Wikisource:WikiProject Catholic Encyclopedia Upgrade/CE Vol 14
- Vol: 14 Simony -> Simony [1] Simony
- Vol: 14 Pope Simplicius, Saint -> Pope St. Simplicius [2] Pope St. Simplicius
- Vol: 14 Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice -> Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice [3] Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice
- Vol: 14 Richard Simpson -> Richard Simpson [4] Richard Simpson
- Vol: 14 Sin -> Sin [5] Sin
- Vol: 14 Sinai -> Sinai [6] Sinai
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sinaloa -> Diocese of Sinaloa [7] Diocese of Sinaloa
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sinigaglia -> Diocese of Sinigaglia [8] Diocese of Sinigaglia
- Vol: 14 Sinis -> Sinis [9] Sinis
- Vol: 14 Sinope -> Sinope [10] Sinope
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sion -> Diocese of Sion [11] Diocese of Sion
- Vol: 14 Sion -> Sion [12] Sion
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sioux City -> Diocese of Sioux City [13] Diocese of Sioux City
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sioux Falls -> Diocese of Sioux Falls [14] Diocese of Sioux Falls
- Vol: 14 Sioux Indians -> Sioux Indians [15] Sioux Indians
- Vol: 14 Sipibo Indians -> Sipibo Indians [16] Sipibo Indians
- Vol: 14 Pope Siricius, Saint -> Pope St. Siricius [17] Pope St. Siricius
- Vol: 14 Guglielmo Sirleto -> Guglielmo Sirleto [18] Guglielmo Sirleto
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sirmium -> Diocese of Sirmium [19] Diocese of Sirmium
- Vol: 14 Jacques Sirmond -> Jacques Sirmond [20] Jacques Sirmond
- Vol: 14 Pope Sisinnius -> Pope Sisinnius [21] Pope Sisinnius
- Vol: 14 Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Ohio -> Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio [22] Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio
- Vol: 14 Sisters of the Little Company of Mary -> Sisters of the Little Company of Mary [23] Sisters of the Little Company of Mary
- Vol: 14 Sistine Choir -> Sistine Choir [24] Sistine Choir
- Vol: 14 Titular See of Sitifs -> Sitifis [25] Sitifis
- Vol: 14 Buenaventura Sitjar -> Buenaventura Sitjar [26] Buenaventura Sitjar
- Vol: 14 Siunia -> Siunia [27] Siunia
- Vol: 14 Pope Sixtus I, Saint -> Pope St. Sixtus I [28] Pope St. Sixtus I
- Vol: 14 Pope Sixtus II, Saint -> Pope St. Sixtus II [29] Pope St. Sixtus II
- Vol: 14 Pope Sixtus III, Saint -> Pope St. Sixtus III [30] Pope St. Sixtus III
- Vol: 14 Pope Sixtus IV -> Pope Sixtus IV [31] Pope Sixtus IV
- Vol: 14 Pope Sixtus V -> Pope Sixtus V [32] Pope Sixtus V
- Vol: 14 Peter Skarga -> Peter Skarga [33] Peter Skarga
- Vol: 14 Josef Skoda -> Josef Skoda (Schkoda) [34] Josef Skoda (Schkoda)
- Vol: 14 Slander -> Slander [35] Slander
- Vol: 14 Slavery -> Slavery [36] Slavery
- Vol: 14 Ethical Aspect of Slavery -> Ethical Aspect of Slavery [37] Ethical Aspect of Slavery
- Vol: 14 Slaves -> Slaves [38] Slaves
- Vol: 14 Slavonic Language and Liturgy -> Slavonic Language and Liturgy [39] Slavonic Language and Liturgy
- Vol: 14 Slavs -> The Slavs [40] The Slavs
- Vol: 14 Slavs in America -> The Slavs in America [41] The Slavs in America
- Vol: 14 Anton Martin Slomsek -> Anton Martin Slomšek [42] Anton Martin Slomšek
- Vol: 14 John Slotanus -> John Slotanus [43] John Slotanus
- Vol: 14 Sloth -> Sloth [44] Sloth
- Vol: 14 Thomas Slythurst -> Thomas Slythurst [45] Thomas Slythurst
- Vol: 14 Smalkaldic League -> Smalkaldic League [46] Smalkaldic League
- Vol: 14 Ardo Smaragdus -> Ardo Smaragdus [47] Ardo Smaragdus
- Vol: 14 James Smith -> James Smith [48] James Smith
- Vol: 14 Richard Smith (Bishop of Chalcedon) -> Richard Smith (1) [49] Richard Smith (1)
- Vol: 14 Richard Smith -> Richard Smith (2) [50] Richard Smith (2)
- Vol: 14 Thomas Kilby Smith -> Thomas Kilby Smith [51] Thomas Kilby Smith
- Vol: 14 Latin Archdiocese of Smyrna -> Latin Archdiocese of Smyrna [52] Latin Archdiocese of Smyrna
- Vol: 14 Snorri Sturluson -> Snorri Sturluson [53] Snorri Sturluson
- Vol: 14 Peter Snow, Venerable -> Ven. Peter Snow [54] Ven. Peter Snow
- Vol: 14 Sobaipura Indians -> Sobaipura Indians [55] Sobaipura Indians
- Vol: 14 John Sobieski -> John Sobieski [56] John Sobieski
- Vol: 14 Socialism -> Socialism [57] Socialism
- Vol: 14 Socialistic Communities -> Socialistic Communities [58] Socialistic Communities
- Vol: 14 Catholic Societies -> Catholic Societies [59] Catholic Societies
- Vol: 14 American Federation of Catholic Societies -> American Federation of Catholic Societies [60] American Federation of Catholic Societies
- Vol: 14 Secret Societies -> Secret Societies [61] Secret Societies
- Vol: 14 Society -> Society [62] Society
- Vol: 14 Catholic Church Extension Society -> Catholic Church Extension Society [63] Catholic Church Extension Society
- Vol: 14 Society of Foreign Missions of Paris -> Society of Foreign Missions of Paris [64] Society of Foreign Missions of Paris
- Vol: 14 Society of Jesus -> Society of Jesus [65] Society of Jesus
- Vol: 14 Society of the Blessed Sacrament -> Society of the Blessed Sacrament [66] Society of the Blessed Sacrament
- Vol: 14 Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus -> Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [67] Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Vol: 14 Socinianism -> Socinianism [68] Socinianism
- Vol: 14 Sociology -> Sociology [69] Sociology
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Socorro -> Diocese of Socorro [70] Diocese of Socorro
- Vol: 14 Socrates (historian of the early Church) -> Socrates (1) [71] Socrates (1)
- Vol: 14 Socrates (philosopher) -> Socrates (2) [72] Socrates (2)
- Vol: 14 Sodality -> Sodality [73] Sodality
- Vol: 14 Sodoma -> Sodoma [74] Sodoma
- Vol: 14 Sodom and Gomorrha -> Sodom and Gomorrha [75] Sodom and Gomorrha
- Vol: 14 Ancient Diocese of Sodor and Man -> Ancient Diocese of Sodor and Man [76] Ancient Diocese of Sodor and Man
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Soissons -> Diocese of Soissons [77] Diocese of Soissons
- Vol: 14 Solari -> Solari [78] Solari
- Vol: 14 Solemnity -> Solemnity [79] Solemnity
- Vol: 14 Abbey of Solesmes -> Abbey of St. Solesmes [80] Abbey of St. Solesmes
- Vol: 14 Soli -> Soli [81] Soli
- Vol: 14 Solicitation -> Solicitation [82] Solicitation
- Vol: 14 Solimoes Superiore -> Prefecture Apostolic of Solimôes Superiore [83] Prefecture Apostolic of Solimôes Superiore
- Vol: 14 Solomon -> Solomon [84] Solomon
- Vol: 14 Psalms of Solomon -> Psalms of Solomon [85] Psalms of Solomon
- Vol: 14 Prefecture Apostolic of the Northern Solomon Islands -> Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Solomon Islands [86] Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Solomon Islands
- Vol: 14 Prefecture Apostolic of the Southern Solomon Islands -> Prefecture Apostolic of Southern Solomon Islands [87] Prefecture Apostolic of Southern Solomon Islands
