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Index of Authors: | |
[edit]- Ráb, Václav (1804–1838)
- Rabbani, Shoghi Effendi (1897–1957)
- Rabelais, François (ca. 1493–1553)
- Rabot, Charles (1856–1944)
- Racine, Jean (1639–1699)
- Rackham, Arthur (1867–1939)
- Rackham, Bernard (1876–1964)
- Radau, Jean-Charles Rodolphe (1835–1911)
- Radcliffe, Ann (1764–1823)
- Radcliffe, Emilius Charles Delmé (1833–1907)
- Radford, Dame Emma Louisa (1857–1937)
- Radford, Ernest (1857–1919)
- Radford, George Stanley (1881 – fl. 1922)
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli (1888–1975)
- Radowitz, Joseph Maria von (1797–1853)
- Rae, John (1845–1915)
- Rae, William Fraser (1835–1905)
- Ragg, Lonsdale (1866–1945)
- Raguet, Condy (1784–1842)
- Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur (1920–1975)
- Rahmani Manesh, Hossein (2004–)
- Raikes, Francis William (1842–1906)
- Rainsborough, Thomas (1610–1648)
- Rais, Karel Václav (1859–1926)
- Rajapaksa, Mahinda (b. 1945)
- Rajpal, Sharad
- Raleigh, Walter (1554–1618)
- Raleigh, Walter Alexander (1861–1922)
- Ralston, William Shedden (1828–1889)
- Ramacharaka, Yogi (1862–1932)
- Ramanujan, Srinivasa (1887–1920)
- Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas (1842–1905)
- Rambaut, Arthur Alcock (1857–1923)
- de la Ramée, Marie Louise (1839–1908)
- Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683–1764)
- Rampa, Lobsang (1910–1981)
- Ramsay, Alexander Jr. (1839–1916)
- Ramsay, Andrew Michael (1686–1743)
- Ramsay, Elizabeth
- Ramsay, George Gilbert (1839–1921)
- Ramsay, William (1806–1865)
- Ramsay, William (1852–1916)
- Ramsay, William Mitchell (1851–1939)
- Ramsbotham, Peter Edward (1919–2010)
- Ramsbotham, Richard Hugh (1848–1917)
- Rand, Ayn (1905–1982)
- Ranade, Mahadev (1842–1901)
- Randall, Alice Elizabeth Sawtelle (1865–1909)
- Randall, Harry Wayland (1915–1952)
- Randall, James Ryder (1839–1908)
- Randall-MacIver, David (1873–1945)
- Randolph, Boris (1904 – fl. 2002)
- Randolph, Edmund (1753–1813)
- Rands, William Brighty (1823–1882)
- Rangsitpol, His Excellency Sukavich(1935—)
- Ranjina, Dinko (1536–1607)
- Rankin, Jeremiah Eames (1828–1904)
- Rankine, William John Macquorn (1820–1872)
- Ransome, Arthur (1884–1967)
- Rapson, Edward James (1861–1937)
- Rarey, John Solomon (1827–1866)
- Rashdall, Hastings (1858–1924)
- al-Rashid, Caliph Harun (763–809)
- Rašín, Alois (1867–1923)
- Raspe, Rudolf Erich (1736–1794)
- Rathbun, Richard (1852–1918)
- Raupach, Ernst (1784–1852)
- Rauschenbusch, Augustus (1816–1899)
- Rauschnick, Gottfried Peter (1778–1835)
- Ravasio, Eugenia Elisabetta (1907–1990)
- Ravel, Maurice (1875–1937)
- Ravenel, Beatrice Witte (1870–1956)
- Ravenstein, Ernest George (1834–1913)
- Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan (1896–1953)
- Rawlinson, George (1812–1902)
- Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke (1810–1895)
- Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond (1851–1920)
- Rawson, Wilhelmina (1851–1933)
- Ray, John (1627–1705)
- Ray, Prafulla Chandra (1861–1944)
- Rayet, Georges (1839–1906)
- Raymond de Sauvetât, Francis (fl. 1125–1152)
- Raymond, Robert L. (1874–1955)
- Raymond, Rossiter Worthington (1840–1918)
- Raynouard, François Just Marie (1761–1836)
- Raymond, William Odber (1853–1923)
[edit]- Read, Sir Charles Hercules (1857–1929)
- Read, Charles W. (1840–1890)
- Read, Emily (1829–1910)
- Read, Herbert (1893–1968)
- Read, J. Meredith (1837–1896)
- Read, Leonard E. (1898–1983)
- Reade, Arthur Edward (1848–1912)
- Reade, Charles (1814–1884)
- Reade, William Winwood (1838–1875)
- Reagan, Albert B. (1871–1936)
- Reagan, Ronald (1911–2004)
- Reasoner, Harry (1923–1991)
- Reboul, Jean (1796–1864)
- Récéjac, Edouard Jérôme (1853—)
- Recht, Charles (1887–1965)
- Reclus, Jean Jacques Élisée (1830–1905)
- Reclus, Maurice (1883–1972)
- Recorde, Robert (c. 1512–1558)
- Reddaway, William Fiddian (1872–1949)
- Redfield, William Charles (1789–1857)
- Redgrave, Samuel (1802–1876)
- Redway, George William (1859–1934)
- Redwood, Boverton (1846–1919)
- Reece, Robert (1838–1891)
- Reed, Edward Bliss (1872–1940)
- Reed, Edwin Clarence (1877–1944)
- Reed, Edward James (1830–1906)
- Reed, John (1887–1920)
- Reed, Stanley Forman (1884–1980)
- Reed, Talbot Baines (1852–1893)
- Rees, John Morgan
- Reeve, Clara (1729–1807)
- Reeves, Bryce (1966–)
- Reeves, Hon. William Pember (1857–1932)
- de Régnier, Henri (1864–1936)
- Rehnquist, William (1924–2005)
- Reich, Emil (1854–1910)
- Reich, Wilhelm (1897–1957)
- Reichel, Oswald Joseph (1840–1923)
- Reichman, John Joseph (1885–1943)
- Reid, Clement (1853–1916)
- Reid, Francis Nevile (1826–1892)
- Reid, George (1841–1913)
- Reid, George Archdall (1860–1929)
- Reid, Harry (b. 1939)
- Reid, James Smith (1846–1926)
- Reid, John (b. 1947)
- Reid, John Morrison (1820–1896)
- Reid, Philip Savile Grey (1845–1915)
- Reid, Stuart Johnson (1848–1927)
- Reid, Thomas (1710–1796)
- Reid, Thomas Mayne (1818–1883)
- Reid, Thomas Wemyss (1842–1905)
- Reid, Whitelaw (1837–1912)
- Reilly, Anthony Adams (1836–1885)
- Rein, Johannes Justus (1835–1918)
- Reinhold, Gregor (18??–19??)
- Reinecke, Carl (1824–1910)
- Reinick, Robert (1805–1852)
- Reinsch, Paul S. (1869–1923)
- Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb (1798–1859)
- Reitz, Francis William (1844–1934)
- Relhan, Richard (1754–1823)
- Rellstab, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig (1799–1860)
- Rementer, Edward L. (c. 1928)
- Remsen, Ira (1846–1927)
- Remsen, Ira Mallory (1876–1928)
- Remy, Arthur Frank Joseph (1871–1954)
- Renan, Ernest (1823–1892)
- Rendall, Percy (1861–1952)
