Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Drafts/In Old Arizona
User: SnowyCinema
File: In Old Arizona with Edmund Lowe.webm
Author: Irving Cummings and Raoul Walsh
Publisher: Fox Film Corporation
Year: 1928
PD: PD/US|film=yes
Cat: Sound film, Western film
There's the bus.
Hello, [Felly].
Hello, there.
Hi, how is everything going?
Uh, hold a seat there for me! I'll be right there.
Well, good-bye, old boy. Good-bye to you. I enjoyed your company very much, and I'm coming back here to stay among people of such good breeding as you are.
Hurry up, folks, 'cause I'm in a hurry.
Listen. Some of these foreigners have to be put in their place, you know that? And I'm the bucko that can do it!
Does this coach go to Gallup?
Yes'm. Get right in. I'm late now.
Well, good-bye, Nelly.
Put that coat in mothballs, and send on the blue dress that's hanging in the closet. Well, good-bye.
Take care of your rheumatism, and don't each too much meat.
Oh, get in!
Hey, don't let the cat out at night, and be sure and cover our bird with wools. Well, good-bye.
Say, I wonder if I have everything.
I hope you have.
Um, well, where am I gonna sit?
Where's a man usually sit?
I don't think I'm gonna like these other passengers!
Oh, get in there!
That gold box in all right?
Gila-Tombstone Stage
Now, Nelly, don't forget to put the cat in the mothballs! Hahahahahahaha!
Good-bye, Nelly!
Good-bye, Amy!
Bye! Good-bye! Good-bye!
$5,000.00 Reward!
"The Cisco Kid"
Holdup and Robbery
Postal Stage
This reward will be paid for the captor of this bandit
Dead or alive
Hehehe! Five thousand dollars for my head, huh? Never. My friend, we are in very dangerous business. We must work quick. This gun, he liable to bark many, many times. But he is the best friend I got, uh, next to you, my friend, yes. Let's go to work, huh?
Halt! Put up your hands!
Keep 'em up.
For the love of St. Patrick, what's this?
Everybody come out of the coach.
Oh, there you are.
A holdup—we're lucky if we get away with our lives!
Oh, I shouldn't have come on this trip. I told-
Keep the mouths closed.
Throw down the guns.
Now, throw down the gold box.
Phil, get your feet out of the way, here, before we get shot.
All right, here it is! Here it comes.
Gracias. Keep 'em up. Keep the hands up.
Ahh!!! I think I'm going to faint!
If you do, you'll fall on your ear.
The pretty lady—come here.
Who? Me?
Uh, no, the other pretty lady.
Oh, for pity's sake! Hahahahaha!
Come here.
Everybody get back in the coach.
Oh! He might get me!
You have nothing to fear.
Everybody, in the coach.
Come on, get in the coach. Come on, get in the coach.
Keep 'em up.
I don't know how you live so long and act so foolish, my friend. ¡Ojos del tonto!
Ah, is very pretty pin you've got. It look very beautiful on my girl. I take it. Ah, but, first, I give you gold for it.
Oh, say, ¡gracias! ¡Gracias!
Keep 'em up!
He didn't rob any of us.
Ah, lady. I never rob the individual. I am so sorry. I cannot travel with you in this very dangerous country. Uh, but, I wish you, a very safe and pleasant journey. Adiós.
Good-bye, bandit. Hahaha!
Be on your way! Quick!
Well, Bill, I guess we're out of shootin' distance from that fella now. Say, did that there bandit rob any of you folks?
No, he didn't rob any of us.
Well, if I hadn't been so busy with that there gold a-gettin' it out for him, I'd have killed that fella and I'm not a-lyin'.
I'm mighty glad to see you throw down that gold box. You know, there's nothing like being liberal with other people's money. Come on! Let's get a-goin'!
Giddy up!
By golly, my friend. Heh! You and me are going to have lots of fun. I buy for you new blanket, new shoes, and a good dinner. Then we go to see my girl. Yes, sir, we are going to have one fine time.
