Who's Who in the Far East/WANG WEN-SHAO
WANG WEN-SHAO (PEKING), Prime Minister of Grand Council; native of Chekiang; metrop. graduate. 1852; Second Class Sec., Board of Revenue, 1857; Taotai, Hupeh, Oct., 1864; Taotai, Hankow, 1866; Treasurer, Hunan, June, 1869; Governor, Hunan, June, 1872; Vice-Presdt., Board of War, March, 1878; Minister, Tsung-li Yamen, Aug., 1878; Minister, Grand Council, Jan., 1879; retired to attend on his mother, Dec., 1882; Governor, Hunan, April, 1888; Viceroy, Yunnan and Kueichou, June, 1889;: Viceroy, Chihli, Aug, 1895; Presdt., Board of Revenue; Minister, Grand Council and Minister, Tsung-li Yamen, June, 1898; Comptroller General of Mines and Railways, July, 1898; Asst. Grand Sec., Dec., 1899; Grand Sec., Jan., 1901; Council of Government Reform, April, 1901; Supervisor, Board of Revenue, 1901; Minister, (Hui-tan-ta-ch'en), Board of Foreign Affairs, July, 1901; order of Yellow Riding Jacket, Sept., 1901; acting Plenipotentiary, (on death of Li Hung Chang), Nov., 1901; order of twoeyed peacock feather, Dec., 1901; Director-General of Railways and Mines, Jan., 1902; accompanied their Majesties the Emperor and Empress Dowager in their escape to Hsian-fu from Peking during the Boxer outbreak in 1900; Prime Minister of the Grand Council, 1905: relieved of Office as Grand Councillor, July, 1905, owing to great age, 70 odd years.