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Solsona -> Diocese of Solsona [88] Diocese of Solsona
- Vol: 14 Somaliland -> Somaliland [89] Somaliland
- Vol: 14 Somaschi -> Somaschi [90] Somaschi
- Vol: 14 Thomas Somerset -> Thomas Somerset [91] Thomas Somerset
- Vol: 14 Religious Song -> Religious Song [92] Religious Song
- Vol: 14 Songish Indians -> Songish Indians [93] Songish Indians
- Vol: 14 Franciscus Sonnius -> Franciscus Sonnius [94] Franciscus Sonnius
- Vol: 14 Son of God -> Son of God [95] Son of God
- Vol: 14 Son of Man -> Son of Man [96] Son of Man
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sonora -> Diocese of Sonora [97] Diocese of Sonora
- Vol: 14 Sophene -> Sophene [98] Sophene
- Vol: 14 Sophists -> Sophists [99] Sophists
- Vol: 14 Sophonias -> Sophonias [100] Sophonias
- Vol: 14 Sophronius, Saint -> St. Sophronius [101] St. Sophronius
- Vol: 14 Sophronius -> Sophronius [102] Sophronius
- Vol: 14 Sora -> Sora [103] Sora
- Vol: 14 Paul de Sorbait -> Paul de Sorbait [104] Paul de Sorbait
- Vol: 14 Sorbonne -> Sorbonne [105] Sorbonne
- Vol: 14 Edward Sorin -> Edward Sorin [106] Edward Sorin
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Sorrento -> Archdiocese of Sorrento [107] Archdiocese of Sorrento
- Vol: 14 Feasts of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary -> Feasts of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary [108] Feasts of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Vol: 14 Dominic Soto -> Dominic Soto [109] Dominic Soto
- Vol: 14 Soul -> Soul [110] Soul
- Vol: 14 South Carolina -> South Carolina [111] South Carolina
- Vol: 14 South Dakota -> South Dakota [112] South Dakota
- Vol: 14 William Southerne, Venerable -> Ven. William Southerne [113] Ven. William Southerne
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Southwark -> Diocese of Southwark [114] Diocese of Southwark
- Vol: 14 Robert Southwell, Venerable -> Ven. Robert Southwell [115] Ven. Robert Southwell
- Vol: 14 John Southworth, Venerable -> Ven. John Southworth [116] Ven. John Southworth
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Sovana and Pitigliano -> Diocese of Sovana and Pitigliano [117] Diocese of Sovana and Pitigliano
- Vol: 14 Salaminius Hermias Sozomen -> Salaminius Hermias Sozomen [118] Salaminius Hermias Sozomen
- Vol: 14 Sozopolis -> Sozopolis [119] Sozopolis
- Vol: 14 Sozusa -> Sozusa [120] Sozusa
- Vol: 14 Space -> Space [121] Space
- Vol: 14 Andrea Spagni -> Andrea Spagni [122] Andrea Spagni
- Vol: 14 Spain -> Spain [123] Spain
- Vol: 14 Spanish Language and Literature -> Spanish Language and Literature [124] Spanish Language and Literature
- Vol: 14 Spanish-American Literature -> Spanish-American Literature [125] Spanish-American Literature
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Spalato-Macarsca -> Diocese of Spalato-Macarsca (Salona) [126] Diocese of Spalato-Macarsca (Salona)
- Vol: 14 Martin John Spalding -> Martin John Spalding [127] Martin John Spalding
- Vol: 14 Lazzaro Spallanzani -> Lazzaro Spallanzani [128] Lazzaro Spallanzani
- Vol: 14 Sparta -> Sparta [129] Sparta
- Vol: 14 Species -> Species [130] Species
- Vol: 14 Josef Speckbacher -> Josef Speckbacher [131] Josef Speckbacher
- Vol: 14 Speculation -> Speculation [132] Speculation
- Vol: 14 Nicola Spedalieri -> Nicola Spedalieri [133] Nicola Spedalieri
- Vol: 14 Friedrich von Spee -> Friedrich von Spee [134] Friedrich von Spee
- Vol: 14 John Speed, Venerable -> Bl. John Speed [135] Bl. John Speed
- Vol: 14 Hon. George Spencer -> Hon. George Spencer [136] Hon. George Spencer
- Vol: 14 John Spenser -> John Spenser [137] John Spenser
- Vol: 14 William Spenser, Venerable -> Ven. William Spenser [138] Ven. William Spenser
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Speyer -> Diocese of Speyer [139] Diocese of Speyer
- Vol: 14 Johann and Wendelin von Speyer -> Johann and Wendelin von Speyer [140] Johann and Wendelin von Speyer
- Vol: 14 Joseph Spillmann -> Joseph Spillmann [141] Joseph Spillmann
- Vol: 14 Alphonso de Spina -> Alphonso de Spina [142] Alphonso de Spina
- Vol: 14 Bartolommeo Spina -> Bartolommeo Spina [143] Bartolommeo Spina
- Vol: 14 Christopher Royas de Spinola -> Christopher Royas de Spinola [144] Christopher Royas de Spinola
- Vol: 14 Benedict Spinoza -> Benedict Spinoza [145] Benedict Spinoza
- Vol: 14 Spire -> Spire [146] Spire
- Vol: 14 Spirit -> Spirit [147] Spirit
- Vol: 14 Spiritism -> Spiritism [148] Spiritism
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Spirito Santo -> Diocese of Spirito Santo [149] Diocese of Spirito Santo
- Vol: 14 Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius -> Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius [150] Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
- Vol: 14 Spiritualism -> Spiritualism [151] Spiritualism
- Vol: 14 Spirituals -> Spirituals [152] Spirituals
- Vol: 14 Spokan Indians -> Spokan Indians [153] Spokan Indians
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Spoleto -> Archdiocese of Spoleto [154] Archdiocese of Spoleto
- Vol: 14 Henri Spondanus -> Henri Spondanus [155] Henri Spondanus
- Vol: 14 Gasparo Luigi Pacifico Spontini -> Gasparo Luigi Pacifico Spontini [156] Gasparo Luigi Pacifico Spontini
- Vol: 14 Patritius Sporer -> Patritius Sporer [157] Patritius Sporer
- Vol: 14 Caesar Sportelli, Venerable -> Ven. Cæsar Sportelli [158] Ven. Cæsar Sportelli
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Springfield -> Diocese of Springfield [159] Diocese of Springfield
- Vol: 14 Thomas Sprott -> Ven. Thomas Sprott [160] Ven. Thomas Sprott
- Vol: 14 Squamish Indians -> Squamish Indians [161] Squamish Indians
- Vol: 14 Herbert Goldsmith Squiers -> Herbert Goldsmith Squiers [162] Herbert Goldsmith Squiers
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Squillace -> Diocese of Squillace [163] Diocese of Squillace
- Vol: 14 Stabat Mater -> Stabat Mater [164] Stabat Mater
- Vol: 14 John Evangelist Stadler -> John Evangelist Stadler [165] John Evangelist Stadler
- Vol: 14 Stained Glass -> Stained Glass [166] Stained Glass
- Vol: 14 Stalls -> Stalls [167] Stalls
- Vol: 14 Stanbrook Abbey -> Stanbrook Abbey [168] Stanbrook Abbey
- Vol: 14 William Clarkson Stanfield -> William Clarkson Stanfield [169] William Clarkson Stanfield
- Vol: 14 Stanislas Kostka, Saint -> St. Stanislas Kostka [170] St. Stanislas Kostka
- Vol: 14 Stanislaus of Cracow, Saint -> St. Stanislaus of Cracow [171] St. Stanislaus of Cracow
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Stanislawow -> Diocese of Stanislawow [172] Diocese of Stanislawow
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Stanley Falls -> Vicariate Apostolic of Stanley Falls [173] Vicariate Apostolic of Stanley Falls