It says in here John L. Sullivan is going to quit drinkin'. Did you read that, Hen'y?
I don't believe in them newspaper stories. Probably ain't true anyhows.
Look! Here comes that old stagecoach, sure enough.
My golly!
Hey, those boys are hoofin' up fast.
That's for sure.
Hello, there, old boy!
Hello, there.
Hi, Charlie.
Hello, Bill.
Boys, I was held up down there at the Devil's Pincushion by that Cisco Kid. And I sure would have killed that fella, too, if my gun hadn't have hung, wouldn't I, Bill?
You sure would have.
Where's the colonel at?
He's inside. Go and see him, Charlie.
Say, there's got to be something done here about this Cisco Kid. He held up my stagecoach down here and took my Wells Fargo box. He didn't harm nor rob any of my passengers, but he like to scared all of them to death.
Hmm. Where'd you see him?
I met him down here off in the desert, what they call the Devil's Pincushion.
Oh, Orderly.
Yes, sir?
Tell Sergeant Dunn to report to me at once.
Yes, sir.
I'll tell you the facts—what I'd have done. If my gun hadn't have hung on me, I'd have shot him myself.
Yes, I know, Charlie. I know just how you feel about things like that.
Am I faded?
Come on, sweetheart. One pass for papa. One, that's all. I'll shoot the works. Read 'em and grieve. Ha! That's my baby! Rich and ricey, nice and spicy. All right, come on, pay me some of that coin, you guys.
Oh, I see where President McKinley is gonna send a bunch of you boys down to Cuba.
Yeah, so I understand.
Come on, sweetheart. My Brooklyn baby needs new shoes. Ha! Dynamite! Another natural for Big Casino.
Hey, what's the idea? Did you walk through a pasture or somethin'?
Get out of my life, Hard-Luck.
Come on. Ada from Decatur crossed the equator. Ha!
Hahahahaha! It's a four! Hahahahaha!
Hey, listen, Bad-News, if I never see you again, it'll be soon enough for me.
Gee, but the colonel wants you.
Well, why didn't you say so? That's different.
So long, boys. I hear my master's voice.
Yeah, but your point is four.
Well, what do you want me to do, cry? Geez.
Hey, can you imagine? Just because he's got stripes, he thinks he's a zebra. I never saw a guy like that-
Sarge! Sarge!
I've got a great idea.
You do the playing, I'll do the interrupting, and we'll split.
Are you trying to make a dishonest soldier out of me?
Dishonest? Well, holy gosh!
Sergeant Dunn reporting for duty, sir.
Sergeant, the Cisco Kid's back in our territory. He just held up the stage coming in from the south. It's up to our outfit to get him. I want you to take a squad of men and go into wolf country. Camp at the rio and work west.
Yes, sir.
And don't get the idea this is any picnic! This is not the usual type of cattle rustler. He's smart and he's brave and he's a killer. And you don't need to worry about any court-martial, if you shoot first and argue afterwards. Do you understand?
Yes, sir.
Then get going.
Yes, sir.
Charlie, thanks very much for the information. He'll bring him back dead or alive. Well, I'm darn glad of that. And I'll bring over a pistol the next time I come, too.
Hello, Hester!
Morning, Mrs. Doolittle. How's Henry?
Fine, thanks.
That's good.
Well, good morning.
Well, boys, he's done it again. This time it was a stagecoach.
Who did what?
It's your lone bandit. Why, he come tearin' down the gulch and held up the stage all by himself.
What'd he get away with this time?
He took the Wells Fargo box and all the gold that was in it.
What? I just a-send my wife eighty-seven dollars to Sicily by the Wells Fargo.
Well, you can kiss that good-bye. When this here Cisco Kid does a job, he does it right.
I wish I had my hands on him. I do good job a-myself.
We've got to form a vigilante committee, and hang him to the highest tree. And I'm going to start it! They say he'll shoot you as quick as he'll look at you! But if I ever meet him face-to-face, I'll kill him like I would a dog!
What? You would kill somebody?
You heard me!
