Who's Who in the Far East/WORCESTER, Dean Conant
WORCESTER, Dean Conant (MANILA), F.R.G.S.; Sec. of Interior, Philippine Islands; b. Oct. 1, 1866, at Thetford, Vermont; in. April 27, 1893, at Pasadena, California, Nanon Fay Leas. Educ.: Newton High School, Newton, Mass.; Univ. of Michigan, degree of A.B. in 1889. Member of Steere Expedition to Philippine Islands during 1887-88, when spent a year making zoological collection, visiting all larger islands of Archipelago; assistant in Botany, University of Michigan, 1889-1890; one of two men to conduct and manage Scientific Expedition to Philippines, 1890-93, when all larger islands of Philippine group and many small ones were visited for purpose of making zoological collections; Instructor of Zoology at University of Michigan, 1893-94; in 1895 appointed Assistant Professor of Zoology and Curator of Zoological Museum of University of Michigan; served as member of first Philippine Commission, of which President Schurman of Cornell University was president, from Jan., 1899, to April, 1900, when appointed member of second Philippine Commission; Secretary of Interior of Philippine Insular Government since Sept. 1, 1901. Fellow of the American Ornithologists' Union; Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member of the Washington Academy of Science; Member of the Ameriaan Geographical Society. Publications: "The Philippine Islands and their People," 1899 (Macmillan Company); also various papers on birds and mammals of Philippines. Address: Manila, Philippine Islands.