Who are the quacks?
Published by S. MOHLER
While permitting this Lecture to go before the public, we are aware that many persons may be prejudiced against us and our cause, before having given the subject reasonable thought. We would remind such persons, if such there be, that we are all human beings, placed here to aid, encourage and "love one another." Hence, we do most humbly implore them to peruse and digest the contents of this discourse without bias; and, if after having done so, they can point out any doctrines which are not in strict accordance with sound scientific laws—we will most sincerely thank them for such criticism; still, we do not deem it just that a doctrine should be denounced without a legitimate cause. However, we claim to have ample reason to dislike and disapprove of "quackery"—simply because "life" is very precious to us as well as to our children and friends whom we love most affectionately. And we deem this glorious boon too valuable to trifle with; we equally consider the "cure of human ills" too serious for jesting or for hypothetical experiment!
Entered according to the act of Congress, in the Year 1860, by
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
S. M. LANDIS, M. D.,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
This is a subject which deserves more than ordinary thought; yea, it needs serious consideration, because our lives are in jeopardy!
Many persons, frequently, say to us, that we are too severe on a certain class of "Professional Men." Esteemed friends, truth, pure, scientific, unalterable truth is mighty, majestic, god-like, and must prevail, especially in a matter of so vital importance; and there is no such thing, as advocating a "half–way."
Therefore, as benefactors and honorable citizens we are compelled to "speak the truth, and nothing but the truth," as we understand it, if all the professional characters in creation should become our foes!
The great query, must naturally arise in the minds of the uninitiated and apparently uninterested population; who really are the truth-uttering persons? Truly, who shall decide when doctors and ministers disagree? We emphatically answer sound "common sense" which, however, is not very common.
For our part, we do not claim to know everything; but, what we do know, we are not ashamed of, nor afraid to "preach and practice," and we mean to be true to duty, if the heavens come down.
In this matter we are decidedly "John Brown." That is to say, we are willing to eat out of the same dish, that we recommend to others, face our own music, and take our own Physic.
Being greatly interested in the subject before us, we are willing to labor hard, and sacrifice considerable, to establish a sound Science, in regard to the preservation and restoration of normal health. First, because we are very much concerned about the welfare and happiness of our own, as well as our neighbors' children—who shall live after us to possess this world; and whose lives, health and happiness, commend themselves to our warmest and most heartfelt sympathies! Oh! to see the innocency of youth robbed of all its normal vivacity, grace and symmetrical beauty without a thought upon the very first principles of the Divinity of Nature is barbarous blasphemy and demands vigorous repulsion; yea, it cries aloud for vengeance and redress!
The Author of Nature has made us freemen of this earth; kindly has He bestowed upon us the faculty of Reason, by which we should be guided; giving us the noble and liberal privilege to "seek and find; knock and it shall be opened unto us;" and to "prove all things, and hold fast that which is good," instead of "living as we list," regardless of the holy and sublime truths, which are within the grasp of every enlightened and civilized mind! Therefore, beloved friends, we ask you, all to exercise your reasoning powers—independent of prejudice or obsolete dogmas. By so doing, you may be able to judge for yourselves, whether our teachings are sound or unsound.
We do not come before you as demons to lure you into the path of darkness, sin and folly; but, we are here to exhort you, to speak to you in affectionate entreaty and counsel; being fearfully conscious of the glories and dangers of the deep, deep sea of life, and solemnly impressed with the importance of every word we utter!
We are placed here, to act the part of benefactors to our fellow beings, whom it is our duty to "love as ourselves," not to abuse any one, or any sound doctrines; but to expose and denounce improper, unphysiological, erroneous, or incompatible theories and dogmas—whether they are sanctioned and supported by the rich or poor; religious or irreligious; liberal or biassed minded people. Nor do we ask any person to believe what we say, unless he sees pure and untrammelled truths propounded to attest our assertions. But, may every one feel the importance and dignity of the subject in consideration. Yea, may the "God of love" awaken a feeling within your parental bosoms, which will compel you to cast aside all bias, and list to the voice of an unperverted instinct! Thus we would recommend to your consideration, our philosophy or doctrines, being actuated, as we believe, by the sincerest desires for the welfare of our fellows; for the welfare and happiness of all the children, and children's children of the earth. As truth-loving and independent people, let us look "quackery" square in the face; and denounce with thundering tones, those things which tend to undermine our Constitutions, and impair our Virtues!
Let us "seek truth where'er 'tis found,
On Christian or on Heathen ground;
The flower's divine where'er it grows;
Neglect the prickle, but assume the rose."