I'd kill him too. First I try to get my eighty-seven dollars a-back.
You lose eighty-seven dollar, my friend? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. That is too bad. I hate to see working man lose so much money. Uh, this Cisco Kid, he's very bad egg, I guess, huh?
He's bad, all right.
And plenty dangerous too.
They say the gals are all crazy about him. Ha! That's funny.
Funny? Haha. I don't know. He may be very handsome.
Probably just a dirty greaser.
Oh. You have never seen him, no?
No, but we're going to. Come on, Joe. Let's get this vigilante committee started. We'll make this town safe, anyway.
Yes. We'll get Cameron, Randolph, and Turner, and the rest of the gang. We'll round him up before the night is over.
It took me six a-months to save that eighty-seven dollars, and now it's all gone.
My friend, up in the hills, I have find much gold. Ha! I tell you what I do. You fix for me a nice bath, with nice, sweet soap; nice, new towel; and then, when I go away, I make up to you all the money you lose. Hehehe!
Grazie, Signore! You are very kind!
Uh, thank you. That's enough!
No more costumers today! Only you!
Now I fix a fine-a tub.
Hehe! That's right, my friend. Hehe!
Just a minute.
Come in, my friend.
Are you the barber?
Hahaha! No. No. I'm the victim.
Oh. Haha! Well, what's the idea of locking the door?
Shh. Haha! This barber fellow, I don't know, but he's much scared—bandit!
Oh, yeah?
Hahahaha! Well, you tell him he don't have to worry from now on.
Oh, that is good news.
From now on, everybody should not be afraid. Haha! I'm glad you come.
You got nice big gun too, huh?
Yeah, well, that ain't no cap pistol you're carrying.
No,, this is.. Hey, Giuseppe!
No, no. No more costumer!
"Costumer"? What do I look like, a dressmaker?
Yeah... Oh, dress-... Haha! That's funny. Hahaha! Hey, Giuseppe, business is business. Now, you take care of this gentleman. Yeah. Uh, you are next.
Thank you.
All right.
Hey, Giuseppe! I take my bath now!
Almost-a ready.
Hey, you got any more perfume?
No, no more.
Oh, excuse me. Maybe you use perfume, huh?
For my women, nothing but Jockey Club. For me, nix.
Hahahaha! Well, for me, you see, I go around so many different kinds of people, I got to protect myself.
Hehehe! And now for nice, good, hot bath.
Yeah, well, don't burn yourself, Fauntleroy.
Ah, Giuseppe, you got my bath all ready.
Everything, sir, very nice—soap, towel, brush, everything-a nice.
Yes, that's fine.
I stay, a-scrub your back?
Oh, no! I'm too ticklish. Hahaha! Thank you very much.
Hey, Garibaldi, hurry up.
Go. Take care of my soldier friend. Give him anything he wants.
Si, Signore. Anything you like. Anything.
Ah, by golly! This is luxury.
You dropped-a this.
Me and the belle of Greenpoint.
Say, she's got more in a minute, than Lillian Russell has in an hour.
But she's-a too skin.
Too skin? Listen, she has more curves than a scenic railway. Hehe.
I like 'em a-fat.
Fat dames are old-fashioned—old-fashioned!
Just the same, I like 'em a-fat.
All right, all right, Garibaldi, you can have 'em fat. Hahahaha!
Who is that gent in there?
He's a-nice a-fellow. He's a-big a-gold and silver-a man from the hill.
Oh. Say, listen. Do you happen to know anything about a fellow they call the Cisco Kid? I understand he drops into this town occasionally. I'm very anxious to see him. Do you know him?
Do I know about him? Say, I'd like to meet him just a-once, and that would be enough. Just a-once!
Well, meet him with that, not me. Geez. Haha!
Say, he's a-got a nice a-voice, that fellow.
Nice? He must have promised you a big tip. Geez.
Want a shampoo?
What a singe?
Singe? Say, what do you think grows on my dome, pinfeathers?
Want a tonic-a?