- Vol: 14 Valentin Stansel -> Valentin Stansel [174] Valentin Stansel
- Vol: 14 Richard Stanyhurst -> Richard Stanyhurst [175] Richard Stanyhurst
- Vol: 14 Stanza -> Stanza [176] Stanza
- Vol: 14 Joseph Ambrose Stapf -> Joseph Ambrose Stapf [177] Joseph Ambrose Stapf
- Vol: 14 Friedrich Staphylus -> Friedrich Staphylus [178] Friedrich Staphylus
- Vol: 14 Theobald Stapleton -> Theobald Stapleton [179] Theobald Stapleton
- Vol: 14 Thomas Stapleton -> Thomas Stapleton [180] Thomas Stapleton
- Vol: 14 Simon Starowolski -> Simon Starowolski [181] Simon Starowolski
- Vol: 14 Eliza Allen Starr -> Eliza Allen Starr [182] Eliza Allen Starr
- Vol: 14 State and Church -> State and Church [183] State and Church
- Vol: 14 State or Way -> State or Way [184] State or Way
- Vol: 14 States of the Church -> States of the Church [185] States of the Church
- Vol: 14 Station Days -> Station Days [186] Station Days
- Vol: 14 Ecclesiastical Statistics -> Ecclesiastical Statistics [187] Ecclesiastical Statistics
- Vol: 14 Statistics of Religions -> Statistics of Religions [188] Statistics of Religions
- Vol: 14 Benedict Stattler -> Benedict Stattler [189] Benedict Stattler
- Vol: 14 Franz Anton Staudenmaier -> Franz Anton Staudenmaier [190] Franz Anton Staudenmaier
- Vol: 14 Johann von Staupitz -> Johann von Staupitz [191] Johann von Staupitz
- Vol: 14 Stauropolis -> Stauropolis [192] Stauropolis
- Vol: 14 Stedingers -> Stedingers [193] Stedingers
- Vol: 14 Giacomo Gaetani Stefaneschi -> Giacomo Gaetani Stefaneschi [194] Giacomo Gaetani Stefaneschi
- Vol: 14 Agostino Steffani -> Agostino Steffani [195] Agostino Steffani
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Steinamanger -> Diocese of Steinamanger [196] Diocese of Steinamanger
- Vol: 14 Eduard von Steinle -> Eduard von Steinle [197] Eduard von Steinle
- Vol: 14 Ferdinand Steinmeyer -> Ferdinand Steinmeyer [198] Ferdinand Steinmeyer
- Vol: 14 Nicolaus Steno -> Nicolaus Steno [199] Nicolaus Steno
- Vol: 14 Stephen Martyr, Saint -> St. Stephen (1) [200] St. Stephen (1)
- Vol: 14 Stephen, Saint (King of Hungary) -> St. Stephen (2) [201] St. Stephen (2)
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen I, Saint -> Pope St. Stephen I [202] Pope St. Stephen I
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen II -> Pope Stephen II [203] Pope Stephen II
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (II) III -> Pope Stephen (II) III [204] Pope Stephen (II) III
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (III) IV -> Pope Stephen (III) IV [205] Pope Stephen (III) IV
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (IV) V -> Pope Stephen (IV) V [206] Pope Stephen (IV) V
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (V) VI -> Pope Stephen (V) VI [207] Pope Stephen (V) VI
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (VI) VII -> Pope Stephen (VI) VII [208] Pope Stephen (VI) VII
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (VII) VIII -> Pope Stephen (VII) VIII [209] Pope Stephen (VII) VIII
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (VIII) IX -> Pope Stephen (VIII) IX [210] Pope Stephen (VIII) IX
- Vol: 14 Pope Stephen (IX) X -> Pope Stephen (IX) X [211] Pope Stephen (IX) X
- Vol: 14 Stephen Harding, Saint -> St. Stephen Harding [212] St. Stephen Harding
- Vol: 14 Stephen of Autun -> Stephen of Autun [213] Stephen of Autun
- Vol: 14 Stephen of Bourbon -> Stephen of Bourbon [214] Stephen of Bourbon
- Vol: 14 Stephen of Muret, Saint -> St. Stephen of Muret [215] St. Stephen of Muret
- Vol: 14 Stephen of Tournai -> Stephen of Tournai [216] Stephen of Tournai
- Vol: 14 Henry Robert Stephens -> Henry Robert Stephens [217] Henry Robert Stephens
- Vol: 14 Thomas Stephens -> Thomas Stephens [218] Thomas Stephens
- Vol: 14 Agostino Steuco -> Agostino Steuco [219] Agostino Steuco
- Vol: 14 Joseph Stevenson -> Joseph Stevenson [220] Joseph Stevenson
- Vol: 14 Simon Stevin -> Simon Stevin [221] Simon Stevin
- Vol: 14 Adalbert Stifter -> Adalbert Stifter [222] Adalbert Stifter
- Vol: 14 Mystical Stigmata -> Mystical Stigmata [223] Mystical Stigmata
- Vol: 14 Stipend -> Stipend [224] Stipend
- Vol: 14 Stockholm -> Stockholm [225] Stockholm
- Vol: 14 Albert Stöckl -> Albert Stöckl [226] Albert Stöckl
- Vol: 14 Charles Warren Stoddard -> Charles Warren Stoddard [227] Charles Warren Stoddard
- Vol: 14 Stoics and Stoic Philosophy -> Stoics and Stoic Philosophy [228] Stoics and Stoic Philosophy
- Vol: 14 Friedrich Leopold Stolberg -> Stolberg [229] Stolberg
- Vol: 14 Stole -> Stole [230] Stole
- Vol: 14 Alban Isidor Stolz -> Alban Isidor Stolz [231] Alban Isidor Stolz
- Vol: 14 Corner or Foundation Stone -> Corner Stone [232] Corner Stone
- Vol: 14 Mary Jean Stone -> Mary Jean Stone [233] Mary Jean Stone
- Vol: 14 Marmaduke Stone -> Marmaduke Stone [234] Marmaduke Stone
- Vol: 14 Precious Stones -> Precious Stones in the Bible [235] Precious Stones in the Bible
- Vol: 14 Stoning in Scripture -> Stoning in Scripture [236] Stoning in Scripture
- Vol: 14 James Stonnes -> James Stonnes [237] James Stonnes
- Vol: 14 Stonyhurst College -> Stonyhurst College [238] Stonyhurst College
- Vol: 14 Veit Stoss -> Veit Stoss [239] Veit Stoss
- Vol: 14 Stradivari -> Antonio Stradivari [240] Antonio Stradivari
- Vol: 14 Abbey of Strahov -> Abbey of Strahov [241] Abbey of Strahov
- Vol: 14 John Strain -> John Strain [242] John Strain
- Vol: 14 Edward Stransham -> Ven. Edward Stransham [243] Ven. Edward Stransham
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Strasburg -> Diocese of Strasburg [244] Diocese of Strasburg
- Vol: 14 Stratonicea -> Stratonicea [245] Stratonicea
- Vol: 14 Franz Ignaz von Streber -> Franz Ignaz von Streber [246] Franz Ignaz von Streber
- Vol: 14 Franz Seraph Streber -> Franz Seraph Streber [247] Franz Seraph Streber
- Vol: 14 Hermann Streber -> Hermann Streber [248] Hermann Streber
- Vol: 14 Joseph Georg Strossmayer -> Joseph Georg Strossmayer [249] Joseph Georg Strossmayer
- Vol: 14 Henry Stuart -> Henry Benedict Maria Clement Stuart [250] Henry Benedict Maria Clement Stuart
- Vol: 14 Studion -> Studion [251] Studion
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Stuhlweissenburg -> Diocese of Stuhlweissenburg (Székes-Fehérvàr) [252] Diocese of Stuhlweissenburg (Székes-Fehérvàr)
- Vol: 14 Stylites -> Stylites (Pillar Saints) [253] Stylites (Pillar Saints)
- Vol: 14 Styria -> Styria [254] Styria
- Vol: 14 Francisco Suarez -> Francisco Suárez [255] Francisco Suárez
- Vol: 14 Subdeacon -> Subdeacon [256] Subdeacon
- Vol: 14 Subiaco -> Subiaco [257] Subiaco
- Vol: 14 Subreption -> Subreption [258] Subreption
- Vol: 14 Episcopal Subsidies -> Episcopal Subsidies [259] Episcopal Subsidies
- Vol: 14 Substance -> Substance [260] Substance
- Vol: 14 Suburbicarian Dioceses -> Suburbicarian Dioceses [261] Suburbicarian Dioceses
