Index of Authors: | |
[edit]- Gabirol, Solomon ibn (1021–1058)
- Gabre-Medhin, Tsegaye (1936–2006)
- Gabriel, Ralph Henry (1890–1987)
- Gad (1564 BCE–c. 1439 BCE)
- Gaddafi, Muammar (1942–2011)
- Gadow, Hans Friedrich (1855–1928)
- Gaertner, Joseph (1732–1791)
- Gage, George William (1887–1957)
- Gage, Homer (1861–1938)
- Gage, Lyman Judson (1836–1927)
- Gage, Phineas (1823–1860)
- Gage, Thomas (1597–1656)
- Gage, Thomas (1719–1787)
- Gagnon, Onésime (1888–1961)
- Gairdner, James (1828–1912)
- Gairdner, William Henry Temple (1873–1928)
- Gairdner, Sir William Tennant (1824–1907)
- Galanskov, Yuri (1939–1972)
- Gale, Frederick (1823–1904)
- Gale, James Scarth (1863–1937)
- Gale, Thomas (1635–1702)
- Gale, Zona (1874–1938)
- Galignani, Giovanni Antonio (1757–1821)
- Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642)
- Gall, Richard (1776–1801)
- Gallatin, Albert (1761–1849)
- Gallatin, Albert Horatio (1839–1902)
- Gallaudet, William E. (–1821)
- Galle, Johann Gottfried (1812–1910)
- Gallée, Johann Hendrik (1847–1908)
- Gallichan, Walter Matthew (1861–1946)
- Gallienne, Richard Le (1866–1947)
- Galloway, Charles Betts (1849–1909)
- Galloway, George (b. 1954)
- Galloway, Steven (1975–present)
- Galsworthy, John (1867–1933)
- Galt, John (1779–1839)
- Galton, Douglas Strutt (1822–1899)
- Galton, Francis (1822–1911)
- Galton, Frank Wallis/Wallace (1867–1952)
- Galvani, Luigi Aloisio (1737–1798)
- de Gama, Vasco (1460–1524)
- Gambi, Ennio
- Gambier-Parry, Ernest (1853–1936)
- Gamble, Frederick William (1869–1926)
- Gamble, James Sykes (1847–1925)
- Gamgee, Arthur (1841–1909)
- Gamsakhurdia, Konstantine (1893–1975)
- Gandhi, Indira Priyadarshini (1917–1984)
- Gandhi, Mohandas K. (1869–1948)
- Gandhi, Rajiv (1944–1991)
- Gannett, Henry (1846–1914)
- Gannett, William Channing (1840–1923)
- Gans, J. (fl. 1824–1826)
- Garcia, Carlos P. (1896–1971)
- García Lorca, Federico (1898–1936)
- Garcke, Emile (1856–1930)
- du Gard, Roger Martin (1881–1958)
- Gardel, Carlos (1887–1935)
- Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1879–1963)
- Gardiner, Harry Norman (1855–1927)
- Gardiner, Marguerite (1789–1849)
- Gardiner, Robert Strachan (1874–1950)
- Gardiner, Samuel Rawson (1829–1902)
- Gardner, Ernest Arthur (1862–1939)
- Gardner, Gerald (1884–1964)
- Gardner, John Starkie (1844–1930)
- Gardner, Martin (1914–2010)
- Gardner, Percy (1846–1937)
- Garencières, Theophilus de (1610–1680)
- Garfield, James A. (1831–1881)
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807–1882)
- Garis, Howard R. (1873–1962)
- Garner, James Wilford (1871–1938)
- Garnett, Constance (1861–1946)
- Garnett, Frederick Brooksbank (1827–1896)
- Garnett, Richard (1835–1906)
- Garnett, William (1850–1932)
- Garnsey, Henry Edward Fowler (1825–1903)
- Garran, Sir Robert Randolph (1867–1957)
- Garrick, David (1717–1779)
- Garrison, William Lloyd (1805–1879)
- Garrod, Alfred Henry (1846–1879)
- Garrud, William Herbert (1871–1936)
- Garshin, Vsevolod (1855–1888)
- Garstang, Walter (1868–1949)
- Garstin, William Edmund (1849–1925)
- Garth, Samuel (1661–1719)
- Garver, Bruce Morton (1938–)
- Garvey, Marcus (1887–1940)
- Garvie, Alfred Ernest (1861–1945)
- Gascoigne, George (1535–1577)
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert (1830–1903)
- Gaskell, Charles George Milnes (1842–1919)
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810–1865)
- Gaskell, Walter Holbrook (1847–1914)
- Gasquet, Francis Aidan (1846–1929)
- Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655)
- Gaster, Moses (1856–1939)
- Gatcombe, John (1818–1887)
- Gates, Merrill Edward (1848–1922)
- Gates, Willey Francis (1865–?)