- Rendle, Alfred Barton (1865–1938)
- Renshaw, Graham (1872–1952)
- Renton, Alexander Wood (1861–1933)
- Renoir, Katherine Mary Dalton (1882–1963)
- Renouvier, Charles Bernard (1815–1903)
- Reu, Johann Michael (1869–1943)
- Reuleaux, Franz (1829–1905)
- von Reumont, Alfred (1808–1887)
- Réville, Albert (1826–1906)
- Rey, Eugène (1838–1909)
- del Rey, Lester (1915–1993)
- Reychler, Albert (1854–1938)
- Reyer, Ernest (1823–1909)
- Reynell, William Alexander (1837–1906)
- Reynolds, Francis Joseph (1867–1937)
- Reynolds, George (1842–1909)
- Reynolds, George William MacArthur (1814–1879)
- Reynolds, Herbert (1867–1933)
- Reynolds, Jeremiah N. (1799–1858)
- Reynolds, Joshua (1729–1792)
- Reynolds, Osborne (1842–1912)
- Reynolds, Richard (1674–1743)
[edit]- Rhee, Syngman (1875–1965)
- Rhind, William (1797–1874)
- Rhine, Abraham Benedict (1877–1941)
- Rhine, Alice Hyneman (1840–1919)
- Rhoads, Daniel (1821–1895)
- Rhodes, Bradford (1849–1924)
- Rhodes, Cecil (1853–1902)
- Rhodes, James Ford (1848–1927)
- Rhys, Ernest Percival (1859–1946)
- Rhys Davids, Thomas William (1843–1922)
[edit]- Ribbentrop, Joachim von (1893–1946)
- Rihbany, Abraham Dimitri (1869–1944)
- Ribicoff, Abraham Alexander (1910–1998)
- Ribot, Théodule-Armand (1839–1916)
- Ribot, Théodule-Augustin (1823–1891)
- Ricardo, David (1772–1823)
- Ricardo, Halsey (1854–1928)
- Ricci, Matteo (1552–1610)
- Rice, Albert (b. 1903)
- Rice, Condoleezza (b. 1954)
- Rice, Elmer (1892–1967)
- Rice, Grantland (1880–1954)
- Rice, Thomas D. (1808–1860)
- Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon, Thomas Spring (1790–1866)
- Rich, Charles C. (1809–1883)
- Rich, Harold Thompson (1873–1974)
- Richard of Wallingford (1292–1336)
- Richard, Louis Claude (1754–1821)
- Richards, Alfred Bate (1820–1876)
- Richards, Ellen Henrietta Swallow (1842–1911)
- Richards, Eugene Lamb (1838–1912)
- Richards, Franklin D. (1821–1899)
- Richards, Gertrude Moore (?–1927)
- Richards, James Brinsley (1846–1892)
- Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howes (1850–1943)
- Richards, Novelle Hamilton (1917–1986)
- Richards, Robert Hallowell (1844–1945)
- Richardson, Benjamin Ward (1828–1896)
- Richardson, Charles Francis (1851–1913)
- Richardson, Eugene Stanley junior (1916–1983)
- Richardson, Godfrey Noel (1865–1925)
- Richardson, Henry Handel (1870–1946)
- Richardson, James Otto (1878–1974)
- Richardson, Sir John (1787–1865)
- Richardson, John (1796–1852)
- Richardson, Kath.
- Richardson, Paul (fl. 1850s–1870s)
- Richardson, Rufus Byam (1845–1914)
- Richardson, William (1710–1758)
- Cardinal Richelieu (1585–1642)
- Richer, François (1718–1790)
- Richet, Charles Robert (1850–1935)
- Richley, Matthew (1821–1904)
- Rickman, John (1771–1840)
- Richmond, Thomas Knyvett (1833–1901)
- Richmond, William Blake (1842–1921)
- Richter, Harvey (??–??)