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Sudan -> Vicariate Apostolic of Sudan [262] Vicariate Apostolic of Sudan
- Vol: 14 Sufetula -> Sufetula [263] Sufetula
- Vol: 14 John Sugar, Venerable -> Ven. John Sugar [264] Ven. John Sugar
- Vol: 14 Suger -> Suger [265] Suger
- Vol: 14 Suicide -> Suicide [266] Suicide
- Vol: 14 Suidas -> Suidas [267] Suidas
- Vol: 14 Suitbert, Saint -> St. Suitbert [268] St. Suitbert
- Vol: 14 Alexander Martin Sullivan -> Alexander Martin Sullivan [269] Alexander Martin Sullivan
- Vol: 14 Peter John Sullivan -> Peter John Sullivan [270] Peter John Sullivan
- Vol: 14 Maurice de Sully -> Maurice de Sully [271] Maurice de Sully
- Vol: 14 Sulpicians in the United States -> Sulpicians in the United States [272] Sulpicians in the United States
- Vol: 14 Sulpicius Severus -> Sulpicius Severus [273] Sulpicius Severus
- Vol: 14 Sulpitius -> Sulpitius [274] Sulpitius
- Vol: 14 Prefecture Apostolic of Sumatra -> Prefecture Apostolic of Sumatra [275] Prefecture Apostolic of Sumatra
- Vol: 14 Summae -> Summæ [276] Summæ
- Vol: 14 Catholic Summer Schools -> Catholic Summer Schools [277] Catholic Summer Schools
- Vol: 14 Sunday -> Sunday [278] Sunday
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Superior -> Diocese of Superior [279] Diocese of Superior
- Vol: 14 Supernatural Order -> Supernatural Order [280] Supernatural Order
- Vol: 14 Superstition -> Superstition [281] Superstition
- Vol: 14 Last Supper, The -> The Last Supper [282] The Last Supper
- Vol: 14 Supremi disciplinae -> Supremi disciplinæ [283] Supremi disciplinæ
- Vol: 14 Sura -> Sura [284] Sura
- Vol: 14 Jean-Joseph Surin -> Jean-Joseph Surin [285] Jean-Joseph Surin
- Vol: 14 Laurentius Surius -> Laurentius Surius [286] Laurentius Surius
- Vol: 14 Surplice -> Surplice [287] Surplice
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Susa -> Diocese of Susa [288] Diocese of Susa
- Vol: 14 Susa -> Susa [289] Susa
- Vol: 14 Suspension -> Suspension [290] Suspension
- Vol: 14 Robert Sutton -> Ven. Robert Sutton [291] Ven. Robert Sutton
- Vol: 14 Richard Sutton -> Sir Richard Sutton [292] Sir Richard Sutton
- Vol: 14 Order of the Swan -> Order of the Swan [293] Order of the Swan
- Vol: 14 Sweden -> Sweden [294] Sweden
- Vol: 14 Swedenborgians -> Swedenborgians [295] Swedenborgians
- Vol: 14 Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof Swetchine -> Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof Swetchine [296] Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof Swetchine
- Vol: 14 Konrad Sweynheim -> Konrad Sweynheim [297] Konrad Sweynheim
- Vol: 14 Swinomish Indians -> Swinomish Indians [298] Swinomish Indians
- Vol: 14 Swithin, Saint -> St. Swithin [299] St. Swithin
- Vol: 14 Switzerland -> Switzerland [300] Switzerland
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Sydney -> Archdiocese of Sydney [301] Archdiocese of Sydney
- Vol: 14 Syene -> Syene [302] Syene
- Vol: 14 Edmund Sykes -> Edmund Sykes [303] Edmund Sykes
- Vol: 14 Syllabus -> Syllabus [304] Syllabus
- Vol: 14 Pope Sylvester I, Saint -> Pope St. Sylvester I [305] Pope St. Sylvester I
- Vol: 14 Pope Sylvester II -> Pope Sylvester II [306] Pope Sylvester II
- Vol: 14 Bernard Sylvester -> Bernard Sylvester [307] Bernard Sylvester
- Vol: 14 Sylvester Gozzolini, Saint -> St. Sylvester Gozzolini [308] St. Sylvester Gozzolini
- Vol: 14 Sylvestrines -> Sylvestrines [309] Sylvestrines
- Vol: 14 Francis Sylvius -> Francis Sylvius [310] Francis Sylvius
- Vol: 14 Symbolism -> Symbolism [311] Symbolism
- Vol: 14 Pope Symmachus, Saint -> Pope St. Symmachus [312] Pope St. Symmachus
- Vol: 14 Symmachus the Ebionite -> Symmachus the Ebionite [313] Symmachus the Ebionite
- Vol: 14 Symphorosa, Saint -> St. Symphorosa [314] St. Symphorosa
- Vol: 14 Synagogue -> Synagogue [315] Synagogue
- Vol: 14 Synaus -> Synaus [316] Synaus
- Vol: 14 Synaxarion -> Synaxarion [317] Synaxarion
- Vol: 14 Synaxis -> Synaxis [318] Synaxis
- Vol: 14 Syncelli -> Syncelli [319] Syncelli
- Vol: 14 Syncretism -> Syncretism [320] Syncretism
- Vol: 14 Synderesis -> Synderesis [321] Synderesis
- Vol: 14 Apostolic Syndic -> Apostolic Syndic [322] Apostolic Syndic
- Vol: 14 Syndicalism -> Syndicalism [323] Syndicalism
- Vol: 14 Synesius of Cyrene -> Synesius of Cyrene [324] Synesius of Cyrene
- Vol: 14 Synnada -> Synnada [325] Synnada
- Vol: 14 Synod -> Synod [326] Synod
- Vol: 14 National Synods -> National Synods [327] National Synods
- Vol: 14 Synoptics -> Synoptics [328] Synoptics
- Vol: 14 Syntagma Canonum -> Syntagma Canonum [329] Syntagma Canonum
- Vol: 14 Syon Monastery -> Syon Monastery [330] Syon Monastery
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Syra -> Diocese of Syra [331] Diocese of Syra
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Syracuse -> Archdiocese of Syracuse [332] Archdiocese of Syracuse
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Syracuse -> Diocese of Syracuse [333] Diocese of Syracuse
- Vol: 14 Syria -> Syria [334] Syria
- Vol: 14 Syriac Hymnody -> Syriac Hymnody [335] Syriac Hymnody
- Vol: 14 Syriac Language and Literature -> Syriac Language and Literature [336] Syriac Language and Literature
- Vol: 14 East Syrian Rite -> East Syrian Rite [337] East Syrian Rite
- Vol: 14 West Syrian Rite -> West Syrian Rite [338] West Syrian Rite
- Vol: 14 Stephan Szanto -> Stephan Szántó (Arator) [339] Stephan Szántó (Arator)
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Szatmar -> Diocese of Szatmár [340] Diocese of Szatmár
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Sze-ch' Wan -> Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Sze-Ch'wan [341] Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Sze-Ch'wan
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of North-western Sze-ch'wan -> Vicariate Apostolic of North-western Sze-ch'wan [342] Vicariate Apostolic of North-western Sze-ch'wan
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Sze-ch'wan -> Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Sze-ch'wan [343] Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Sze-ch'wan
- Vol: 14 Martin Szentivanyi -> Martin Szentiványi [344] Martin Szentiványi
- Vol: 14 Joseph Szujski -> Joseph Szujski [345] Joseph Szujski
- Vol: 14 Simon Szymonowicz -> Simon Szymonowicz [346] Simon Szymonowicz
- Vol: 14 Tabae -> Tabæ [347] Tabæ
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tabasco -> Diocese of Tabasco [348] Diocese of Tabasco
- Vol: 14 John Bannister Tabb -> John Bannister Tabb [349] John Bannister Tabb
- Vol: 14 Tabbora -> Tabbora [350] Tabbora
- Vol: 14 Tabernacle (in a church) -> Tabernacle (Tabernaculum) [351] Tabernacle (Tabernaculum)
- Vol: 14 Tabernacle (Old Testament) -> Tabernacle [352] Tabernacle
- Vol: 14 Feast of Tabernacles -> Feast of Tabernacles [353] Feast of Tabernacles