- Gates, William Henry III (1955–)
- Gatschet, Albert Samuel (1832–1907)
- Gaudet, Placide P. (1850–1930)
- Gaunt, Mary (1861–1942)
- Gauss, Anne Durfee (1876–1932)
- Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777–1855)
- Gauss, Charles Henry (1845–1913)
- Gauss, Christian (1878–1951)
- Gauss, Eugene (1811–1896)
- Gauss, Robert (1851–1913)
- Gaussoin, Eugene Narcisse (1812–1881)
- Gautama Buddha (c.563 BCE–c.483 BCE)
- Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872)
- Gay, Edward James (1816–1889)
- Gay, Edwin Francis (1867–1946)
- Gay, John (1685–1732)
- Gayarré, Charles Etienne Arthur (1805–1895)
[edit]- Gebbie, Grace (1877–1936)
- Geddes, Sir Patrick (1854–1932)
- Gedye, Nicholas George (1874–1947)
- Gee, William Winson Haldane (1857–1928)
- Geer, Curtis Manning (1864–1938)
- Gehrig, Lou (1903–1941)
- Gehring, Franz (1838–1884)
- Gehrkens, Karl Wilson (1882–1975)
- Geibel, Adam (1855–1933)
- Geikie, James (1839–1915)
- Geikie, Sir Archibald (1835–1924)
- Geisslová, Irma (1855–1914)
- Geldner, Karl Friedrich (1852–1929)
- Gell, Philip Lyttelton (1852–1926)
- Gellibrand, Henry (1597–1637)
- Gellius, Aulus (c.130–c.180)
- Gellner, František (1881–1914)
- Geminiani, Francesco (1687–1762)
- Geminus of Rhodes (fl. 1st century B.C.E.)
- Genghis Khan (c.1162–1227)
- de Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité (1746–1830)
- Gennadius (?–496)
- Geoffrey of Monmouth (ca. 1100–ca. 1155)
- Geogeghan, Francis
- George III, King (1738–1820)
- George VI, King (1895–1952)
- George, Henry (1839–1897)
- George, Mathew (?–?)
- George, Sanila (fl. 2015)
- George, Seymour Thorne (1851–1922)
- George, Stefan (1868–1933)
- Geoghegan, Richard Henry (1866–1943)
- Gerard, James Watson (1867–1951)
- Gerardus Cremonensis (c. 1114–1187)
- Gerbert d'Aurillac (c. 946–1003)
- Gerbier, A.
- Gergonne, Joseph Diaz (1771–1859)
- Geringer, Joseph
- Gérin-Lajoie, Antoine (1824–1882)
- Germain, Elizabeth (1680–1769)
- Gernsback, Hugo (1884–1967)
- Gersdorff, E. Bruno de (1820–1883)
- Gershwin, George (1898–1937)
- Gesell, Silvio (1862–1930)
- Gesenius, Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm (1786–1842)
- Gesenius, Wilhelm (1862–1930)
- Gesner, Conrad (1516–1565)
- Gettemy, Charles Ferris (1868–1939)
[edit]- Ghazālī, Abu Hamid al- (1058–1111)
- Ghosh, Amitav (1956–)
- Ghosh, Manmatha Nath
- Ghosh, Rash Behari (1845–1921)
[edit]- Giaimo, Robert (1919–2006)
- Gibb, Elias John Wilkinson (1857–1901)
- Gibbon, Lewis Grassic (1901–1935)
- Gibbon, Edward (1737–1794)
- Gibbons, Alfred St Hill (1858–1916)
- Gibbons, Helen Davenport (1882–1960)
- Gibbons, James (1834–1921)
- Gibbs, Cecilia May (1877–1967)
- Gibbs, Josiah Willard (1839–1903)
- Gibran, Kahlil (1883–1931)
- Gibson, Alexander (1800–1867)
- Gibson, Charles Robert (1870–1931)
- Gibson, George Herbert (1846–1921)
- Gibson, John (??–1887)
- Gibson, John Campbell (1849–1919)
- Gibson, John Westby (1823–1892)
- Gibson, Randall Lee (1832–1892)
- Gibson, Walcot (1864–1941)
- Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson (1878–1962)
- Gibson, William Hamilton (1850–1896)
- Gide, André (1869–1951)
- Gietmann, Gerhard (1845–1912)
