Who's Who in the Far East/TENNEY, Charles D.
TENNEY, Charles D. (TIENTSIN), LL.D.; Teacher; 6. June 29, 1857. Educ.: Dartmouth Coll., U.S.A. Principal, Anglo-Chinese School, Tientsin, 1886-95; U.S. Vice-Consul, 1888-1896; Tutor in family of Li Hung Chang, 1887-92; Pies., Peiyang Univ., 1895-1900; Chinese Sec., Tientsin Provisional Govt., 1900-02; Pres., Peiyang Univ., 1902-1906. Decorations: Brevet Chinese 2nd rank; Double Dragon 3rd of 2nd rank. Publications; "English Lessons ";"English Grammar"; "Geography of Asia". Address: Tientsin, North China.