- Vol: 14 Tabernacle Societies -> Tabernacle Societies [354] Tabernacle Societies
- Vol: 14 Tabernacle Society -> Tabernacle Society [355] Tabernacle Society
- Vol: 14 Tacana Indians -> Tacana Indians [356] Tacana Indians
- Vol: 14 Tacapae -> Tacapæ [357] Tacapæ
- Vol: 14 Alexandre-Antonin Tache -> Alexandre-Antonin Taché [358] Alexandre-Antonin Taché
- Vol: 14 Etienne-Pascal Tache -> Etienne-Pascal Taché [359] Etienne-Pascal Taché
- Vol: 14 Tadama -> Tadama [360] Tadama
- Vol: 14 Taenarum -> Tænarum [361] Tænarum
- Vol: 14 Taensa Indians -> Taensa Indians [362] Taensa Indians
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Tahiti -> Vicariate Apostolic of Tahiti [363] Vicariate Apostolic of Tahiti
- Vol: 14 Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia Taigi -> Ven. Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia Taigi [364] Ven. Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia Taigi
- Vol: 14 Tait Indians -> Tait Indians [365] Tait Indians
- Vol: 14 Takkali -> Takkali [366] Takkali
- Vol: 14 James Talbot -> James Talbot [367] James Talbot
- Vol: 14 John Talbot -> John Talbot [368] John Talbot
- Vol: 14 Peter Talbot -> Peter Talbot [369] Peter Talbot
- Vol: 14 Thomas Joseph Talbot -> Thomas Joseph Talbot [370] Thomas Joseph Talbot
- Vol: 14 Charles-maurice de Talleyrand- Perigord -> Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord [371] Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
- Vol: 14 Thomas Tallis -> Thomas Tallis [372] Thomas Tallis
- Vol: 14 Talmud -> Talmud [373] Talmud
- Vol: 14 Jean Talon -> Jean Talon [374] Jean Talon
- Vol: 14 Nicolas Talon -> Nicolas Talon [375] Nicolas Talon
- Vol: 14 Pierre Talon -> Pierre Talon [376] Pierre Talon
- Vol: 14 Tamanac Indians -> Tamanac Indians [377] Tamanac Indians
- Vol: 14 Tamassus -> Tamassus [378] Tamassus
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tamaulipas -> Diocese of Tamaulipas [379] Diocese of Tamaulipas
- Vol: 14 Michelangelo Tamburini -> Michelangelo Tamburini [380] Michelangelo Tamburini
- Vol: 14 Thomas Tamburini -> Thomas Tamburini [381] Thomas Tamburini
- Vol: 14 Tametsi -> Tametsi [382] Tametsi
- Vol: 14 Marie-Marthe-Baptistine Tamisier -> Marie-Marthe-Baptistine Tamisier [383] Marie-Marthe-Baptistine Tamisier
- Vol: 14 Tanagra -> Tanagra [384] Tanagra
- Vol: 14 Tancred -> Tancred [385] Tancred
- Vol: 14 Roger Brooke Taney -> Roger Brooke Taney [386] Roger Brooke Taney
- Vol: 14 Cyprien Tanguay -> Cyprien Tanguay [387] Cyprien Tanguay
- Vol: 14 Tanis -> Tanis [388] Tanis
- Vol: 14 Adam Tanner -> Adam Tanner [389] Adam Tanner
- Vol: 14 Conrad Tanner -> Conrad Tanner [390] Conrad Tanner
- Vol: 14 Edmund Tanner -> Edmund Tanner [391] Edmund Tanner
- Vol: 14 Matthias Tanner -> Matthias Tanner [392] Matthias Tanner
- Vol: 14 Tantum Ergo -> Tantum Ergo [393] Tantum Ergo
- Vol: 14 Bernardo Tanucci -> Bernardo Tanucci [394] Bernardo Tanucci
- Vol: 14 Taoism -> Taoism [395] Taoism
- Vol: 14 Taos Pueblo -> Taos Pueblo [396] Taos Pueblo
- Vol: 14 Aloysius Taparelli -> Aloysius Taparelli [397] Aloysius Taparelli
- Vol: 14 Tapestry -> Tapestry [398] Tapestry
- Vol: 14 Esteban Tapis -> Esteban Tapis [399] Esteban Tapis
- Vol: 14 Helena Tarabotti -> Helena Tarabotti [400] Helena Tarabotti
- Vol: 14 Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus, Saints -> Sts. Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus [401] Sts. Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Taranto -> Diocese of Taranto [402] Diocese of Taranto
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Tarapaca -> Vicariate Apostolic of Tarapacá (de Tarapacá) [403] Vicariate Apostolic of Tarapacá (de Tarapacá)
- Vol: 14 Tarasius, Saint -> St. Tarasius [404] St. Tarasius
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tarazona -> Diocese of Tarazona [405] Diocese of Tarazona
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tarbes -> Diocese of Tarbes [406] Diocese of Tarbes
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tarentaise -> Diocese of Tarentaise [407] Diocese of Tarentaise
- Vol: 14 Targum -> Targum [408] Targum
- Vol: 14 Pierre Tarisel -> Pierre Tarisel [409] Pierre Tarisel
- Vol: 14 Tarkin, Saint -> St. Tarkin [410] St. Tarkin
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tarnow -> Diocese of Tarnow [411] Diocese of Tarnow
- Vol: 14 Camillus Tarquini -> Camillus Tarquini [412] Camillus Tarquini
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Tarragona -> Archdiocese of Tarragona [413] Archdiocese of Tarragona
- Vol: 14 Tarsicius, Saint -> St. Tarsicius [414] St. Tarsicius
- Vol: 14 Tarsus -> Tarsus [415] Tarsus
- Vol: 14 Nicolo Tartaglia -> Nicolò Tartaglia [416] Nicolò Tartaglia
- Vol: 14 Giuseppe Tartini -> Giuseppe Tartini [417] Giuseppe Tartini
- Vol: 14 Elzear-Alexandre Taschereau -> Elzéar-Alexandre Taschereau [418] Elzéar-Alexandre Taschereau
- Vol: 14 Tassach, Saint -> St. Tassach [419] St. Tassach
- Vol: 14 Joseph Tasse -> Joseph Tassé [420] Joseph Tassé
- Vol: 14 Rene-Prosper Tassin -> René-Prosper Tassin [421] René-Prosper Tassin
- Vol: 14 Torquato Tasso -> Torquato Tasso [422] Torquato Tasso
- Vol: 14 Alessandro Tassoni -> Alessandro Tassoni [423] Alessandro Tassoni
- Vol: 14 Tatian -> Tatian [424] Tatian
- Vol: 14 Tatwin, Saint -> St. Tatwin [425] St. Tatwin
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Taubate -> Diocese of Taubaté [426] Diocese of Taubaté
- Vol: 14 John Tauler -> John Tauler [427] John Tauler
- Vol: 14 Ethelred Taunton -> Ethelred Taunton [428] Ethelred Taunton
- Vol: 14 John Taverner -> John Taverner [429] John Taverner
- Vol: 14 Tavistock Abbey -> Tavistock Abbey [430] Tavistock Abbey
- Vol: 14 Tavium -> Tavium [431] Tavium
- Vol: 14 Taxa Innocentiana -> Taxa Innocentiana [432] Taxa Innocentiana
- Vol: 14 John de Taxster -> John de Taxster [433] John de Taxster
- Vol: 14 Frances Margaret Taylor -> Frances Margaret Taylor [434] Frances Margaret Taylor
- Vol: 14 Hugh Taylor -> Ven. Hugh Taylor [435] Ven. Hugh Taylor
- Vol: 14 Antonio Tebaldeo -> Antonio Tebaldeo [436] Antonio Tebaldeo
- Vol: 14 Te Deum -> Te Deum [437] Te Deum
- Vol: 14 Catherine Tegakwitha -> Catherine Tegakwitha (Tekakwitha, Takwitha) [438] Catherine Tegakwitha (Tekakwitha, Takwitha)
- Vol: 14 Tegernsee -> Tegernsee [439] Tegernsee
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tehuantepec -> Diocese of Tehuantepec [440] Diocese of Tehuantepec
- Vol: 14 Teilo, Saint -> St. Teilo [441] St. Teilo
- Vol: 14 Teleology -> Teleology [442] Teleology
- Vol: 14 Telepathy -> Telepathy [443] Telepathy
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Telese -> Diocese of Telese [444] Diocese of Telese
- Vol: 14 Bernardino Telesio -> Bernardino Telesio [445] Bernardino Telesio
- Vol: 14 Pope Telesphorus, Saint -> Pope St. Telesphorus [446] Pope St. Telesphorus