- Giffen, Robert (1837–1910)
- Gifford, Daniel Lyman (1861–1900)
- Gifford, Orrin Philip (1847–1932)
- Gifford, Richard (1725–1807)
- Gilbert, Benjamin Davis (1835–1907)
- Gilbert, Davies (1767–1839)
- Gilbert, Fred (–)
- Gilbert, Grove Karl (1843–1918)
- Gilbert, John Thomas (1829–1898)
- Gilbert, Joseph Henry (1817–1901)
- Gilbert, Josiah Hotchkiss (1834–1909)
- Gilbert, William (1544–1603)
- Gilbert, William Schwenck (1836–1911)
- Gilby, William Hall (1793–1835)
- Gilchrist, Alexander (1828–1861)
- Gilchrist, Anne (1828–1885)
- Gilchrist, Herbert Harlakenden (1857–1914)
- Gilchrist, Octavius Graham (1779–1823)
- Gildas (ca. 494 or 516–ca. 570)
- Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau (1831–1924)
- de Kay Gilder, Helena (1846–1916)
- Gilder, Jeannette Leonard (1849–1916)
- Gilder, Richard Watson (1844–1909)
- Giles, Francis Henry (1869–1951)
- Giles, William Ernest Powell (1835–1897)
- Giles, Henry (1809–1882)
- Giles, Herbert Allen (1845–1935)
- Giles, John Allen (1808–1884)
- Giles, Lionel (1875–1958)
- Giles, Peter (1860–1935)
- Gilkeson, Joanna
- Gill, David (1843–1914)
- Gill, Edwin Leonard (1877–1956)
- Gill, Theodore (1837–1914)
- Gill, William Fearing (1844–1917)
- Gillespie Smyth, Amelia (1788–1876)
- Gillette, King Camp (1855–1932)
- Gillette, William Hooker (1853/1863–1937)
- Gilliam, Edward Winslow (1834–1925)
- Gillies, Robert Pearse (1789–1858)
- Gilman, Arthur (1837–1909)
- Gillmor, Paul Eugene (1939–2007)
- Gillmore, Quincy Adams (1825–1888)
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860–1935)
- Gilman, Benjamin Ives (1852–1933)
- Gilman, Caroline (1794–1888)
- Gilman, Daniel Coit (1831–1908)
- Gilman, Nicholas Paine (1849–1912)
- Gilmer, Jeremy Francis (1818–1883)
- Gilmour, James (1843–1891)
- Gilpin, Bernard (1517–1583)
- Gilray, Thomas (1851–1920)
- Ginnell, Laurence (1854–1923)
- Ginsburg, Benedict William (1859–1933)
- Ginsburg, Christian David (1831–1914)
- Ginsburg, Roderick Aldrich (1899–1987)
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader (b. 1933)
- Giono, Jean (1895–1970)
- Girard, Albert (1595–1632)
- Girard, Maurice (1822–1886)
- Girault, Arthur (1865–1931)
- Girsa, Václav (1875–1954)
- Gissing, George (1857–1903)
- Gittinger, Roy (1878–1957)
- Giuliano, Sydney (fl. 2022)
[edit]- Gjellerup, Karl Adolph (1857–1919)
[edit]- Gladstone, William (1809–1898)
- Glaisher, James Whitbread Lee (1848–1928)
- Glanvill, Joseph (1636–1680)
- Glaser, Otto C. (1880–1951)
- Glasse, John (1848–1918)
- Glave, Edward James (1863–1895)
- Glazebrook, Sir Richard Tetley (1854–1935)
- Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfred (1863–1937)
- Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig (1719–1803)
- Glenday, Ann (1809–1890)
- Glenday, James (–)
- Glenday, Peter (–)
- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804–1857)
- Glover, Arnold (1865–1905)
- Glover, Richard (1712–1785)
- Glover, Terrot Reaveley (1869–1943)
- Glück, Barbara Elisabeth (1814–1894)
[edit]- Mary Gnaedinger (1897–1976)
[edit]- Gobineau, Arthur de (1816–1882)
- Goddard, Julia (1825–1896)
- Goddard, Pliny Earle (1869–1928)
- Godefroy, Andrew (1972–)