We boldly affirm, and can, and daily do, substantiate it by practice and principle, that we can preserve health, and eradicate all manner of acute and chronic diseases, easier and speedier without a particle of internal drug medication, than the most learned and pretended scientific "medical men" can do, with all their profound learning—with all their technicalities, conflicting and varied opinions, and complicated medicaments combined. Nor do we claim this ability to be a miraculous talent inherent in us only; but, it is a simple truth which should be obvious to the minds of all humanity, It is the sublimest and greatest blessing of blessings! In your own minds, you may question the truthfulness of these assertions. But you can attain the same knowledge and understanding by giving this very indispensable subject judicious thought and action; by exercising your reasoning faculties, and doing as we have perseveringly done.
In the first place, it was through personal sufferings, that we were induced to make trial as a very last resort of the Water-Cure Treatment, which was then in its apparent infancy. It being about seventeen years since.
But, notwithstanding these assertions, and our experience, both as Invalid, and for ten years Practitioner—how can we prove to your minds that our experience is more legitimate and truthful than that of other persons, unless through an exposition of the fallacies, imperfections and precariousness of the "drug-systems," which are so fashionable and prevalent in this community?
However, by referring to their own standards, that is, to the highest "Medical Authority" in the world, we can readily inform ourselves that the most Learned and Experienced Physicians have repeatedly acknowledged the imperfections, aye, the deleterious and destructive effects of their poisonous Materia Medica; and their ignorance upon the subject of the "Nature and Causes" of Disease; and of the "Modus Operandi" of their favorite medicaments!
Indeed, men of the keenest minds, the most thorough explorers in the mysteries of medicine, now freely admit that with all their learning "they know nothing;" and that "medicine has groped its way through the mists of ignorance, halting and blind." Even the great Majendie, himself is among the brilliant lights of modern times, who are willing to destroy the medical records of the past, and start afresh upon investigations and experiments. In fact, we know some of the most honorable and experienced Physicians who have left the profession in abhorrent disgust! And many more would follow their noble footsteps, if they could make a livelihood by any other avocation. But the people are often too selfish and stubborn themselves, to support a man who is honest enough to tell them their faults, and in spite of all that honest Physicians can do, to save mankind from the horrid jaws of drug-stimulation and deterioration, they are determined to take Physic, and stuff themselves with vicious Aliment, even though they are equally as ignorant as inexperienced "quacks" who seek notoriety at the expense of humanity; and who little dream, that drug-medication is one of the greatest causes of the decline of health and normal beauty; and therefore produces lack of true Moral courage, which is requisite to carry out, a truly happy and godly life.
Medicines may change the character of disease, as long as a sufficient amount of vitality exists, to resist their unfriendly and corrosive intrusion upon the citadel of life. They may, often be made to patch the system, by allaying symptoms, obscuring thereby the exciting cause of disease. Even at the best, on an average, Physicians are less successful than ignorant Grannies, who use hot-bricks, hot foot-baths, and simple gruels, as remedial agents.
We take the liberty to state, that we have been educated in the various profound systems of medicine; and we are sorry to assert, that in "years gone by," we used to diagnosticate disease, and treat our patients according to the "Medical Books," and truly they used to die according to the books.
We used to physic and vomit them according to the books, and they used to gag and gripe according to the books. We used to believe in accordance with the books, and our patients used to suffer in proportion and in accordance. But, thank God, we have learned better; and our patients now generally commence to get better from the first, without having authoritative occasion to put them through a horrible, nasty, filthy and poisonous course of bleeding, blistering, leeching, cupping, scarifying, puking, purging, and mercurializing them with tonic doses of rank poisons.
Now friends, we would not have you imagine for a moment, that we blame the Physicians near as much for the "quackery" which exists in our progressed and very enlightened country, as we do the people themselves. Why, if Johny, Jacob, Isaac, Sammy, Susan or Kate should get a little Stomach-ache, or a slight Diarrhoea, which is not near as bad a condition as even a mild dose of "Castor Oil" would induce; "Papa or Mama," or both, are horribly frightened—fearing that Jimmie's precious internal fabric might become seriously afflicted; and post-haste John or Betsie must run for the doctor, who comes and examines the case, and discovers that Jimmie had eaten a little too much lobster, or oyster-pie. The physiological remedy necessary and judicious would be, to make Jimmie swallow glass after glass of pure warm water, until the stomach became thoroughly distended, with the pure fluid; when the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal would be reversed, and the nasty mess ejected by the same route it got there, and thus Jimmie be fully and properly cured.
But nay, this would be considered too simple treatment for so complicated an engorgement; and more than its simplicity, it would give "Papa and Mama" a chance to dodge or dispute the payment of the doctor's bill, as he gave nothing of value—simply used the plentiful and cheap article, "warm water." In such a case, the Physician would not only lose his pay, but his reputation would be forfeited, as a non-scientificist.
