; acting Chief Judge, Mauritius, 1895-1897; Procureur and Advocate-General, Mauritius, 1894-1905; present position since 1906. Decoration: Kt. (1905). Publications: Foreign Judgments, Vol. I., 1879; Vol. II., 1881; 2nd Ed., I Vol., 1884; Principles of Law of Torts, 1885; Exterritoriality and Consular Jurisdiction, 1892; Service out of the Jurisdiction, 1892; Behring Sea Letters. 1893; Revised Edition of Laws of Mauritius, 6 Vols., 2nd Ed., 1894; Nationality and Naturalisation, and the English Law on the High Seas, and Beyond the Realm, 1904; The Garden of Japan, 1892; Music and Musical Instruments of the Japanese, 1893. Recreations: Golf. Club: Thatched House, Hongkong. Address: Hongkong; Ewhnrst, Surrey.