No tonic-a. Shave-a.
Hey, Pop, where's the sergeant?
He just went on up to the barbershop.
The barbershop? Hahahaha! What for? Wait till he sees the gals in this town. Haha! Why, the old connoisseur is liable to burst right out crying. Talcum powder and witch hazel.
Well, he has to smell sweet, doesn't he?
What's the matter with the gals in this town?
No. No sissy stuff.
Haha! Hehe! Gettin' dolled up, eh? Well, we've been all over town, Sergeant. You won't like it here.
No? Why not?
Well, all the dames we've seen is fat.
Yeah, there ain't a skinny ankle in town.
Just a lot of old, broken-down warhorses. The sun's bleached 'em.
Yeah, the sun and peroxide. Say, don't they make any pretty girls anymore?
Say, listen, you roughnecks, get down to business and cut out the dames, see?
Oh, there ain't no better business than dames.
Get back to camp now, pronto, understand?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Say, what did I say to him?
I don't see why-
You're the big a-boss, huh?
That's right, kiddo.
This little frontier town of ours, will soon be a thriving, prosperous city of the great Southwest. The railroad is coming in down here, and it's up to us to suppress the bandit, the outlaw, and the desperado.
If the sheriff can't do it, and the army won't do it, then it's up to us to drive him out of here.
There, boys! There's the proper spirit right there!
Ah. Well, now, I feel very good. How you feel, Sergeant?
All right.
Oh, excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Conrado Sebastián Rodrigo Don Juan Chicuelo. Hehehe! Ah, but the girls, they call me "Conejito".
That mean "Little Rabbit". Hahahahaha!
Oh. Little Rabbit, huh? Are you that fast?
Hehehe! No, no.
Well, my name is Mickey Dunn, and the girls call me "Big Casino". Mitt me.
Oh, thank you.
What do I owe you, Garibaldi?
Oh, no, never mind. No, this my treat.
Oh, fine.
Sure. I bet.
Now, my friend, I give you all the dollar. That make up all the money you lose.
Grazie, Signor. Grazie.
Poor fellow. Somebody steal his money. Hmm. I got no use for that kind of thief.
You're right. I'd like to get my hands on him.
Adiós, my friend.
Is that your horse?
Uh, that is my horse.
Ah, he's a fine-looking animal.
Ah, this fellow Yaqui, he's the best friend I ever got.
What you say, my friend? I meet you down to the saloon at, uh, oh, at three o'clock, huh?
Three o'clock?
Right. What are you going to do in the meanwhile? Call on the señoritas?
Hehe! No, no. Only one for me. Oh, I like lots of señoritas, but, I love only one.
Same with me—one at a time. That's only fair to the sex. Know what I mean?
Adiós, my friend.
So long, "Little Rabbit". Hehehe!
Well, I'll be blowed. Hehehe! "Little Rabbit".
Come on, my friend.
Well, if it ain't the old village blacksmith himself.
Hello, Sergeant.
Hello, there, Little Rab-... Well, Pop, did you give the old boy a new pair of patent leather shoes?
Yeah, all around. She's ready and waiting for you. Cost you eighty cents.
Good morning, Mr. Higgins.
Good morning, Matilda.
Good morning, Matilda.
Say, you know any people around these parts?
I reckon I know almost everyone.
You know a fella they call the Cisco Kid?
Hahahaha! Say, that was him you just shook hands with over there.
What? I just shook hands with him?
Sure. That was the Cisco Kid himself. Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! Ahaha!
Well, I'll be-
Shut up, ya jackass!
el conejito ...
Well, what you want, eh?
El Conejito is coming. He's here at the corral right now.
Gasp! Hold him there! Keep him there! Hurry! Hurry!
Come out. Come out!
What's the matter?
Go! Get out quick!
Don't make talk! My lover, he come and he kill you! Quick!
Sigh, ¡Dios mío!
What kind of greeting is this? You stand there as though I was the devil himself.
Sí, sí. Welcome home, my very good friend.
Gracias. Where is Tonia Maria?
