Who's Who in the Far East/THOMSON, Dr. John Christopher
THOMSON, Dr. John Christopher (HONGKONG), M.A., M.B., C.M., D.P.H.; Government Medical Officer; b. Lockerbie, Scotland, June 5, 1863. Educ.: Edinburgh University; M.A., 1884; M.B., C.M. (with second class Honours), 1888; M.D., 1892; Edin. Uni. Certificate in Diseases of Tropical climates. 1904; Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Cambridge, 1904; D.P.H., Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1904. Formerly Superintendent of Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals, Hongkong; Lecturer on Tropical Diseases, and Sec., Hongkong College of Medicine for Chinese; entered Hongkong Civil Service, Jan., 1897; J.P., 1898; President, Hongkong and China Branch of British Medical Association, 1899. Publications: Author of Reports on Malaria and on Hongkong Mosquitoes, in Government Gazette. Club: Hongkong. Address: Barker Road, Hongkong.