- Vol: 14 Telesphorus of Cosenza -> Telesphorus of Cosenza [447] Telesphorus of Cosenza
- Vol: 14 Tell el-Amarna Tablets -> Tell el-Amarna Tablets [448] Tell el-Amarna Tablets
- Vol: 14 Gabriel Tellez -> Gabriel Téllez [449] Gabriel Téllez
- Vol: 14 Michel Le Tellier -> Michel Le Tellier (2) [450] Michel Le Tellier (2)
- Vol: 14 Telmessus -> Telmessus [451] Telmessus
- Vol: 14 Te Lucis Ante Terminum -> Te Lucis Ante Terminum [452] Te Lucis Ante Terminum
- Vol: 14 Vicariate Apostolic of Temiskaming -> Vicariate Apostolic of Temiskaming [453] Vicariate Apostolic of Temiskaming
- Vol: 14 Temnus -> Temnus [454] Temnus
- Vol: 14 Wilhelm Tempel -> Wilhelm Tempel [455] Wilhelm Tempel
- Vol: 14 Temperance -> Temperance [456] Temperance
- Vol: 14 Temperance Movements -> Temperance Movements [457] Temperance Movements
- Vol: 14 Knights Templars -> The Knights Templars [458] The Knights Templars
- Vol: 14 Temple -> Temple [459] Temple
- Vol: 14 Sisters of the Temple -> Sisters of the Temple [460] Sisters of the Temple
- Vol: 14 Temple of Jerusalem -> Temple of Jerusalem [461] Temple of Jerusalem
- Vol: 14 Temptation -> Temptation [462] Temptation
- Vol: 14 Temptation of Christ -> Temptation of Christ [463] Temptation of Christ
- Vol: 14 Pierre-Guarin de Tencin -> Pierre-Guérin de Tencin [464] Pierre-Guérin de Tencin
- Vol: 14 Tenebrae -> Tenebræ [465] Tenebræ
- Vol: 14 Tenedos -> Tenedos [466] Tenedos
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Teneriffe -> Diocese of Teneriffe [467] Diocese of Teneriffe
- Vol: 14 David Teniers -> David Teniers [468] David Teniers
- Vol: 14 Tennessee -> Tennessee [469] Tennessee
- Vol: 14 William Jewett Tenney -> William Jewett Tenney [470] William Jewett Tenney
- Vol: 14 Tentyris -> Tentyris [471] Tentyris
- Vol: 14 Ecclesiastical Tenure -> Ecclesiastical Tenure [472] Ecclesiastical Tenure
- Vol: 14 Teos -> Teos [473] Teos
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tepic -> Diocese of Tepic [474] Diocese of Tepic
- Vol: 14 Tepl -> Tepl [475] Tepl
- Vol: 14 Diocese Teramo -> Diocese of Teramo [476] Diocese of Teramo
- Vol: 14 Terce -> Terce [477] Terce
- Vol: 14 Terenuthis -> Terenuthis [478] Terenuthis
- Vol: 14 Teresa of Jesus (Avila), Saint -> St. Teresa of Jesus [479] St. Teresa of Jesus
- Vol: 14 Teresian Martyrs of Compiegne -> Sixteen Blessed Teresian Martyrs of Compiègne [480] Sixteen Blessed Teresian Martyrs of Compiègne
- Vol: 14 Anthony Terill -> Anthony Terill (Bonville) [481] Anthony Terill (Bonville)
- Vol: 14 Termessus -> Termessus [482] Termessus
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Termoli -> Diocese of Termoli [483] Diocese of Termoli
- Vol: 14 Ternan, Saint -> St. Ternan [484] St. Ternan
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Terracina, Sezze, and Piperno -> Diocese of Terracina, Sezze, and Piperno [485] Diocese of Terracina, Sezze, and Piperno
- Vol: 14 Terrasson -> André Terrasson [486] André Terrasson
- Vol: 14 Terrestrial Paradise -> Terrestrial Paradise [487] Terrestrial Paradise
- Vol: 14 Jean-Baptiste Terrien -> Jean-Baptiste Terrien [488] Jean-Baptiste Terrien
- Vol: 14 Tertiaries -> Tertiaries [489] Tertiaries
- Vol: 14 Tertullian -> Tertullian [490] Tertullian
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Teruel -> Diocese of Teruel [491] Diocese of Teruel
- Vol: 14 Old Testament -> Old Testament [492] Old Testament
- Vol: 14 New Testament -> The New Testament [493] The New Testament
- Vol: 14 Testem Benevolentiae -> Testem Benevolentiae [494] Testem Benevolentiae
- Vol: 14 Missouri Test Oath -> Missouri Test-Oath [495] Missouri Test-Oath
- Vol: 14 Johann Tetzel -> Johann Tetzel [496] Johann Tetzel
- Vol: 14 Teuchira -> Teuchira [497] Teuchira
- Vol: 14 Teutonic Order -> Teutonic Order [498] Teutonic Order
- Vol: 14 Tewdrig -> Tewdrig [499] Tewdrig
- Vol: 14 Tewkesbury Abbey -> Tewkesbury Abbey [500] Tewkesbury Abbey
- Vol: 14 State of Texas -> State of Texas [501] State of Texas
- Vol: 14 Mount Thabor -> Mount Thabor [502] Mount Thabor
- Vol: 14 Thabraca -> Thabraca [503] Thabraca
- Vol: 14 Thacia Montana -> Thacia Montana [504] Thacia Montana
- Vol: 14 Thaenae -> Thænæ [505] Thænæ
- Vol: 14 Thagaste -> Thagaste [506] Thagaste
- Vol: 14 Thagora -> Thagora [507] Thagora
- Vol: 14 Thais, Saint -> St. Thais [508] St. Thais
- Vol: 14 Sigismond Thalberg -> Sigismond Thalberg [509] Sigismond Thalberg
- Vol: 14 Valentin Thalhofer -> Valentin Thalhofer [510] Valentin Thalhofer
- Vol: 14 Thangmar -> Thangmar [511] Thangmar
- Vol: 14 Thanksgiving before and after Meals -> Thanksgiving before and after Meals [512] Thanksgiving before and after Meals
- Vol: 14 Thanksgiving Day -> Thanksgiving Day [513] Thanksgiving Day
- Vol: 14 Thapsus -> Thapsus [514] Thapsus
- Vol: 14 Thasos -> Thasos [515] Thasos
- Vol: 14 Thaumaci -> Thaumaci [516] Thaumaci
- Vol: 14 John Thayer -> John Thayer [517] John Thayer
- Vol: 14 Theatines -> Theatines [518] Theatines
- Vol: 14 Theatre -> The Theatre [519] The Theatre
- Vol: 14 Thebaid -> Thebaid [520] Thebaid
- Vol: 14 Augustus Thebaud -> Augustus Thébaud [521] Augustus Thébaud
- Vol: 14 Thebes (Greece) -> Thebes (1) [522] Thebes (1)
- Vol: 14 Thebes (Egypt) -> Thebes (2) [523] Thebes (2)
- Vol: 14 Thecla, Saint -> St. Thecla [524] St. Thecla
- Vol: 14 Thecla, Saints -> Sts. Thecla [525] Sts. Thecla
- Vol: 14 Theft -> Theft [526] Theft
- Vol: 14 Thegan of Treves -> Thegan (Degan) of Treves [527] Thegan (Degan) of Treves
- Vol: 14 Augustin theiner -> Augustin Theiner [528] Augustin Theiner
- Vol: 14 Thelepte -> Thelepte [529] Thelepte
- Vol: 14 Themiscyra -> Themiscyra [530] Themiscyra
- Vol: 14 Themisonium -> Themisonium [531] Themisonium
- Vol: 14 Louis-Jacques Thenard -> Baron Louis-Jacques Thénard [532] Baron Louis-Jacques Thénard
- Vol: 14 Thennesus -> Thennesus [533] Thennesus
- Vol: 14 Theobald, Saint -> St. Theobald [534] St. Theobald
- Vol: 14 Theobald -> Theobald [535] Theobald
- Vol: 14 Theocracy -> Theocracy [536] Theocracy
- Vol: 14 Theodard, Saint -> St. Theodard [537] St. Theodard
- Vol: 14 Theodicy -> Theodicy [538] Theodicy
- Vol: 14 Pope Theodore I -> Pope Theodore I [539] Pope Theodore I
- Vol: 14 Pope Theodore II -> Pope Theodore II [540] Pope Theodore II
- Vol: 14 Theodore (Archbishop of Canterbury) -> Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury [541] Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Vol: 14 Theodore (Bishop of Mopsuestia in Cilicia) -> Theodore of Mopsuestia [542] Theodore of Mopsuestia
- Vol: 14 Theodore of Amasea, Saint -> St. Theodore of Amasea [543] St. Theodore of Amasea
- Vol: 14 Theodore of Gaza -> Theodore of Gaza [544] Theodore of Gaza
- Vol: 14 Theodore of Studium, Saint -> St. Theodore of Studium [545] St. Theodore of Studium
- Vol: 14 Theodoret -> Theodoret [546] Theodoret
- Vol: 14 Theodoric of Chartres -> Theodoric of Chartres [547] Theodoric of Chartres
