Who's Who in the Far East/VASSAL, Dr. Joseph Marguerite Jean
VASSAL, Dr. Joseph Marguerite Jean (NHATRANG), M.D., Boudeaux; Surgeon-Major of Colonial Troops; b. Aug. 5, 1867, at Talence ( Gironde ); m. Dec. 29, 1903, Gabrielle Maud Candler, of London. Educ.: Tivoli and National Lyceum, Bordeaux Faculty of Medicine, and Principal School of Naval Health Board. Served in 3rd Regt. of Marine Infantry at Rochefort sur mer, Sept. 29, 1888, became Corporal and Sergeant in same regiment; left army to study medicine; obtained doctor's degree 1894; sent as auxiliary doctor to Toulon; apptd. on Jan. 10, 1895, to Cochin-China, where.served at Saigon, Clandoe and Vinh-Long; other Colonial Services: Senegal, two years, Reunion, 3 years, 2nd class Surgeon Major since July 27, 1877; sent on a mission to La Reunion by Institute Pasteur of Paris to combat bubonic plague; went to Maurice (Mauritius) in 1903 to study plague, And the "Surra" of that island; in 1903 attended Univ. of Liverpool and obtained diploma of " School of Tropical Medicine"; has been at Pasteur's Institute of Nhatrang since April 2, 1904. Publications: Several works on " Un nouvel Henintyoaire d'un Mamifere " (which was called " Hemamceba Vassali "), a parasite in the blood of a pheasant in Annam, Try-panosoma Polyplectri (Vassal); also on a disease of horses, Annals of Pasteur Institute of Paris, G. R. Society of Biology, etc.; Pamphlet on Economics of Indo-China, Oct., 1905; "Study of the Sang-Bian Plateau," a sanatorium in Indo-China, and other works. Address: Pasteur Institute, Nhatrang, Annam, Indo-China.