As long as the people justify the useless, abusive, and barbarous habit of swallowing drugs of various kinds; so long may they expect to be cursed with imbecility, disease and premature death—and a true "Healing Art" be overlooked and scorned by the masses.
Again, it is not only Physicians and Apothecary Men who deal out the poisonous drugs for disease, but the people use them repeatedly and continually while they enjoy comparative good health. Even the conscientious and Christian man and woman indulge in teas, coffees, catsups, peppers, tobaccos and the thousand and one, poisonous drugs, which have no business in the houses' of an enlightened and Christian community. These agencies belong to the Materia Medica, or book of medicine, and therefore are poisonous—they are neither food nor drink—yet they provoke the vital powers to action for their expulsion; aud make a similar impression upon the human organism, as a whip makes upon a horse, at a useless and unphysiological expenditiure of vitality. Do you think that he who was the pattern of all purity ever indulged in such habits? Do you believe that any human being could, consistently, possess the pure and holy spirit of Christ, whilst his body and mind were vitiated and stullified by such incompatible agencies which were never designed for the use of man, but for the purpose of aiding in the purification of the earth; by assisting in the atmospheric changes, &c?
It is impossible, at present, to go into details on this important subject; it would require several hours to give a mere outline of the design and intention for which the God of Nature created them.
Esteemed friends, you may condemn us, whilst we condemn your favorite; yea, beloved, and almost inherited unphysiological habits; but, if you could really and truly see and feel the importance of these matters as sensibly and acutely as we do, you would surely lend us your most energetic aid, and kindest and warmest sympathies; aye, you would assist us to do away with these incitive causes of licentiousness, gluttony, bigotry, drunkenness and human sufferings!
It makes little difference to us whether you call us Fanatics, Atheists, Christians or Heathens; yea, notwithstanding all the sneers, scorns and scoffs which we have, time and again, been compelled to put up with, we still delight in God's physiological sayings and doings, and we thank the Divinity of Nature, that we are possessed with the goodly feeling in behalf of the welfare, the health, and happiness of our "fellow brothers and sisters!" It makes us exceeding happy to see others happy, and to be happy, we must be healthy, and this is the reason we desire all humanity should be perfectly healthy—so that we can all resemble God's, and unite in outpourings of normal gratitude to the God of love!
We cannot expect that the people will change all, or any, of their unphysiological modes of living as long as doctors and ministers join them in the indulgence of their perverted gratifications of appetite. Although in oiden times the Serpent beguiled Eve; yet our present Eves are too nice and refined to be beguiled. It seems to us, however, that the same Serpent's great, or greatest grand-child is still lurking beneath the tempting viands that beguile to sin both the Adams and Eves of this very enlightened nineteenth century.
If you could see the celebrated Dr. Leibig's combustion phenomenon ripping and tearing the interior organs and glands to pieces, and putrefying their finest tissues, you might be astonished at this celebrity's errors, especially, if you could take a bird's eye view at the unition of the horrible messes of combustible incongruities, which are repeatedly shovelled down from above, into an innocent and defenceless stomach!
Indeed, indeed! a few ordinary fashionable doses of spices, sauces, sausages, meats, tarts, jellies, pies, nuts, confectionaries, bon-bons, ice-creams, and the wines, brandies, punches, slings, teas, coffees, chocolates, tobaccos, and the cholagogues, hydragogues, sialagogues, and all other gogues, and medicaments ushered by lightning velocity into a receptacle, called the "human stomach" needs no commendation to attest the truthfulness of the existence of combustion and putrefaction. But does this complication of riot and gluttony give any evidence in favor of a legitimate "combustion phenomenon?" No put all these combustible agencies on s heap, and let air and light come in contact with them, and observe if the consequence will not shortly be a mass of manure. Heaping each separately will not render either of them half as susceptible to combustion and putrefaction as will their combination.
Combustion however, says medical and chemical Authority generates heat; truly, so does manure heat up the hot-house plant, but how artificial, pale and bloodless is that plant compared with the one which is nourished by normal agencies.
Equally pale and soft is the man or woman who lives on combustible or stimulating elements, instead of the natural concomitants of life.
Wheat Corn, Potatoes, sound Fruits, &c., keep a long while without rotting. Why is this? Because nothing but the pure elementary principles of nutrition and non-nutrition are inherent in these "fruits of the earth," without possessing those combustible and stimulating properties.