- Rickenbacker, Eddie (1890–1973)
- Ricord, Frederick William (1819–1897)
- Ridge, William Pett (1857–1930)
- Ridgeway, William (1858–1926)
- Ridgway, Robert (1850–1929)
- Ridout, Elizabeth Harriet (1840–1878)
- Riedl, Frigyes (1856–1921)
- Rieger, František Ladislav (1818–1903)
- Riel, Louis (1844–1885)
- Ries, Heinrich (1871–1951)
- Riesenberg, Felix (1879–1939)
- al-Rifai, Zaid (1936–present)
- Rigdon, Sidney (1793–1876)
- Rigg, James McMullen (1855–1926)
- Righton, Henry (1833–1869)
- Rihani, Ameen (1876–1940)
- Riis, Jacob (1849–1914)
- Riley, Charles Valentine (1843–1895)
- Riley, Henry Thomas (1816–1878)
- Riley, James Whitcomb (1849–1916)
- Riley, John Athelstan Laurie (1858–1945)
- Riley, Woodbridge (1869–1933)
- Rillieux, Victor Ernest (1842–1898)
- Rimbaud, Arthur (1854–1891)
- Rimbault, Edward Francis (1816–1876)
- Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844–1908)
- Rinaker, Clarissa (1883–1957)
- Rines, George Edwin (1860–1951)
- Rines, Irving Everett (b. 1883)
- Rioja, Francisco de (1583–1659)
- Ristori, Emanuel Joseph (1857–1911)
- Ritchie, David George (1853–1903)
- Ritchie, Lady Anne Isabella (1837–1919)
- Ritner, Joseph (1780–1869)
- Rivera, Diego (1886–1957)
- Rivers, W. H. R. (1864–1922)
- Rivers, William James (1822–1909)
- Rives, Hallie Erminie (1876–1956)
- Rivière, Bernard Beryl (1880-1953)
- Rivlin, Reuven (1939–)
- Rix, Herbert (1850–1906)
- Rizal, José (1861–1896)
[edit]- Robbins, Sir Alfred Farthing (1856–1931)
- Robert II, King of the Franks (972–1031)
- Robert, Henry Martyn (1837–1923)
- Roberts, Charles George Douglas (1860–1943)
- Roberts, Edwin Franklin (1818–1864)
- Roberts, John (b. 1955)
- Roberts, Joseph Jenkins (1809–1876)
- Roberts, Mary Ellen (1866–1924)
- Roberts, Owen Josephus (1875–1955)
- Roberts, Robert (1839–1898)
- Roberts, William (1767–1849)
- Roberts, William (1862–1940)
- Roberts, William Rhys (1858–1929)
- Roberts-Austen, William Chandler (1843–1902)
- Robertson, Anne Isabella (c. 1830–1910)
- Robertson, Archibald (1853–1931)
- Robertson, Charles Grant (1869–1948)
- Robertson, Charles Moncrieff (1864–1927)
- Robertson, 1st Baron Lochee, Edmund (1845–1911)
- Robertson, Edward Stanley (1834–1923)
- Robertson, Eric Sutherland (1857—1926)
- Robertson, George Croom (1842–1892)
- Robertson, George Scott (1852–1916)
- Robertson, James Alexander (1873–1939)
- Robertson, James Logie (1846–1922)
- Robertson, John George (1867–1933)
- Robertson, John Mackinnon (1856–1933)
- Robertson, Thomas William (1829–1871)
- Robertson, Walford Graham (1866–1948)
- Robertson, William John (1846–1894)
- Robertson, William Spence (1872–1955)
- de Roberval, Gilles Personne (1602–1675)
- Robespierre, Maximilien (1758–1794)
- Robinson, Charles (1818–1894)
- Robinson, Charles (1870–1937)
- Robinson, Charles Edmund Newton (1853–1913)
- Robinson, Charles John (1833–1898)
- Robinson, Charles L. (1818–1894)
- Robinson, Charles Walker (1836–1924)
- Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt (1861–1933)
- Robinson, Edward (1858–1931)
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869–1935)
- Robinson, Fred Norris (1871–1966)
- Robinson, G. T. (1829–1897)
- Robinson, Gerald Philip (1858–1942)
- Robinson, Grace R. (?–?)
- Robinson, Harriet Jane Hanson (1825–1911)
- Robinson, Henry Crabb (1775–1867)
- Robinson, Henry Wheeler (1872–1945)
- Robinson, James Harvey (1863–1936)
- Robinson, John Hovey (1820—1867)
- Robinson, John T. (1923–2001)
- Robinson, Joseph Armitage (1858–1933)
- Robinson, Paschal Charles (1870–1948)
- Robinson, Robert (1735–1790)
- Robinson, Stuart (1814—1881)
- Roblin, Rodmond (1853–1937)
- Robson, John (1802–1873)
- Robson, John (1815–1876)
- Roby, John (1793–1850)
- Roche, Charles Émile (1847–1935)
- Rochfort, George (1682–1730)
- Rocke, John (1817–1881)
- Rocker, Johann Rudolf (1873–1958)
- Rockstro, William Smyth (1823–1895)
- Rockwell, Frederick Frye (1884–1976)
- Rockwell, Henry Wells (1818–1879)
- Rockwell, William Walker (1874–1958)
- Rodd, Edward Hearle (1810–1880)
- Rodd, Thomas (1763–1822)
- Rodenbough, Theophilus Francis (1838–1912)
- Rodes, Robert Emmett (1829–1864)
- Rodker, John (1894–1955)
- Rodkinson, Michael Levi (1845–1904)
- Rodríguez-González, Alejandro
- Rodriguez-Sosa, Miriam
- Rodwell, George Farrer (1843–1905)
- Rodwell, John Medows (1808–1900)
- Roe, James Elphinstone (1818–1897)
- Roe, John Septimus (1797–1878)
- Roebuck, George Edward (1876–?)