- Godet, Frédéric Louis (1812–1900)
- Godfray, Hugh (1821–1877)
- Godfrey, Ernest Harry (1862–1952)
- Godfrey, Robert (1872–1948)
- Godkin, Edwin Lawrence (1831–1902)
- Godley, Alfred Denis (1856–1925)
- Godsal, Philip (1850–1925)
- Godwin, Elizabeth Ayton (1817–1889)
- Godwin, Francis (1562–1633)
- Godwin, Mike (1956–present)
- Godwin, Parke (1816–1904)
- Godwin, William (1756–1836)
- Goebbels, Joseph (1897–1945)
- von Goebel, Karl (1855–1932)
- Goeje, Michael Jan de (1836–1909)
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)
- Goett, Sylvester
- Goft, Harriet Newell Kneeland (1828–1901)
- Gogh, Vincent van (1853–1890)
- Gogol, Nikolai (1809–1851)
- Gohar Shahi (1941–2001)
- Goldberg, Arthur Joseph (1908–1990)
- Golden, John (1874–1955)
- Goldie, George Dashwood Taubman (1846–1925)
- Goldin, Morris I. (1907–1991)
- Goldman, Emma (1869–1940)
- Goldsmid, Sir Frederic John (1818–1908)
- Goldsmith, Oliver (1728–1774)
- Gollancz, Sir Israel (1863–1930)
- Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (20th c.-)
- Golovin, Nikolai N. (1875–1944)
- Golovinski, Matvei (1865–1920)
- Gombaud chevalier de Méré, Antoine (1607–1684)
- Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de (1684–1770)
- Gomme, Alice Bertha (1853–1938)
- Gompers, Samuel (1850–1924)
- Goncharov, Ivan (1812–1891)
- Gong, Qianming
- Góngora y Argote, Luis de (1561–1627)
- Goniewicz, Krzysztof (1983–)
- Gonner, Sir Edward Carter Kersey (1862–1922)
- González Alonso, Jorge (1941–present)
- Goode, George Brown (1851–1896)
- Goodell, William (1792–1867)
- Goodge, William Thomas (W. T.) (1862–1909)
- Gooding, David Paul (1878–1946)
- Goodman, Paul (1911–1972)
- Goodrich, Chauncey Allen (1790–1860)
- Goodrich, Edward Stephen (1868–1946)
- Goodrich, John Ellsworth (1831–1915)
- Goodsell, Daniel Ayres (1840–1909)
- Goodwin, Alfred (1849–1892)
- Goodwin, Gordon (1856–1915)
- Goreh, Ellen Lakshmi (1853–1937)
- Goodwin, Robert Archer (1850–1914)
- Goodwin, Thomas (1600–1679)
- Goodwin, William Watson (1831–1912)
- Goodyear, Charles (1800–1860)
- Goodyear, William Henry (1846–1923)
- Googe, Barnabe (1540–1594)
- Göppert, Heinrich (1800–1884)
- Gorbachev, Mikhail (b. 1931)
- Gordon, Adam Lindsay (1833–1870)
- Gordon, Adoniram Judson (1836–1895)
- Gordon, Alexander (1841–1931)
- Gordon, Adams Anna (1853–1931)
- Gordon, Charles George "Chinese" (1833–1885)
- Gordon, Colombus (dates unknown)
- Gordon, Elizabeth (1866–1922)
- Gordon, George Angier (1853-1929)
- Gordon, George, Lord Byron (1788–1824)
- Gordon, Henry Doddridge (1833-1897)
- Gordon, Julia Emily (1810–1896)
- Gordon, Lucie (1821–1869)
- Gordon-Cumming, Constance Frederica (1837–1924)
- Gore, Al (b. 1948)
- Gore, George (1826–1909)
- Gorgas, Josiah (1818–1883)
- Gorham, George Cornelius (1787–1857)
- Gorky, Maxim (1868–1936)
- Görres, Johann Joseph (1776–1848)
- Gorst, Eldon (1861–1911)
- Gorst, John Eldon (1835–1916)
- Gosch, Christian Carl August (1832–1913)
- Gosse, Edmund William (1849–1928)
- Gosset, Charles Hilgrove (fl. 1878)
- Gotch, Frank Alvin (1877–1917)
- Go-Toba, Emperor (1180–1239)
- Gottheil, Richard James Horatio (1862–1936)
- Gottschalk (c. 808–867?)