Still everything changes, for decay is natural to all things. Imagine also, the odoriferous fumes which must arise from a "meat-pipe underneath which such combustible materials are lodged. On the contrary a person who leads a true and physiological life, using the "fruits of the earth for meat," other things being equal, has a breath as sweet as the innocent babe at the mother's bosom. Nor is there anything like combustion, or internal putrefaction going on, which is requisite to warm the system; but pure food is assimilated, and the waste or worn out materials are quietly cast off through the unclogged excretory channels, and thus normal heat is generated by pure tissue, a peaceful mind, and a strong heart. The vivifying principle of which is the soul from God, overflowing with gratitude; abounding in purity, symmetry, health and happiness. The normal standard of man and woman! If among the various Arts and Sciences, such absurd theories as "Dr Leibig's Combustion Speculations," which have befogged so many minds, and misled so many medical men, should be brought forward as sound dogmas, they would soon be denounced as falsities, and find a place among the things "that were." Yet in this profoundly fashionable circle of pretended scientific doctors, or life protectors; this unnatural and false physiological notion still prevails, and even commends itself to the medical talent of modern scientificists. Oh! learnedness, how art thou bewitchified!
This erroneous combustion phenomenon, to keep up the heat of the organism, is not the only absurd and hypothetical theory, which is, and has been, quoted for many years by medical, physiological, and pathological authorities; but, there are dozens of equally erroneous and confounding theories in vogue, which are set down as standpoints for medical creeds to grasp and digest.
The Medical Schools do not teach a True Physiology. If they did, "diversity of opinions" would no longer exist, but, there would be universal agreement, and each one would comprehend that the "true and sublime laws of life" are equally as scientific, when understood, as are the rules of Mathematics, or any of the laws which govern the Arts and Sciences.
Some of our most Eminent Physiologists expose their profound ignorance of a Sound Physiology, by tho old and absurd assertion, that "what is one man's meat, is another man's poison."
If this were truth, it would decidedly prove that the God of nature had not created proper agencies to sustain the normal conditions of man. So far from making the Divinity of Nature a "quack," we would acknowledge our inferiority to Him, and take the insignificant name ourselves.
The mistake lies here; Physicians derive their false physiological knowledge by dissecting diseased, combusted and rusted-out, instead of worn out, dead bodies. In place of becoming enlightened through the teachings and purity of an unfallen "Adam," whose organization was as free from combustion and putrecency as the "Holy Spirit" is from demonism, they continue on the wrong and sinful path of riot and gluttony. A true physiology can only be obtained from a perfectly healthful stand-point, from sound fundamental principles. From Nature, when in its normal condition, but man's nature is perverted, at this age, and consequently our experience upon sinful man can result in nothing better than a conglomerated mass of hypothetical and mystified nonsense.
Chemists, Anatomists, Physiologists and Pathologists oft times analyze the tissues and blood of diseased, living or dead persons, in which they discover iron, arsenic, lead—and we almost said plaster-of-paris. The latter, however, we believe is never found inside of human tissues, still it may frequently be detected on the cheeks of our fashionable belles. Hence their erroneous conclusion, deeming these agencies essential constituents, merely because they have been found to exist in the organic domain. To find a certain thing in a man's blood or tissue is no more evidence of its legitimacy, than to find an oyster in his stomach is a proof that the oyster is a part of the man. Or that a thief belonged to the house in which he was detected, as an accidental ingredient. You would soon tell the thief to leave, being an unwelcome intruder, so says an unperverted instinct to uncongenial agencies. Such unsound logic might answer in regard to things pertaining to matter, as in the "Arts and Sciences;" but where Life and Soul become involved, we should expostulate more vehemently! And it is not only a false Physiology that is taught by the Medical profession; but, they confess their ignorance as regards a true Pathology, or the nature and cause of diseases. They openly assert that "they know not what disease is." Neither do they understand the modus operandi, or effects upon the system, of their medicines. All they appear to know about these things is, that disease hurts, and medicines gripe, and by giving them a good opportunity at both, they fire and blaze away in the dark, "hit or miss," "kill or cure," "survive or perish," down you must, and if Satan should yell to the contrary. So numerous are their remedies, and plentiful the diseases, that they are sometimes puzzled to know what kind of disease exists, and what remedies to choose. In such cases a celebrated country doctor has set them a very splendid example.
He was at a loss to diagnosticate or read the disease, when he went to his saddle-bags, and withdrew a powder therefrom, requesting the patient to swallow it, saying, "this will give you fits, and I am death on fits."
Before, Physicians attempt to cure disease, they should know now to sustain normal health, and equally comprehend what disease is. Perfect health signifies Physiology, but comparative health is bordering on Pathology or disease. Perfect health is that condition of the human system in which every organ, gland and fibre is sound and fully developed, and each performs its duty, and no more nor less.