I tell her. She come.
Well, I must go feed my horse. Ah, who will feed me? I'm hungry. Get me ham and eggs.
Sí, sí.
Plenty eggs, huh?
What's the matter with you? Uh, you cannot move? I must give you start, huh?
No. No, señor.
That old woman is getting crazy.
He does not suspect?
No. But someday he will catch you.
Then what?
You will have a flower in your hand, but you will not smell it.
Then all your troubles will be over.
So will yours.
¡Conejito! ¡Conejito!
Hey, my Tonia.
Ah, my Conejito!
Ah, you always come to meet me. What's the matter? What you been doing, huh?
Never mind that. Where you got that perfume? You been with other woman, eh?
Ah, no, no, no.
Don't tell me that.
Haha! My Tonia.
Hey, hombre!
Hehehe! Tonia Maria. Tonia. You cannot heed from me, little peaches. I find you wherever you go. Ah, Tonia, I have not been with a woman, you little silly. I get this perfume from the barber.
So you will smell nice for other girls, eh?
Ah, no, no. I care about nobody but you.
How I can be sure?
I swear. I swear, it is only you. Ah, Tonia Maria, I would not so much as look at these other women.
You swear?
I swear—look—by the name of my mother. Ah, Tonia.
¡Conejito! ¡Conejito! How do you like a-them? Turned over?
Turned over?
The eggs.
Turned over.
Yeah. Ah, Tonia Maria, I love you like nothing else in this world. Every time I go away, I come back and find you more beautiful, more divine. Ah, the touch of your hand is like the touch of an angel. And your kiss, ah, your kiss...
Dios mío, it is good be home again. I have been in the hills so long alone I get to talking to myself.
You got something for me?
"You got something for me?"
"You got something for me?" Hahaha! Come down here. I show you. Did I ever come back unless I bring you something? Look.
Oh! It is lovely!
No. It is you who are lovely. By golly, I'm dry. You got something for drink? I got you some nice, cool vino, eh?
Sí, sí. Lots of vino, and ham and eggs.
Well, nobody, he can cook ham and eggs like you.
Sí, sí. Ham and eggs, nice.
Hey, we keep this door locked while I'm here, you understand?
Mm! That-a smells good.
Smells good.
Ahh. ¡Dios mío! You are pretty as ever.
Oh. No matter how old they get, they never lose hope.
Who you say is pretty?
Hahaha! You, mi favorita. Only you.
Here is your vino.
To tú, my flower of love.
Ahh. That hits the spot.
Makes you, uh, warm, eh?
I don't need anything to make me warm. Come here! I could squeeze you to pieces. I'm crazy for you.
Why not? I am lovely.
Lovely. All the day and the night when I ride over the desert sand, you are always in my mind. In the winds, your rippling laughter. And in the night, your sad, sweet smile among the stars. I count the hours till I can come back and hold you in my arms again. These words too damn beautiful for that old woman to hear.
Haha! Sí, sí.
Ah, come here.
Listen, go down to the saloon, find out how many soldier or sheriff there are in this neighborhood. And, also, find out how many is look for me, ¿sí? You keep the eyes and the ears open, but the mouth closed.
Right now, this very dangerous place for me.
I'll look out-a for you.
Gracias, Conejito. Gracias.
Yeah. Hey, no coñac. Vino, please.
Uh, now, what was I saying to you?
You were telling me how beautiful I am.
Hehehe! I don't got the words enough. Probably you get the idea that I love you.
Something is burning!
You bet your life something is burning.
The ham and eggs!
Tonia Maria?
Huh? What you want?
Two beers and a whiskey. Two beers and a whiskey.
How are you? What'll you have?
Say, I know you. Usedn't you be at the old Chatham Club in Chinatown in New York?
Sure, I was. I used to be the bartender there.
Sure you was. Don't you remember me?
Usedn't you wear a brown derby?
Sure, I used.
How are you?
All right.
What's the matter, girlie? Why are you crying, huh?
It's that durn song. It's breaking my heart!
