Who's Who in the Far East/PLAYFAIR, Frank William Walter
PLAYFAIR, Frank William Walter (NAGASAKI), H.B.M. Consul; b. April 8, 1858, e. s. of late General Elliot Minto Playfair, R.A.; m. 1893, Jane, d. of late Major General J. Orr. Appointed Student Interpreter in Japan, March 30, 1880; acting Consul at Nagasaki, 1884 and 1885; acting Consul at Hyogo, 1887; promoted 1st class Assistant, Nov. 9, 1887; acting Consul at Hyogo, 1888 and 1889; acting Consul at Hakodate, 1889 to 1890; acting Vice-Consul at Tokyo, 1891 to 1892; acting Consul at Hyogo, 1894-5-6, 1897 and 1898; promoted Consul for Consular District of Hakodate, Aug. 4, 1898; transferred to Shimonoseki as Consul fur Consular District of Shimonoseki; was also in charge of Austro-Hungarian interests at Shimonoseki; transferred to Tamsui, May 21, 1903; Consul at Nagasaki, 1904. Recreations: Riding, cycling, boating. Address H.B.M. Consulate, Nagasaki. Japan; c/o Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C.