- Roeder, Charles (1848–1911)
- Rogers, Benjamin Bickley (1828–1919)
- Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (1823–1890)
- Lindsay Rogers, Lindsay (1891–1970)
- Rogers, Lou (1879–1952)
- Rogers, Mary Eliza (1828–1910)
- Rogers, Robert (1731–1795)
- Rogers, Robert William (1864–1930)
- Rogers, Samuel (1763–1855)
- Roget, Peter Mark (1779–1869)
- Rohmer, Sax (1883–1959)
- Rolfe, Frederick (1860–1913)
- Rolland, Romain (1866–1944)
- Rolle, Richard (1290–1349)
- Rolls, Charles Stewart (1877–1910)
- Romanes, George John (1848–1894)
- Romains, Jules (1885–1972)
- Romanov, Konstantin Konstantinovich (1858–1915)
- Romanov, Konstantin Nikolayevich (1827–1892)
- Romanov, Pyotr Alexeyevich (1672–1725)
- Romero, George A. (1940-2017)
- Romeyn, Theodore Bayard (1827—1885)
- Rondani, Camillo (1808-1879)
- Rondot, Natalis (1821–1900)
- Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad (1845–1923)
- Rood, Ogden Nicholas (1831–1902)
- Roorbach, Orville Augustus (1803–1861)
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882–1945)
- Roosevelt, Theodore (1858–1919)
- Root, Elihu (1845–1937)
- Roper, William (1496—1578)
- Ropes, James Hardy (1866–1933)
- Ros, Richard (1429–c. 1492)
- Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrick (1845–1923)
- Roscher, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich (1817–1894)
- Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield (1833–1915)
- Roscoe, Thomas (1791–1871)
- Roscoe, William (1753–1831)
- Rose, Ernestine Louise (1810–1892)
- Rose, Hugh James (1795–1838)
- Rose, John Holland (1855–1942)
- Rose, Thomas Kirke (1865–1953)
- Rose, Vincent (1880–1944)
- Rose, William Stewart (1775–1843)
- Rosenberg, Isaac (1890–1918)
- Rosenfeld, Isidor (1881—1965)
- Rosenhain, Walter (1875–1934)
- Rosicky, Rose (1875–1954)
- Ross, Charles Henry (1835–1897)
- Ross, James Clark (1800–1862)
- Ross, John (1777–1856)
- Ross, Robert (1740–1794)
- Ross, Wilbur Louis (1937—)
- Ross, Sir (William) David (1877–1971)
- Rossetti, Christina (1830–1894)
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828–1882)
- Rossetti, William Michael (1829–1919)
- Rossini, Gioachino (1792–1868)
- Rost, Reinhold (1822–1896)
- Rostenkowski, Daniel David (1928–2010)
- Rottbøll, Christen Friis (1727–1797)
- Roth, Edward (1826–1911)
- Rothschild, Walter (1868–1937)
- Roubinovitch, Jacques (1862–1950)
- Roucek, Joseph Slabey (1902–1984)
- de Rougemont, Michel-Nicolas Balisson (1781–1840)
- Rouhani, Hassan (1948–present)
- Roulhac Hamilton, Joseph Grégoire de (1878–1961)
- Round, John Horace (1854–1928)
- Roundell, Julia Anne Elizabeth (1846–1931)
- Rous, Francis (1579–1659)
- Rous-Marten, Charles (1844–1908)
- Rouse, William Henry Denham (1863–1950)
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–1778)
- Royce, Katharine Head (1858–1947)
- van Royen, Adriaan (1704–1779)
- Rowe, Elizabeth Singer (1674—1737)
- Rowe, Frederick James (1844–1909)