This condition is perfection; it is physiology, it is godliness, it is holiness, it is found only in a person possessing a perfect terrestrial and celestial nature. To such a person drugs or medicines claim an incompatible and poisonous relation, instead of a congenial affinity.
If perfect health signifies physiological, or regular, or normal, or harmonious action, between all the members of the human system, surely, then, disease which is its reverse or opposite condition, must be unphysiological, or irregular, or abnormal, or inharmonious action in the vital domain.
In a few simple words then we have given a true and scientific description of both health and disease. One is regular and the other irregular vital action. It is very plain that they are both actions. The normal, which is health, is physiological action, and the abnormal, which is disease, is pathological action. Therefore, as disease is merely deranged vital action, any person of ordinary discretion can suggest the proper and scientific principles upon which a restoration must depend. It is simply to wash away extraneous materials from the vital channels, regulate temperature of the bodily organs, supply hygienic influences which consist in congenial agencies, viz: pure air, food, drink, light, water, electricity, &c. Anything which sustains normal action must be of equal importance to restore abnormal conditions.
The great unsolved problem in the minds of medical men is, to know what agencies will fulfil the indispensable indications requisite to restore disease, also what will really sustain normal health. No one of common sense, can believe that drugs or medicines will either sustain or restore vital action. Nay, medicines, including all uncongenial or incompatible substances, or elements, are poisonous when brought in contact with the living tissues; because they are not capable of nutrition and assimilation. Because they must pass through the organic domain without imparting renewed vital structures. Because, they are net food, but intruders, meddlers, stimulants, and therefore only excite abnormal action without adding to the living creature physiological stamina.
All these uncongenial agencies or improper proportioned elements belong to one category, whether they consist in improper food and drink, medicine, tobacco, vitiated air, or anything else. They are all poisons, that is, in proportion to the dose and their corrosive properties. And all physiologically proportioned elements of human life, belong to another category of agencies, these are useful to, and usable by the organism as real food, water, air, &c. They are the concomitants of life, by which perfect or physiological health can be sustained, and restored when lost.
There never exist more than two normal sides, to any scientific subject. One is compatible, the other incompatible. "No one can serve God and Mammon at the same time." No person can be perfectly healthful, and also partially, or wholly sick. A man can only swallow poisonous agencies, or food and drink. The one is usable, the other non-usable.
A man must either be in the right or in the wrong. He must be a sinner or a Saint, He must speak the truth or falsehood. He must be in darkness or light. He must see or be blind. He must hear or be deaf. He must be strictly scientific or be a "quack." He must understand his subject or be a ninny. He must be wise or be a stupid booby, But, how? says our refined, half or partially scientific philosopher, shall I come to such a conclusion? I am very certain, that I am more enlightened, and nearer correct, than many other persons; yet, I am not thoroughly and legitimately scientific.
We answer, Science knows no "half-way;" you must evidently be a "quack," or a "half-cut." And we do most emphatically protest against any "quack" or "half-cut" to tamper with our lives! Nay, the merchant or financier would not trust his monetary matters in your hands, hence, how could you ask us to trifle with our most precious boon, sweet and glorious life!
Friends, since medical authorities acknowledge, that medicine has not been, and cannot be reduced to Science, we deem it a privilege to give our reasons why it is not, and cannot become a Science. Medicine in itself, however, is a Science, but when applied to Vital Organs, as curative or restorative adjuncts, it looses all its scientific bearings, because the relations that medicinal agencies claim to living tissues, are uncongenial, incompatible, and absolutely at enmity with organic functions, therefore how in the name of science can medicinal drugs become scientific abettors to humanity.
Although our doctrines may not be understood by every auditor—but to those, to whom our explanations are not clear and comprehensive, we will say—ask us any questions relative to this subject and we will endeavour to answer them scientifically.
Hypothetical or morbid experience may confirm the assertion, that medicines are useful and have often relieved persons from suffering and death. Equally so has borrowing money, to pay off an old debt, saved men from failing for the time being—but it would be a great error to suppose that such acts were natural and scientific proceedings. However, it might be more judicious to borrow the money, if one had the credit to do so, than to fail. Because, his business might rally in the meanwhile, and, thus, by the time the borrowed money came due, he might be able to pay both principle and interest. But in human life it is somewhat different; Physicians do not always know whether nature has credit or not. Should she have however, they are still unable to insure her rallying, after this temporary relief is obtained, and more than this—in the "Hygienic Practice" we can fulfil all essential indications, without these risks,—that is, without medicines, or borrowing or exchanging "an Evil for an Evil"
Hence we do not reject drugs, merely, because we dislike them, but because we are much more—yea, tenfold more successful without, than with them. Truly, such is the truth—and as we claim to be familiarly acquainted with the Medical dogmas, practices and successes of the various schools we have a right to pronounce upon such hypothetical experience,—but they who are not indoctrinated into the true, scientific and natural method of "Cure," have no right to pronounce upon our experience. The wisest man that ever lived — tells us "not to answer a matter, before we know it." Under our treatment, all kinds of diseases are curable, but not all degrees of them consequently not all patients. A case is curable as long as the organic powers are stronger, than that of the morbific matters.
