Who's Who in the Far East/SPARHAM. Rev. Charles George
SPARHAM, Rev. Charles George (HANKOW), B.A.; Clergyman and Missionary; ft. Jan. 1, I860, at Brighton, Eng.;. Mary B. L., o. s. d. of Rev. Griffith John, D. D. Educ.: Cheshunt College, Herts; University College, London; London University. Appointed to Cent. China Miss, by London M. Soc., 1884; travelled extensively in province of Hupeh, and established mission centres in cities of Yun Meng and Yengshan, l884-95; Collaborated with Rev. Griffith John in pioneer work in Hunan, and the establishment of mission centres at Uengchow, Siangtan and Changsha, 1897-1902; Superintended the districts of Hwang-pi, Hwangan and Hwang-kang in Hupeh, 1897-1906 (during this period over tU churches were established and about 2000 persons baptised); with five others explored the higher valley of the Lu-shan range near Kiukiaug, the exploration resulting in the founding of the Kuling Sanatorium, 1894; member of Kuling Council, 1899-1905 (Chairman 1902-05); member of spec, committee which secured extension of Kuliug Estate, 1904; Principal of London Mission Normal School, Hankow. Publications: "Christianity and the Religions of China," "Outline life of Christ," etc. Address: London Mission, Hankow, China.