- Gottschalck, Friedrich (1772–1854)
- Goudy, Henry (1848–1921)
- Gouge, William M. (1796–1863)
- Gough, Alfred Bradley (1872–1939)
- Gough, John Bartholomew (1817–1886)
- Gould, Elizabeth Porter (1848–1906)
- Gould, Frederick James (1855–1938)
- Gould, Jason (1836–1892)
- Gould, John (1804–1881)
- Gould, Marcus Tullius Cicero (1793–1860)
- Gould, Robert (1660?–1708/1709)
- Gouldsbury, Henry Cullen (1881–1916)
- Goulaeff, Erast Evgenievich (1846–1919)
- Gouley, John W. S. (?–?)
- Gow, James (1854–1923)
- Gow, William (1853–?)
- Gowen Brooks, Maria (1794–1845)
- Gower, John (1330–1408)
- Gowing, Margaret Mary (1921–1998)
- Goyau, Pierre-Louis-Théophile-Georges (1869–1939)
[edit]- Graah, Wilhelm August (1793–1863)
- Grabiński, Stefan (1887–1936)
- Grace, John Hilton (1873–1958)
- Gradle, Henry (1855–1911)
- Grafton, Grace (fl. 1838)
- Grafton, Richard (1511–1572)
- von Graefe, Albrecht (1828–1870)
- Graham, Peter Anderson (1853–1925)
- Graham, Thomas (1805–1869)
- Graham, Thomas Henry Boileau (1857–1937)
- Graham, Walter Armstrong (1868–1949)
- Graham-Smith, George Stuart (1875–1950)
- Grahame, Kenneth (1859–1932)
- Grainger, Adam (?–?)
- Grainger, Porter (1891–1955)
- Grammaticus, Saxo (1150–1220)
- Granbery, John Cowper (1829–1907)
- Granger, James (1723–1776))
- Granrud, John Evenson (1863–1920)
- Grant, Arthur Henry (1849–1917)
- Grant, Arthur James (1862–1948)
- Grant, Colonel Charles (1861–1932)
- Grant, Francis
- Grant, Hal (c. 1928)
- Grant, Jedediah M. (1816–1856)
- Grant, Robert (1779–1838)
- Grant, Ulysses S. (1822–1885)
- Grant, William Lawson (1872–1935)
- Granville, Grace
- Granville, Joseph Mortimer (1833–1900)
- Granville, William Anthony (1864–1943)
- Granville-Barker, Harley (1877–1946)
- Graper, Elmer Diedrich (1885–1975)
- Gratacap, Louis Pope (1851–1917)
- Gratry, Auguste Joseph Alphonse (1805–1872)
- Grattan, Clinton Hartley (1902–1980)
- Grattan, Henry (1746–1820)
- Grattan Flood, William Henry (1848–1925)
- Graves, Alfred Perceval (1846–1931)
- Graves, Charles (1868–1948)
- Graves, John Thomas (1806–1870)
- Graves, Louis (1883–1965)
- Graves, Robert Edmund (1835–1922)
- Graves, Robert Perceval (1810–1893)
- Gray, Asa (1810–1888)
- Gray, George Buchanan (1865–1922)
- Gray, George John (1863–1934)
- Gray, Horace (1828–1902)
- Gray, James (1770–1830)
- Gray, John Edward (1800–1875)
- Gray, John Miller (1850–1894)
- Gray, Thomas (1716–1771)
- Greeley, Horace (1811–1872)
- Greeley, Louis May (1858–1939)
- Greely, Adolphus Washington (1844–1935)
- Green, Anna Katharine (1846–1935)
- Green, Charles (1734–1771)
- Green, Eddie (1896–1950)
- Green, Edward Ernest (1861–1941)
- Green, Everard (1844–1926)
- Green, George (1793–1841)
- Reverend Green, George (1881–1856)
- Green, Joseph Reynolds (1848–1914)
- Green, Thomas Hill (1836–1882)
- Green, W. (fl. 1860s)
- Greenbank, Percy (1878–1968)
- Greenblatt, Jason (b. 1966)
- Greene, Albert Gorton (1802–1868)
- Greene, Washington Greene (1811–1883)
- Greene, Marjorie Taylor (1974–)
- Greene, Robert (1558–1592)
- Greenhill, Alfred George (1847–1927)
- Greenhill, William Alexander (1814–1894)
- Greenough, George Bellas (1778–1855)
- Greenidge, Abel Hendy Jones (1864–1906)
- Greenstreet, William John (1861–1930)
- Greenway, Thomas (1838–1908)
- Greenwood, Edgar (1875–?)