The natural query may arise in the minds of our auditors. It seems very strange, that these errors in the medical profession have not sooner been discovered? Why have our Medical Sires, who have devoted Centuries to this Art, not embarked in these scientific, these vital, these true physiological projects, and have discovered their unalterable truths—instead of harping on those absurd and should be obsolete, theories and practices? Equally and very appropriately might we assert, that we well remember the time, when the people spurned and ridiculed the idea, yea, even thought it blasphemous, that mortal man should attempt to send dispatches by lightning speed, through the Air, from City to City, or from the far East to the far West. Truly, when the Magnetic Telegraph was first spoken of as a grand Invention, the majority of mankind sneered, hooted and scorned the persons who spoke of its truthfulness. But how long did this skepticism exist? Until the biassed and uninitiated gave the subject Thought and its operations Eye-sight. Until they discovered through their own sensibilities that such was a sound and tangible fact. And no sooner than this did all "diversity of opinions" vanish on this subject, and the telegraphic communications were classed among the irrefragable truths. Just so, must it be with the subject in consideration.
Men, women and children,—yea, even the beasts will fly from drug-medication, and defend the glorious and successful hygienic agencies, when they become thoroughly enlightened and indoctrinated into this true "Healing Science."
We are here to defend our rights,—the rights of human nature, and to promulgate the sublime and scientific truthfulness of the highest of arts,—the Art of Living and the true Science of Cure. That science which concerns all living souls; yea, we deem it the sublimest, the loftiest, the holiest and the most adorable of all sciences combined!
Think on it for a moment—just for a moment,—the true art of preserving body and soul, and the never failing science of cure! Oh! what a glorious achievement; what a Moral, aye, a Religious duty, to grasp and practice such God-sent injunctions and blessings! Fly, then, from the nefarious practice of drug-medication, and from all false hygienic, physiological and pathological dogmatisms! Spurn bigotry, prejudice, ignorance and sectarian monopoly, and cling with iron tenacity to Nature's irrefragable and sublime laws!
However, it cannot be expected at this age, that mankind will live in accordance with sound physiological rules. First, because the generality of persons do not comprehend, nor care to learn, these laws; and secondly, because there are so many morbid and unphysiological inducements and plans of deception held out to lure the innocent into the gilded walks of vice and folly, that we truly feel heart-sickened as we glance at things in general! But, notwithstanding all these obstacles, mankind should learn to comprehend that the way to health and happiness "is a way of Pleasantness, and its Path Peace." Since nature's laws are daily transgressed, either, ignorantly, wilfully, or accidentally, it must be borne in mind that mankind must suffer the penalties in acute and chronic sickness. This being the fate of mortal man, we would earnestly urge every rational being to bear in remembrance that the only true and scientific method for curing all diseases consists in supplying hygienic influences; washing away impurities, which have accumulated in the organic domain, and clogged the most minute vascular structure, by the only physiological solvent, diluent and detergent in existence, pure "hot" water. And by reducing febrile or increased abnormal temperature, by pure "cold" water, ventilation, quietus, patience and holy faith! By a skilful management in this manner all is done that can be done, to aid nature, and your astonishment at its successful result, will be as pleasing as it is surprising, and you will be as much amazed as old foggies were at the invention of the Telegraph.
In health or disease, poisons, drugs or medicines are as little needed by those Physicians, or persons who understand the proper uses of the hygienic agencies; as does the skilful Telegraphic operator require the use of the mail to carry his dispatches. However, should this operator have no knowledge of the Telegraph, he would be compelled to be satisfied with the P. O. arrangements. And should he not have the use of the mail, he would be forced to carry his own messages, and should he have neither horse nor public conveyance, he might console himself by using his own organs of locomotion. Precisely so with medicines. Should we not know how to cure "human ills" without the use of these precarious and deleterious agencies, we would as a natural consequence administer them as well as our uninitiated fellow-physicians. Still, ignorance of a normal "Curative Science" would be no proof that this science did not exist, or that it was useless or false.
As we have a plentiful supply of true, scientific, physiological, congenial, harmless and never-failing agencies outside of the Medical or drug dispensary, we thank our stars for the knowledge and privilege of using them to so much better advantage.
