Wikisource:Dictionary of National Biography, 1927 supplement/List of Contributors
[edit]- Author:Frederick William Andrewes
- Author:Arthur Wilfred Ashby
- Author:Arthur Jacob Ashton.
- Author:James Hartley Ashworth
- Author:Christopher Thomas Atkinson
- Author:Claude Lindsay Clifford Aveling
- Author:Vincent Wilberforce Baddeley
- Author:Cyril Bailey
- Author:John Cann Bailey
- Author:Thomas Graham Balfour (1858-1929)
- Author:Kenneth Champain Bayley
- Author:Richard Perry Bedford
- Author:Ralph Jermy Beevor
- Author:Edward Harold Begbie
- Author:Archibald Colquhoun Bell
- Author:Charles Francis Bell
- Author:Malcolm Henry Bell
- Author:John Henry Bernard
- Author:Benjamin Wolfe Best
- Author:Laurence Binyon
- Author:Herbert Edward Douglas Blakiston
- Author:Arthur Thomas Bolton
- Author:Tancred Borenius
- Author:Helen Bosanquet
- Author:Godfrey Fox Bradby
- Author:John Rose Bradford
- Author:Andrew Cecil Bradley
- Author:William John Henry Brayden
- Author:Herbert Francis Brett Brett-Smith
- Author:Robert Seymour Bridges
- Author:James Leslie Brierly
- Author:Martin Shaw Briggs
- Author:Henry Broadbent
- Author:Robert Henry Brodie
- Author:Frank Herbert Brown
- Author:George Earle Buckle
- Author:Edward Cuthbert Butler
- Author:Geoffrey Arthur Romaine Callender
- Author:John Brainerd Capper
- Author:Edward Irving Carlyle
- Author:Cecil Maurice Chapman
- Author:Hugh Boswell Chapman
- Author:Robert William Chapman (1881-1960)
- Author:Henry Buckley Charlton
- Author:Harold Hannyngton Child
- Author:William Macbride Childs
- Author:Ignatius Valentine Chirol
- Author:Hugh Chisholm
- Author:Lawrence Wensley Chubb
- Author:Alfred Cochrane
- Author:George Douglas Howard Cole
- Author:Henry Cope Colles
- Author:Ian Duncan Colvin
- Author:Arthur Compton-Rickett
- Author:Robert Seymour Conway
- Author:George Albert Cooke
- Author:Sydney Arthur Monckton Copeman
- Author:Arthur Ernest Cowley
- Author:William Lang Paige Cox
- Author:Andrew Storrar Cunningham
- Author:Brysson Cunningham
- Author:Myra Curtis
- Author:David Davies
- Author:Henry William Carless Davis
- Author:Geoffrey Dawson
- Author:Wilfred Ernest Lytton Day
- Author:James Edward Geoffrey De Montmorency
- Author:Henry Fitz-Gibbon Deshon
- Author:Harold Bailey Dixon
- Author:Campbell Dodgson
- Author:Frederick George Donnan
- Author:Frank Watson Dyson
- Author:Hugh Edward Egerton
- Author:Percival George Elgood
- Author:Godfrey Elton
- Author:James Alfred Ewing
- Author:William Bates Ferguson
- Author:Adam Wightman Fergusson
- Author:John Benjamin Firth
- Author:Seymour Vesey FitzGerald
- Author:Arthur Percy Morris Fleming
- Author:William Foster
- Author:John Henry Fowler
- Author:Frank James Fox
- Author:John Fraser (1882-1945)
- Author:Walter Howard Frere
- Author:Edward Garnett
- Author:Archibald Edward Garrod
- Author:Kenneth Francis Gibbs
- Author:Benedict William Ginsburg
- Author:Rickman John Godlee
- Author:Harry Stuart Goodhart-Rendel
- Author:George Stuart Gordon
- Author:Edmund William Gosse
- Author:William Lawson Grant
- Author:William Forbes Gray
- Author:Alfred George Greenhill
- Author:Elinor Flora Bosworth Smith Grogan
- Author:James Andrew Gunn
- Author:Edward John Gwynn
- Author:Stephen Lucius Gwynn
- Author:Henry Mendelssohn Hake
- Author:Francis de Havilland Hall
- Author:Philip Hanson
- Author:Harold Brewer Hartley
- Author:Henry Head
- Author:Robert Drew Hicks
- Author:George Francis Hill
- Author:Nina Louisa Hills
- Author:Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
- Author:Francis Wrigley Hirst
- Author:David George Hogarth
- Author:Bernard Henry Holland
- Author:Arthur Fenton Hort
- Author:Archibald Hurd
- Author:Julian Sorell Huxley
- Author:Leonard Huxley
- Author:Albert Montefiore Hyamson
- Author:Graham Vernon Jacks
- Author:James Hopwood Jeans
- Author:Fryn Tennyson Jesse
- Author:Katharine Jex-Blake
- Author:Arthur Henry Johnson
- Author:Fanny Cecilia Johnson
- Author:Hilda Johnstone
- Author:Henry Albert Jones
- Author:Henry Chapman Jones
- Author:John Newell Jordan
- Author:Arthur Berriedale Keith
- Author:Edmund Arbuthnott Knox
- Author:Horace Lamb
- Author:Philip Aislabie Landon
- Author:Alan Frederick Lascelles
- Author:John Bowring Lawford
- Author:Robert Warden Lee