- Greenwood, Frederick (1830–1909)
- Greenwood, James (c. 1840–1929)
- Greg, Percy (1836–1889)
- Greer, Thomas Macgregor (1853–1928)
- Greer, Thomas Macgregor (1869–1941)
- Greg, Walter Wilson (1875–1959)
- Greg, William Rathbone (1809–1881)
- Gregg, William (1817–1909)
- Grego, Joseph (1843–1908)
- Gregor, Frances (1850–1901)
- Gregor, William (1761–1817)
- Gregorii, Johann Gottfried (1685–1770)
- Gregory of Nazianzus (329–389)
- Gregory of Nyssa (4th century)
- Gregory of Tours (538–594)
- Gregory I, Pope (540–604)
- Gregory V, Pope (972–999)
- Gregory VIII, Pope (1100–1187)
- Gregory X, Pope (1210–1276)
- Gregory XI, Pope (1336–1378)
- Gregory XII, Pope (1326–1417)
- Gregory XIII, Pope (1502–1585)
- Gregory XIV, Pope (1535–1591)
- Gregory XV, Pope (1554–1623)
- Gregory XVI, Pope (1765–1846)
- Gregory, Frank Hutson (1951– )
- Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta Persse (1852–1932)
- Gregory, John Walter (1864–1932)
- Gregory, Owen (?–?)
- Grenfell, Algernon Sidney (1804–1845)
- Grenfell, Henry Riversdale (1824–1902)
- Gresset, Jean-Baptiste-Louis (1709–1777)
- Greswell, Joana Julia (1836–1906)
- Greve, Charles Theodore (1863–1930)
- Grew, Nehemiah (1641–1712)
- Grewing, Robert J. (1877–?)
- Grey, George (1812–1898)
- Grey, Zane (1872–1939)
- Grey, 4th Earl Grey, Albert Henry George (1851–1917)
- Grier, Robert Cooper (1794–1870)
- Grierson, George Abraham (1851–1941)
- Grierson, Herbert John Clifford (1866–1960)
- Grierson, James Moncrieff (1859–1914)
- Grieve, Alexander James (1874–1952)
- Griffin, Bartholomew (?–1602)
- Griffin, Edward Dorr (1770–1837)
- Griffis, William Elliot (1843–1928)
- Griffith, Francis Llewellyn (1862–1934)
- Griffith, Ralph T.H. (1826–1906)
- Griffith, William (1810–1845)
- Griffiths, Arthur George Frederick (1838–1908)
- Griffiths, John G. (1845–1922)
- Griggs, Frederick Landseer Maur (1876–1938)
- Grillparzer, Franz (1791–1872)
- Grimm, Ferdinand Philipp (1788–1845)
- Grimm, Jacob (1785–1863)
- Grimm, Wilhelm (1786–1858)
- Grimshaw, Harold Atheling (1880–1929)
- Grimshaw, Percy Hall (1869–1939)
- Grimstone, Mary Leman (1796–1869)
- Grin, Alexander (1880–1932)
- Grinnell, Charles E. (1841–1916)
- Grinnell, George Bird (1849–1938)
- Grinnell, Joseph (1877–1939)
- Griswold, Frances Irene Burge Smith (1836–1900)
- Griswold, Rufus Wilmot (1815–1857)
- Groat, George G. (died c. 1951)
- von Eschwege von der Gröben, Luise Ernestine Charlotte (1847–1941)
- Grogan, Lady Ellinor
- Groner, Augusta (1850–1929)
- Groome, Francis Hindes (1851–1902)
- Grosart, Alexander Balloch (1827–1899)
- Gross, Charles (1857–1909)
- Grosse, Eduard
- Grossmith, George (1847–1912)
- Grossmith, George Jr. (1874–1935)
- Grossmith, Weedon (1854–1919)
- Grote, Augustus Radcliffe (1841–1903)
- Grote, George (1794–1871)
- Grote, George Whitfield (1842–1920)