Oh, no.
I wish I hadn't left my husband!
Well, I'll have the gent stop it.
No, don't do that. I enjoy it. It's terrible sad, though, ain't it?
Yeah, it sure is. Hehehe!
He puts so much soul into it.
Is that what he's putting into it? Hehehe!
Bravo. Bravo.
Where you from, girlie?
Well, you're a long way from home.
Thank goodness.
Say, uh, you know any gentlemen around here?
Gentlemen? Where do you think you are?
Now, don't get sore. Anybody can make a mistake. That's why they have rubbers on lead pencils.
What's the idea of the uniform? Is there a war?
Say, are you trying to show me a good time? Hehehe!
I don't like soldiers.
No? That's tough. And I don't like sailors either.
Ha! There goes the navy. Hehehe!
What do you prefer, traveling men?
Oh, all men are bums!
Say, you, get up and shake a hoof with those customers.
Oh! Didn't I tell you all men are bums?
Haha! It's a cruel world, girlie, a cruel world.
Come on, come on.
Say, since when were you in Chatham Square, Corporal?
Oh, no. Sergeant, Sergeant.
Hahahaha! Ah, music, wine, and love. Hehehe! I don't know which one I could give up if I'd have to. Heh! Maybe I could do without music and wine, but love—hehehe—I've got to have all of it.
By golly, I just remember, I got date with soldier fellow down at the saloon. Hehehe! Ah, he's very nice fellow. I like him very much. But I'm afraid if I keep this date, I will have to kill him. Ah, he is so charming, too. I hate to do this. Hehe! >/b I tell you, you go down to the saloon, you tell him you meet stranger in post office, and that he give you this message. Say the gentleman, Señor Chicuello, he go out of town, huh? Hahaha!
Sí, sí.
All right.
What you do while I am gone, eh?
Oh, I think I take little nap. I ride all night, no sleep, no rest, and plenty dangerous. Everybody look for the Cisco Kid and nobody catch him. Haha! This Cisco Kid very smart fellow.
Hehehe! Come out. You must hurry now.
¿Presto? You lock door?
I lock him. Good-bye.
Hmm, hmm. Now for good sleep.
Yes, I take care of him. It is no trouble for me at all.
Gracias. Eres muy amable [...]
Don't cry, baby. Don't cry. I take care of you. Oh, no, no. Wait a minute. I be back. I be back.
By golly, whose baby is this?
Uh, señora.
Come here.
Yes, yes, yes.
Where's Chicuello?
Yo no tiendo ... I no speak English. No. No speak English.
You can't get anything out of these coyotes. He's heading for there soon and there's where we'll get him. Come on.
Hello, sweetheart. Would you buy your mama a drink?
Hasn't mama had enough, huh?
Please? One drink?
Coochie, coochie.
Oh, you cheapskate.
Hello, sweetheart. I want a drink.
You want a drink?
Yes, I want a drink.
Say, bartender, give this Georgia Jane something, will you?
Where do you want it, Ace, in the woods?
I have a message for you.
Yeah? How do you know it's for me?
This message is for the handsomest man in town.
Well, you're on the right street, sister. Speak up.
Señor Chicuello, the man you meet this morning, is called out of town.
Oh. Is that so? It's a swell world.
This place is terrible rough place for nice girl to come.
Oh, it is?
These women are very bad.
These women are very common.
Hehe! You wouldn't fool me?
No, I wouldn't fool you.
I hate to see a nice soldier like you get mixed up with bad women.
Well, girlie, I'm glad you warned me. Come on, sit down, have a drink.
You speak to me?
What you trying to do, make fun of me, eh? Let me tell you this. I am the prettiest girl in town.
Well, what am I supposed to do now, drop dead? Hehehe.
You are a conceited fool.
Yeah? Well, you're no shrinking violet, baby. Haha! You can't understand any man not falling in love with you, huh?
Well, what is the matter with me?
Turn around, let's see. Hehehehe!
You think my favors are cheap, eh? You think I'm like these other women, eh?