Truly, Pure Water alone, can be applied to fulfil two of the most essential indications in disease, which all the remedies in the whole medicinal pharmacopeia cannot fulfil.
By a judicious application of steam and hot-water we can relax any part of the system interiorly or exteriorly, and hence wash away extraneous materials. This remedy never fails to effect its indication; that is, if we place hot water into a living organism, or an organism into hot water, the result of heating is always certain. And by the skilful administration of cold water—even ice, we can moderate the action of any part of the living system, and we are never deceived in the cooling phenomena.
Think for a moment, then, what a useful agent water is, when judiciously used, both in the preservation of health, and restoration from disease.
Medical men often speak of the insufficiency of our treatment in urgent cases of sickness. They certainly never could expose more ignorance than by such assertions. There is no agent in the universe half as powerful and effectual as water. It is the medium of intercourse between Nation and Nation. By Land it rolls the gigantic "Iron Horse" from the rivers to the ends of the earth, and by Sea it quietly speeds over its beautiful bosom the majestical palace, which carries thousands from shore to shore. In the normal conditions of man, more than two-thirds of the entire bulk of the system is pure water, in disease this water in the system becomes as it were dirty or stagnant, and needs purifying.
Water in its various temperatures can be made to increase or decrease action and temperature of the body to any extent desired, and thereby fulfil that grand indication, which is considered universally by all Physicians the greatest, and most indispensable of all indications. It is to equalize the circulation of the vital fluid—the blood
In addition to water as a restorative agency, we claim Electricity, in its various forms, as a physiologically healing adjunct. Also the celebrated "Movement-cure," and a multiplicity of congenial remedies which leave us no occasion even to dream of that should be obsolete, and certainly, pernicious and precarious method most judiciously denominated "poison practice."
In conclusion, Ladies and Gentlemen, allow us to draw your attention to the subject in view; that is, "Who are the Quacks?" The term "quackery" bears no significance when applied to a purely scientific "Water, Electric and Hygienic practice." Because, "quackery" has been derived from 'quack-silver," or more commonly speaking "quick-silver," which was introduced by the ancients as a healing agency.
Various kinds of "quacks," however, exist among all professions, and particularly among such as are based upon false fundamental, or non-scientific principles, as is the Medical Profession. The advocates of the latter do not only acknowledge the precariousness, or uncertainty of their remedies, but they are fully cognizant of the falsity of their Physiological and Pathological dogmas. They equally are, or should be, aware that their whole doctrines are founded upon Nosological, Pathological, Speculative and Experimental Theories instead of normal standards.
Allopathy, Homeopathy, Electropathy, Physiopathy, Kinesipathy, Motorpathy, Hydropathy, and all other pathies are indicative of "quackery," as well as Eclecticism, which has no principles at all, being a random-shot affair throughout. Pathy, signifies nosis or disease. We may dissect these Medical terms and give their legitimate meaning.
Allopathy—Allo, meaning opposite or contrary, and pathy—disease, means curing the original complaint by producing an opposite drug-disease. And thus a new disease is induced often more grievous than the first, as though the devil which had been cast out, had brought with it "seven other spirits more wicked than itself."
Homeopathy—Homeo, signifying similar, and pathy, disease, naturally implies a Similar complaint, as though to fall down stairs and break your neck, is merely indicative that you must repeat the neckbreak operation, and the cure is complete.
Electropathy, Electro, Electricity, and pathy—disease, signifies an Electric-disease. All that is necessary here, is to make a hobby of Electricity, run a few streaks of lightning through you, and come out thoroughly galvanized.
Kinesipathy or Motorpathy—Kinesi or Motor, meaning movement or exercise, and pathy, disease, signifying Exercise-disease. The pre-requisite to this fulfilment is to trot or gallop a person from 10 to 20 miles before breakfast, and twist and screw him in all possible shapes to incite action of torpid parts.
Hydropathy, Hydro—referring to water and pathy, disease, signifying water-disease. This is a very effectual plan for growing young ducks.
All that the water doctor need do, is to souse, dip, plunge and soak his patient in very cold water, and wrap and pack him until the heat of the body is well nigh extracted, or every vital part drowned, and the patient frozen as stiff as a poker, when soaking in hot water will thaw his refrigerated organism, and too truly a water-disease is induced more grievous than the first. We are very sorry to assert, that we have too many so-called "Water-Cure Physicians" who misuse and abuse this vital agent to such a shameful extent, that all the good which would arise from a judicious administration of water in disease, is entirely lost sight of, and hence the term Water-Cure is despised by the masses of the people, which is the legitimate result of ignorant charlatans, who are just as far from practising a true, Physiological or Hygienic "Healing Science," as Demonism is from Saintship, or Heaven from Perdition.
