Who's Who in the Far East/WILEMAN, Alfred Ernest
WILEMAN, Alfred Ernest (TAINAN), H.B.M. Consul. Appointed Student Interpreter in Japan, July 4, 1882 1st class Asst., Sept., 28, 1889; Asst. Japanese Secretary, Tokyo, 1891 to 1892; ag. Japanese Secretary, 1892 to 1894; employed as Asst. in Japanese Secretary's Office 1894 to 1896; ag. Registrar to Court for Japan, 1896 to 1897; promoted Vice-Consul for Hyogo and Osaka, Dec. 28, 1896; ag. Consul at Hyogo, 1898; transferred to Hakodate as Vice-Consul for Consular District of Hakodate, April 1, 1901; promoted Consul for Consular District of Tainan, May 21, 1903. Address; H.B.M. Consulate, Tainan, Formosa.