- Rowe, Nicholas (1674–1718)
- Rowe, Richard (1828–1879)
- Rowell, Edward Thomas (1836–1899)
- Rowland, Henry Augustus (1848–1901)
- Rowland, Kate Mason (1840–1916)
- Rowlands, Samuel (ca. 1573–1630)
- Rowlandson, Mary (ca. 1637–1711)
- Rowley, George Dawson (1822–1878)
- Rowley, James (1834–1906)
- Rowling, Joanne Kathleen (1965—)
- Rowsell, Mary Catherine (1839–1921)
- Roxas, Manuel (1892–1948)
- Roxburgh, William (1751–1815)
- Roy, Édouard Louis Emmanuel Julien Le (1870–1954)
- Roy, Manabendranath (1887–1954)
- Royce, Sylvia (fl. 2006)
[edit]- Rud, Anthony Melville (1893–1942)
- Rudge, Edward (1764–1846)
- Rudler, Frederick William (1840–1915)
- Rudmose-Brown, Robert Neal (1879–1957)
- Rudolph, Eric (b. 1966)
- Ruedemann, Rudolf (1864–1956)
- Rufford, Philip James (1852–1902)
- Ruger, Georgie May Johns (1873–1953)
- Ruger, Henry Alford (1872–1947)
- Ruffin, Francis Gildart (1816–1892)
- Ruiz López, Hipólito (1754–1816)
- Rumi, Jalal al-Din Muhammad (1207–1273)
- Rumphius, Georg Eberhard (1627–1702)
- Rumsfeld, Donald (1932–2021)
- Runcie, John (1864?–1939)
- Runciman, James (1852–1891)
- Runeberg, Johan Ludvig (1804–1877)
- Runge, Philipp Otto (1777–1810)
- Runnion, James Boyer (1842–1897)
- Runyon, Alfred Damon (1880–1946)
- Rusby, Henry Hurd (1855–1940)
- Rush, Benjamin (1745–1813)
- Rush, David Kenneth (1910–1994)
- Rushd, Abul Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn (1126–1198)
- Rusk, David Dean (1909–1994)
- Ruskin, John (1819–1900)
- Russell nee Smith, Alyssa Whitall Pearsall (1867–1951)
- Russell, Archibald George Blomefield (1879–1955)
- Russell, Arthur T. (1804–1876)
- Russell, Bertrand (1872–1970)
- Russell, Charles Edward (1860–1941)
- Russell, Charles Taze (1852–1916)
- Russell, Edward Francis (1844–1925)
- Russell, George William (1867–1935)
- Russell, Frank (1868–1903)
- Russell, George William Erskine (1853–1919)
- Russell, Harold John Hastings (1868–1926)
- Russell, Irwin (1853–1879)
- Russell, Israel Cook (1852–1906)
- Russell, John (1792–1878)
- Russell, John (1885–1956)
- Russell, William Clark (1844–1911)
- Russell, William Eustis (1857–1896)
- Russell, Sir William Howard (1821–1907)
- Rust, Cyprian Thomas (1808–1895)
- Rutherford, Ernest (1871–1937)
- Rutherford, Mildred Lewis (1851–1928)
- Rutherford, Samuel (1600–1661)
- Rutledge, Francis Huger (1799–1866)
- Rutledge, John (1739–1800)
- Rutledge, Wiley Blount (1894–1949)
- Rutter, Cloudsley Louis (1867–1903)
- de Ruyter, Michiel Adriaensz (1607–1676)
[edit]- Ryan, Leo Joseph (1925–1978)
- Ricaut, Sir Paul (1628–1700)
- Rydberg, Viktor (1828–1895)
- Ryder, Frances Charlotte (1838–1868)
- Rye, Walter (1843–1929)
- Rye, William Brenchley (1818–1901)
- Ryland, Jonathon Edwards (1798–1866)
- Ryle, John Charles (1816–1900)
- Ryle, Sir Herbert Edward (1856–1925)
- Rymer, Thomas (1641–1713)
- Ryōma, Sakamoto (1836–1867)
- Ryōzen (10th cent.–11th cent.)
- van Rysselberghe, Théo (1862-1926)