- Vol: 14 Theodoric the Great -> Theodoric the Great [548] Theodoric the Great
- Vol: 14 Theodorus and Theophanes, Saints -> Sts. Theodorus and Theophanes [549] Sts. Theodorus and Theophanes
- Vol: 14 Theodorus Lector -> Theodorus Lector [550] Theodorus Lector
- Vol: 14 Theodosiopolis -> Theodosiopolis [551] Theodosiopolis
- Vol: 14 Theodosius I -> Theodosius I [552] Theodosius I
- Vol: 14 Theodosius Florentini -> Theodosius Florentini [553] Theodosius Florentini
- Vol: 14 Theodotus of Ancyra, Saint -> St. Theodotus of Ancyra [554] St. Theodotus of Ancyra
- Vol: 14 Theodulf -> Theodulf [555] Theodulf
- Vol: 14 Theology -> Theology [556] Theology
- Vol: 14 Theonas -> Theonas [557] Theonas
- Vol: 14 Theophanes, Saint -> St. Theophanes [558] St. Theophanes
- Vol: 14 Theophanes Kerameus -> Theophanes Kerameus [559] Theophanes Kerameus
- Vol: 14 Theophane Venard -> Bl. Théophane Vénard [560] Bl. Théophane Vénard
- Vol: 14 Theophilanthropists -> Theophilanthropists [561] Theophilanthropists
- Vol: 14 Theophilus of Antioch -> Theophilus (1) [562] Theophilus (1)
- Vol: 14 Theophilus of Alexandria -> Theophilus (2) [563] Theophilus (2)
- Vol: 14 Theosophy -> Theosophy [564] Theosophy
- Vol: 14 Domenico Theotocopuli -> Domenico Theotocopuli [565] Domenico Theotocopuli
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Thera -> Diocese of Thera [566] Diocese of Thera
- Vol: 14 Thermae Basilicae -> Thermæ Basilicæ [567] Thermæ Basilicæ
- Vol: 14 Thermopylae -> Thermopylæ [568] Thermopylæ
- Vol: 14 Epistles to the Thessalonians -> Epistles to the Thessalonians [569] Epistles to the Thessalonians
- Vol: 14 Thessalonica -> Thessalonica [570] Thessalonica
- Vol: 14 Theveste -> Theveste [571] Theveste
- Vol: 14 Thibaris -> Thibaris [572] Thibaris
- Vol: 14 Thibaut de Champagne -> Thibaut de Champagne [573] Thibaut de Champagne
- Vol: 14 Thierry of Freiburg -> Thierry of Freiburg [574] Thierry of Freiburg
- Vol: 14 Louis-Adolphe Thiers -> Louis-Adolphe Thiers [575] Louis-Adolphe Thiers
- Vol: 14 Thignica -> Thignica [576] Thignica
- Vol: 14 Joseph Albert Alberdingk Thijm -> Joseph Albert Alberdingk Thijm [577] Joseph Albert Alberdingk Thijm
- Vol: 14 Peter Paul Maria Alberdingk Thijm -> Peter Paul Maria Alberdingk Thijm [578] Peter Paul Maria Alberdingk Thijm
- Vol: 14 Richard Thimelby -> Richard Thimelby [579] Richard Thimelby
- Vol: 14 Third Orders -> Third Orders [580] Third Orders
- Vol: 14 Thirty Years War -> Thirty Years War [581] Thirty Years War
- Vol: 14 Thmuis -> Thmuis [582] Thmuis
- Vol: 14 Thomas the Apostle, Saint -> St. Thomas the Apostle [583] St. Thomas the Apostle
- Vol: 14 Charles Thomas -> Charles L.A. Thomas [584] Charles L.A. Thomas
- Vol: 14 Thomas Abel -> Bl. Thomas Abel [585] Bl. Thomas Abel
- Vol: 14 Thomas à Jesu -> Thomas á Jesu [586] Thomas á Jesu
- Vol: 14 Thomas a Kempis -> Thomas a Kempis [587] Thomas a Kempis
- Vol: 14 Thomas Alfield -> Ven. Thomas Alfield [588] Ven. Thomas Alfield
- Vol: 14 Thomas Aquinas, Saint -> St. Thomas Aquinas [589] St. Thomas Aquinas
- Vol: 14 Thomas Becket, Saint -> St. Thomas Becket [590] St. Thomas Becket
- Vol: 14 Thomas Christians, Saint -> St. Thomas Christians [591] St. Thomas Christians
- Vol: 14 Thomas Cottam -> Bl. Thomas Cottam [592] Bl. Thomas Cottam
- Vol: 14 Thomas Ford -> Bl. Thomas Ford [593] Bl. Thomas Ford
- Vol: 14 Thomas Johnson -> Bl. Thomas Johnson [594] Bl. Thomas Johnson
- Vol: 14 Thomas More, Blessed -> Bl. Thomas More [595] Bl. Thomas More
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Beckington -> Thomas of Beckington [596] Thomas of Beckington
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Bradwardine -> Thomas of Bradwardine [597] Thomas of Bradwardine
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Cantimpre -> Thomas of Cantimpré [598] Thomas of Cantimpré
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Celano -> Thomas of Celano [599] Thomas of Celano
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Dover, Saint -> Thomas of Dover [600] Thomas of Dover
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Hereford, Saint -> St. Thomas of Hereford [601] St. Thomas of Hereford
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Jesus -> Thomas of Jesus [602] Thomas of Jesus
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Jorz -> Thomas of Jorz [603] Thomas of Jorz
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Strasburg -> Thomas of Strasburg [604] Thomas of Strasburg
- Vol: 14 Thomas of Villanova, Saint -> St. Thomas of Villanova [605] St. Thomas of Villanova
- Vol: 14 Thomas Percy -> Bl. Thomas Percy [606] Bl. Thomas Percy
- Vol: 14 Thomas Sherwood -> Bl. Thomas Sherwood [607] Bl. Thomas Sherwood
- Vol: 14 Louis Thomassin -> Louis Thomassin [608] Louis Thomassin
- Vol: 14 Thomas Woodhouse -> Bl. Thomas Woodhouse [609] Bl. Thomas Woodhouse
- Vol: 14 Thomism -> Thomism [610] Thomism
- Vol: 14 Thompson -> Thompson [611] Thompson
- Vol: 14 Francis Thompson -> Francis Thompson [612] Francis Thompson
- Vol: 14 John Sparrow David Thompson -> Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David Thompson [613] Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David Thompson
- Vol: 14 Thompson River Indians -> Thompson River Indians [614] Thompson River Indians
- Vol: 14 Jean-Joseph Thonissen -> Jean-Joseph Thonissen [615] Jean-Joseph Thonissen
- Vol: 14 Thorney Abbey -> Thorney Abbey [616] Thorney Abbey
- Vol: 14 Feast of the Crown of Thorns -> Feast of the Crown of Thorns [617] Feast of the Crown of Thorns
- Vol: 14 Robert Thorpe -> Ven. Robert Thorpe [618] Ven. Robert Thorpe
- Vol: 14 Jacques-Auguste de Thou -> Jacques-Auguste de Thou [619] Jacques-Auguste de Thou
- Vol: 14 Nicolas de Thou -> Nicolas de Thou [620] Nicolas de Thou
- Vol: 14 Three Chapters -> Three Chapters [621] Three Chapters
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Three Rivers -> Diocese of Three Rivers [622] Diocese of Three Rivers
- Vol: 14 Throne -> Throne [623] Throne
- Vol: 14 Thuburbo Minus -> Thuburbo Minus [624] Thuburbo Minus
- Vol: 14 Thugga -> Thugga [625] Thugga
- Vol: 14 Johann Thugut -> Johann Amadeus Franz de Paula Thugut [626] Johann Amadeus Franz de Paula Thugut
- Vol: 14 John Thulis -> Ven. John Thulis [627] Ven. John Thulis
- Vol: 14 Thundering Legion -> Thundering Legion [628] Thundering Legion
- Vol: 14 Leo Thun-Hohenstein -> Count Leo Thun-Hohenstein [629] Count Leo Thun-Hohenstein
- Vol: 14 Thuringia -> Thuringia [630] Thuringia
- Vol: 14 Johannes Thurmayr -> Johannes Thurmayr [631] Johannes Thurmayr
- Vol: 14 Thomas Thwing -> Ven. Thomas Thwing [632] Ven. Thomas Thwing
- Vol: 14 Thyatira -> Thyatira [633] Thyatira
- Vol: 14 Thynias -> Thynias [634] Thynias
- Vol: 14 Hermann Thyraus -> Hermann Thyräus [635] Hermann Thyräus
- Vol: 14 Tiara -> Tiara [636] Tiara