- Author:Shane Leslie
- Author:Edward George Tandy Liddell
- Author:William Alexander Lindsay
- Author:Reginald Littleboy
- Author:Walter Lock
- Author:Richard Lodge
- Author:Harrington Verney Lovett
- Author:Percy Lubbock
- Author:Henry William Lucy
- Author:Henry Elford Luxmoore
- Author:Alexander Beith Macaulay
- Author:George Macdonald (1862-1940)
- Author:Charles Kincaid Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie
- Author:Frank Douglas Mackinnon
- Author:Hugh Pattison Macmillan
- Author:John Richard Magrath
- Author:Henry Dewsbury Alves Major
- Author:Dougal Orme Malcolm
- Author:James Joseph Mallon
- Author:Robert Ranulph Marett
- Author:Edward Howard Marsh
- Author:Cyril Charles Martindale
- Author:Henry William Massingham
- Author:Percy Ewing Matheson
- Author:Theobald Mathew (1866-1939)
- Author:Frederick Barton Maurice
- Author:Hugh Robert Mill
- Author:Alan Alexander Milne
- Author:May Morris
- Author:Henry William Moule
- Author:George Herbert Murray
- Author:Evan Baillie Noel
- Author:Frederick Wolff Ogilvie
- Author:Sidney Leslie Ollard
- Author:Charles Talbut Onions
- Author:Richard William Alan Onslow
- Author:Charles Venn Owen
- Author:Frederick Page
- Author:Stephen Paget
- Author:Edith Charlotte Bury Palliser
- Author:John Leslie Palmer
- Author:John Parker (1875-1952)
- Author:Arthur Samuel Peake
- Author:Ernest Harold Pearce
- Author:John Roland Peddie
- Author:Arthur George Villiers Peel
- Author:Norman Penney
- Author:Arthur Beresford Pite
- Author:John Arthur Platt
- Author:Benjamin John Plunket
- Author:Reginald Innes Pocock
- Author:Alfred William Pollard
- Author:Rachael Emily Poole
- Author:D'Arcy Power
- Author:Charles Harris Curtis Prentice
- Author:Langford Rice Price
- Author:Harold Arthur Prichard.
- Author:Arthur Octavius Prickard
- Author:Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison
- Author:Edward Schroder Prior
- Author:Louis Claude Purser
- Author:Robert Sangster Rait
- Author:George Daniel Rawle
- Author:Arthur William Reed
- Author:William Rees
- Author:Vernon Horace Rendall
- Author:Herbert William Richmond
- Author:Charles Henry Roberts
- Author:Paul Ernest Roberts
- Author:Sydney Castle Roberts
- Author:William David Ross
- Author:Robert Neal Rudmose-Brown
- Author:Edward Francis Russell
- Author:Ernest Rutherford
- Author:Albert Daniel Rutherston
- Author:Michael Sadleir
- Author:Michael Ernest Sadler
- Author:Arthur Warren Samuels
- Author:Ernest Mason Satow
- Author:William Robert Scott
- Author:James Herbert Seabrooke
- Author:William Boothby Selbie
- Author:Lewis Amherst Selby Bigge
- Author:Charles Scott Sherrington
- Author:Walter Sydney Sichel
- Author:Herbert Sidebotham
- Author:Percy Simpson
- Author:Kenneth Sisam
- Author:Charles Aitchison Smith
- Author:David Nichol Smith
- Author:Arthur Smithells
- Author:John Alfred Spender
- Author:Marion Harry Alexander Spielmann
- Author:Frederick Puller Sprent
- Author:James Herbert Srawley
- Author:Henry Wickham Steed
- Author:Herbert Stephen
- Author:Margaret Thyra Barbara Stephen
- Author:Eugene Stock
- Author:Thomas Banks Strong
- Author:Henry Cecil Sturt
- Author:John Andrew Hamilton
- Author:Henry Tanner
- Author:Alexander Hamilton Thompson
- Author:Reginald Campbell Thompson
- Author:John Arthur Thomson
- Author:Joseph John Thomson
- Author:Arnold Joseph Toynbee
- Author:Paget Jackson Toynbee
- Author:Cuthbert Hamilton Turner
- Author:Herbert Hall Turner
- Author:William Cawthorne Unwin
- Author:Paul Vinogradoff
- Author:Henry Charles Wace
- Author:Edward Mewburn Walker
- Author:Eric Anderson Walker
- Author:Ernest Walker
- Author:William Stewart Wallace
- Author:Thomas Herbert Warren
- Author:Foster Watson
- Author:Philip Watts
- Author:William Templeton Waugh
- Author:John Reginald Homer Weaver
- Author:Joseph Wells
- Author:Emil Alphonse Werner
- Author:Charles Whibley
- Author:Frederick Ernest Whitton
- Author:Frederick William Whyte
- |Author:Cyril Hackett Wilkinson
- Author:Arthur Frederic Basil Williams
- Author:Griffith Price Williams
- Author:Herbert Wrigley Wilson
- Author:Bertram Coghill Alan Windle
- Author:Thomas James Wise
- Author:Alexander Frederick Richmond Wollaston
- Author:Dudley Wright
- Author:Edward Murray Wrong
- Author:George Mackinnon Wrong