Eclecticism means combining all the pathies, or "disease-producing" systems of healing, and swallowing all the salubrious Medicamentums in Christendom. Thus, slightly touching off the "big-gun" with "Dr. Leibig's Combustion Phenomena," bespattering the whole world with the nasty conglomerated agencies; wise-looks, technical gibberishness and balderdash which signifies nothing more or less than fake medicine, eat, drink and sleep—what then? why take medicine, eat, drink and sleep again.
Truly—too truly such is the truth, and real conditions of matters and things in regard to that sweet, and most glorious thing, called "life." Oh! most precious boon, gift of adornable Nature! Heavenly power, how exquisitely magnificent Thou hast made mortal man—yea, Thou hast equally implanted sublime faculties of perception and reflection in his nature! But, alas! how imbecile, inhuman, ignorant, stupid and barbarous do we prove ourselves, by the care we bestow upon these most divine gifts! We too often despise and trample under foot those blessings—those things which would minister most to our real wants and true and celestial happiness. It appears the people are not sufficiently ripe yet, and likely never will be, to appreciate and comprehend the munificent powers and gifts which surround us! Money and prejudice rules and controls its thousands, nay, its millions! And "true worth" and genuine talent is slightly valued, in comparison with the artful and deceptive methods of life.
We therefore plead for charity and benevolence, for sympathy and thoughtfulness in behalf of this cause, human redemption and preservation! In behalf of the glorious tidings of an unperverted and unadulterated instinct; for the health of mankind, for their souls salvation, for all the magnanimous inherent powers of the normally Physiological man and woman! Indeed words cannot express the joyousness and the glory which would bind mankind together in harmonious unition! Verily, the Angels would shout Hosanna! while beholding a truly charitable, noble-minded and unbiassed knowledge-seeking people!
But, alas! alas! bigotry, tyranny and preposterous dogmatism claims the respect of this enlightened people, and truly we may say, that the masses of mankind are on the broad way to destruction, without reflective or thoughtful apprehensions of evil consequences.
Friends of freedom. Friends of free, noble America, we most earnestly implore you to join us in this glorious, self-purifying, self-preserving and self-elevating cause! Do not, we pray you, spurn our motives, but aid. Oh! for God's sake, for your own sake, for the sake of your children and grand children, aid in the promotion of human health and happiness!
We can truly assert that we have been faithful, industrious, pleading, planning, contriving and arduous laborers in this glorious reform for more than a dozen years. We have sought the aid and sympathies of the people at large. We have implored the Ministers of the Gospel. We have urged it upon the Medical Profession to reform and teach sound doctrines. We have studied Theology for the sole purpose of its dissemination from the Pulpit, indeed we have done everything in our power to further its usefulness! But, alas! what have we received in return' From Physicians, we have received angry words and sour looks. From the Clergy, we have received contempt, and too often scornful denounciations. From Bigots and Sectarianists we have received the uttermost scorns, scoffs and rankest abuse and curses. But, thank God, from the noble and liberal-minded Philanthropist we have received sympathy, aid, encouragement and congenial acceptance! God bless the Philanthropist! and let us have a greater abundance of them.
Since we have found our avocation gigantically repulsed by the majority of those persons who claim to control the higher classes of society, as well as by the ignorant and biassed, we are compelled to speak bluntly and plainly to all, regardless of worldly praise, or favors from that class who can only be reached through money, hypocracy and deception.
We have children whom we love! Their future is near and dear to us! They may have children who will be none the less dear to them! And since we are convinced that the true doctrines of the "laws of life" are the great substratum upon which we can alone insure health, happiness and genuine wealth to our children and grand children, we do most energetically urge this cause upon all thinking humanity.
May the heavens then speak to you in persuasive entreaty and counsel. May the Sun, Moon and Stars bear testimony to the immutability and sublimity of this subject! May all the beauties of Nature unfold themselves before the the vision of untaught eyes! May every hard-hearted sinner receive this glorious light! May the Angels swell the souls of humanity and press them onward toward the good time coming! May the rich, the poor, the sick, the healthy, the liberal, the biassed, the physicians, the ministers, the saints—yea, may all join in harmonious recognition of Nature's laws, and bid peaceable unition to all mankind: and compel the heart to yield its treasures of love! Then will unity, peace, health, happiness, religion, wisdom, virtue, truth, nobility and godliness reign supreme, and shed their glorious light throughout the world, and the Millennium be established indeed!
Thus do we commend our loftiest ideal and conception of good for humanity's sake!
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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