- Vol: 14 Pellegrino Tibaldi -> Pellegrino Tibaldi [637] Pellegrino Tibaldi
- Vol: 14 Tiberias -> Tiberias [638] Tiberias
- Vol: 14 Sea of Tiberias -> Sea of Tiberias [639] Sea of Tiberias
- Vol: 14 Tiberiopolis -> Tiberiopolis [640] Tiberiopolis
- Vol: 14 Tiberius -> Tiberius [641] Tiberius
- Vol: 14 Tibet -> Tibet [642] Tibet
- Vol: 14 Tiburtius and Susanna, Saints -> Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna [643] Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna
- Vol: 14 Ticelia -> Ticelia [644] Ticelia
- Vol: 14 Nicholas Tichborne -> Ven. Nicholas Tichborne [645] Ven. Nicholas Tichborne
- Vol: 14 Thomas Tichborne -> Ven. Thomas Tichborne [646] Ven. Thomas Tichborne
- Vol: 14 Ticonius -> Ticonius [647] Ticonius
- Vol: 14 Ticuna Indians -> Ticuna Indians [648] Ticuna Indians
- Vol: 14 Joseph Tieffentaller -> Joseph Tieffentaller [649] Joseph Tieffentaller
- Vol: 14 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo -> Tiepolo [650] Tiepolo
- Vol: 14 Mark Aloysius Tierney -> Mark Aloysius Tierney [651] Mark Aloysius Tierney
- Vol: 14 Tigris, Saint -> St. Tigris [652] St. Tigris
- Vol: 14 Louis Sebastien le Nain de Tillemont -> Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont [653] Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont
- Vol: 14 Johannes Tserclaes Tilly -> Johannes Tserclæs, Count of Tilly [654] Johannes Tserclæs, Count of Tilly
- Vol: 14 Timbrias -> Timbrias [655] Timbrias
- Vol: 14 Time -> Time [656] Time
- Vol: 14 Timotheus and Symphorian, Saints -> Sts. Timotheus and Symphorian [657] Sts. Timotheus and Symphorian
- Vol: 14 Epistles to Timothy and Titus -> Epistles to Timothy and Titus [658] Epistles to Timothy and Titus
- Vol: 14 Timucua Indians -> Timucua Indians [659] Timucua Indians
- Vol: 14 Mary Agnes Tincker -> Mary Agnes Tincker [660] Mary Agnes Tincker
- Vol: 14 Tingis -> Tingis [661] Tingis
- Vol: 14 See of Tinin -> See of Tinin [662] See of Tinin
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tinos and Mykonos -> Diocese of Tinos and Mykonos [663] Diocese of Tinos and Mykonos
- Vol: 14 Tintern Abbey -> Tintern Abbey [664] Tintern Abbey
- Vol: 14 Il Tintoretto -> Il Tintoretto [665] Il Tintoretto
- Vol: 14 Tipasa -> Tipasa [666] Tipasa
- Vol: 14 Girolamo Tiraboschi -> Girolamo Tiraboschi [667] Girolamo Tiraboschi
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tiraspol -> Diocese of Tiraspol [668] Diocese of Tiraspol
- Vol: 14 Benvenuto Tisio da Garofalo -> Benvenuto Tisio da Garofalo [669] Benvenuto Tisio da Garofalo
- Vol: 14 James Tissot -> James Tissot [670] James Tissot
- Vol: 14 Tithes -> Tithes [671] Tithes
- Vol: 14 Titian -> Titian [672] Titian
- Vol: 14 Titopolis -> Titopolis [673] Titopolis
- Vol: 14 Titulus -> Titulus [674] Titulus
- Vol: 14 Titus (Bishop of Bostra) -> Titus, Bishop of Bostra [675] Titus, Bishop of Bostra
- Vol: 14 Titus (Roman Emperor) -> Titus [676] Titus
- Vol: 14 Tius -> Tius [677] Tius
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tivoli -> Diocese of Tivoli [678] Diocese of Tivoli
- Vol: 14 Tlaxcala -> Tlaxcala [679] Tlaxcala
- Vol: 14 Tlos -> Tlos [680] Tlos
- Vol: 14 Giuseppe Toaldo -> Giuseppe Toaldo [681] Giuseppe Toaldo
- Vol: 14 Toba Indians -> Toba Indians [682] Toba Indians
- Vol: 14 Tobias -> Tobias [683] Tobias
- Vol: 14 De Tocqueville -> Alexis de Tocqueville [684] Alexis de Tocqueville
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Todi -> Diocese of Todi [685] Diocese of Todi
- Vol: 14 Tokyo (Tokio) -> Tokio [686] Tokio
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Toledo -> Archdiocese of Toledo [687] Archdiocese of Toledo
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Toledo -> Diocese of Toledo (Ohio) [688] Diocese of Toledo (Ohio)
- Vol: 14 Francisco Toledo -> Francisco Toledo [689] Francisco Toledo
- Vol: 14 History of Toleration -> History of Toleration [690] History of Toleration
- Vol: 14 Religious Toleration -> Religious Toleration [691] Religious Toleration
- Vol: 14 John Baptist Tolomei -> John Baptist Tolomei [692] John Baptist Tolomei
- Vol: 14 Tomb -> Tomb [693] Tomb
- Vol: 14 Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary -> Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary [694] Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Vol: 14 Tomi -> Tomi [695] Tomi
- Vol: 14 Abbey of Tongerloo -> Abbey of Tongerloo [696] Abbey of Tongerloo
- Vol: 14 Salvator Tongiorgi -> Salvator Tongiorgi [697] Salvator Tongiorgi
- Vol: 14 Gift of Tongues -> Gift of Tongues [698] Gift of Tongues
- Vol: 14 Tonica Indians -> Tonica Indians [699] Tonica Indians
- Vol: 14 Tonkawa Indians -> Tonkawa Indians [700] Tonkawa Indians
- Vol: 14 Tonsure -> Tonsure [701] Tonsure
- Vol: 14 Hugh Tootell -> Hugh Tootell [702] Hugh Tootell
- Vol: 14 Torah -> Torah [703] Torah
- Vol: 14 Francesco Torbido -> Francesco Torbido [704] Francesco Torbido
- Vol: 14 Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo, Saint -> St. Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo [705] St. Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo
- Vol: 14 Girolamo Francesco Tornielli -> Girolamo Francesco Tornielli [706] Girolamo Francesco Tornielli
- Vol: 14 Torone -> Torone [707] Torone
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Toronto -> Archdiocese of Toronto [708] Archdiocese of Toronto
- Vol: 14 Tomas de Torquemada -> Tomás de Torquemada [709] Tomás de Torquemada
- Vol: 14 Francisco Torres -> Francisco Torres [710] Francisco Torres
- Vol: 14 Bartoleme de Torres Naharro -> Bartolemé de Torres Naharro [711] Bartolemé de Torres Naharro
- Vol: 14 Evangelista Torricelli -> Evangelista Torricelli [712] Evangelista Torricelli
- Vol: 14 Jose Torrubia -> José Torrubia [713] José Torrubia
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tortona -> Diocese of Tortona [714] Diocese of Tortona
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tortosa -> Diocese of Tortosa [715] Diocese of Tortosa
- Vol: 14 Paolo Dal Pozzo Toscanelli -> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli [716] Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli
- Vol: 14 Tosephta -> Tosephta [717] Tosephta
- Vol: 14 Alonso Tostado -> Alonso Tostado [718] Alonso Tostado
- Vol: 14 Luigi Tosti -> Luigi Tosti [719] Luigi Tosti
- Vol: 14 Totemism -> Totemism [720] Totemism
- Vol: 14 Totonac Indians -> Totonac Indians [721] Totonac Indians
- Vol: 14 George Anselm Touchet -> George Anselm Touchet [722] George Anselm Touchet
- Vol: 14 Archdiocese of Toulouse -> Archdiocese of Toulouse [723] Archdiocese of Toulouse
- Vol: 14 Diocese of Tournai -> Diocese of Tournai [724] Diocese of Tournai
- Vol: 14 Joseph Pitton de Tournefort -> Joseph Pitton de Tournefort [725] Joseph Pitton de Tournefort
- Vol: 14 Honore Tournely -> Honoré Tournély [726] Honoré Tournély