- Grote, Harriet (1792–1878)
- Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645)
- Grout, Abel Joe (1867–1947)
- Grove, Agnes Geraldine (1863–1926)
- Grove, Frederick Philip (1879–1948)
- Grove, Sir George (1820–1900)
- Grove, Thomas Newcomen Archibald (1854–1920)
- Grover, John William (1836–1892)
- Groves, J. Percy (1850–1918)
- Growoll, Adolf (1850–1909)
- Gruber, Frank (1904–1969)
- Grueber, Herbert Appold (1846–1927)
- Gruelle, Johnny (1880–1938)
- Gruffydd, William John (1881–1954)
- Grum-Grshimailo, Grigorii Efimovitsch (1860–1936)
- Grün, Anastasius (1806–1876)
- Grundtvig, Nikolaj Frederik Severin (1783–1872)
[edit]- Guan Yu (?–219)
- Guarini, Giovanni Battista (1538–1612)
- Guazzo, Francesco Maria (15??–16??)
- Gubbins, John Harington (1852–1929)
- Gubbins, Mary Eyles (1818–1887)
- Gudeman, Alfred (1862–1942)
- Guðmundsson, Valtýr (1860–1928)
- Gue, Benjamin F. (1828–1904)
- Guébhard, Adrien (1924–1924)
- Guerber, Hélène Adeline (1859–1929)
- Guernsey, Alfred Hudson (1824–1902)
- Guernsey, Egbert (1823–1904)
- Guerrero, León María (1915–1982)
- Guest, Lady Charlotte (1812–1895)
- Guevara, Che (1928–1967)
- Gu Hongming (1857–1928)
- Guicciardini, Lodovico (1521–1589)
- Guillemin, Amédée (1826–1893)
- Guillim, John (1565/50–1621)
- Guimerà,Àngel(1845–1924)
- Guinan, Joseph (1863–1932)
- Guinness, Gershom Whitfield (1869–1927)
- Gul, Ayaz (1959-)
- Guldin, Habakkuk (later Paul) (1577–1643)
- Gulland, George Lovell (1862–1941)
- Gummere, Francis Barton (1855–1919)
- Gunn, William Maxwell (1795–1851)
- Gunning, Jan Willem Boudewijn (1860–1913)
- Gunning, William D. (1828–1888)
- Gunsberg, Isidor Arthur (1854–1930)
- Gunter, Edmund (1581–1626)
- Günther, Albert (1830–1914)
- Guppy, Shusha (1935–2008)
- Gurarie, Genia (–)
- Gurlitt, Cornelius (1820–1901)
- Gurner, Henry Field (1819–1883)
- Gurney, Henry Palin (1847–1904)
- Gurney, John Henry (1819–1890)
- Gurney Jr., John Henry (1848–1922)
- Gurney, Joseph John (1788–1847)
- Gurney Salter, Emma (1875–1967)
- Gusmão, Xanana (b. 1946)
- Gustafson, Zadel Barnes (1841–1917)
- Gutberlet, Constantin (1837–1928)
- Gutch, Eliza (1840–1931)
- zur Laden zum Gutenberg, Johannes Gensfleisch (1398–1468)
- Guthrie, Charles John (1849–1920)
- Guthrie, Hugh (1866–1939)
- Guthrie, Thomas (1803–1873)
- Guthrie, Thomas Anstey (1856–1934)
- Guthrie, Woody (1912–1967)
- von Gutschmid, Alfred (1835–1887)
- Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow (1811–1878)
- Guy, Charles L. (1856–1930)
- Guyau, Jean-Marie (1854–1888)
- Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte (1648–1717)
- Guyse, John (1689–1761)
[edit]- Gwenogvryn Evans, John (1852–1930)
- Gwynn, Edward John (1868–1941)
- Gwynn, John (1827–1917)
[edit]- Gye, Harold Frederick Neville (1888–1967)
- Gyllenborg, Carl (1679–1746)
- Gyōson (1055–1135)