How do you know what I think?
I don't care what you think!
Well, that makes everything square, baby. Maybe I'm not like these other men, either.
Maybe you are a saint, a soldier saint, eh? That is funny. Haha! The last soldier who come to this town was carried out on a stretcher.
Well, you've still got that stretcher. Hehehe!
A soldier saint. That is funny.
Now, that's as funny as a cry for help.
Hello, Sergeant.
Looking for someone?
Sit down.
Can I help you?
Say, who is that girl?
You'd be surprised.
Huh. By golly, you get lots of love letters all the time, huh?
No, no. This from my sister in old country.
Yeah, I wish I had sister. I got nobody.
Where you come from, Conejito?
Well, I tell you. My mother, he is born in Portugal. And my father, she is come from San Luis Obispo. Ah, my father... Ha! He terrible smart man. Yeah. Ah, but my mother...beautiful like a rose. >/b I run away from Portugal when I was this big. I never see them no more. And now, well, I am sorry.
You are very mysterious.
Mysterious. Life is full of mysterious. Yesterday and tomorrow. The rainbow's end and the moonbeam's kisses. Who knows?
All the time, your life is in danger.
My life? Haha. What is my life, after all? The warm breath of a few summers, and the cold chill of a few winters and then— By golly, I think I need a drink, huh?
Hahahaha! Hahahaha!
Elenita! Elenita! Excuse me. I come for my baby.
This your baby? Haha. I go bring him...her...I bring it to you right away.
Gracias, señor.
How much you take for him in gold?
What you say?
Haha. She say she only got seven others. She cannot part with this fellow.
Ah, look at him. Hahahaha! Oh, he is so sweet. The most precious things in the world cannot be bought with gold. Haha! The tender touch of a little baby's fingers, the light in the woman's eyes, and the love in a woman's heart. That-
Maybe you better take him, huh?
Where the devil's this Tonia Maria?
Get my horse, pronto.
You see soldier?
Yeah. He smart-aleck. Stuck on himself. I hate that kind of man.
You make eyes at him?
Oh, you hurt my feelings.
Oh, well, I am sorry.
Oh, you go away so soon?
I must go to work. Come on, hold out the hand.
Plenty of gold for mi enamorada.
All right. That is why I like to work so hard—so I can buy pretty things for my girl.
Where you go this time?
I know where there is lots of cattle on the Guadalupe. Soon I get rich. Haha! Then we go far across the sea to Portugal. >/b Yeah, that is beautiful place—Portugal. Nowhere is the sea so blue like the sky. Nowhere is the rose so red, and nowhere is the south wind so soft. >/b Of course, you got to remember I see this place when I was a kid. Ha! Every place look good to kid.
Maybe I don't like Portugal. Maybe I not be happy there.
Ah. Then we go wherever you want. But first, you got to be happy always. That is what I say to myself.
When you come back? Soon?
Uh, I don't know. Maybe I come back very quick. Sometimes in my business, I have to go places very quick. Well, good-bye, my sweetheart. >/b I always like to see you wave to me, when I ride away. Hehehehe! Good-bye, my sweetheart. Good-bye.
You bring me something?
I always bring you something when I come back.
Here. Good-bye.
Ah, Conejito.
Adiós. Adiós, my Conejito!
My Conejito. Portugal. Hahahaha!
Well, finally you got a kiss, eh? That should last you the rest of your life.
Say, is funny. What you think men like, huh? Big fat cows?
I think men like the big armful of woman. You? You so small, take three or four of you to give man appetite.
You crazy. I get any man I want. Just now, down at saloon, a soldier, he threw himself at my feet. Fine Americano soldier.
A officer. A general, he was. He look at me and he say, "¡Dios! What a beautiful figura that girl, he has got. I would walk over broken glass in my bare feet, for just one of her kisses." That's what he say.
He must have been drunk.
Hehe! Drunk? Yes, he was drunk, with love. Hahaha!
He say to me, "If you do not let me love you, I will kill myself."
Well, you're not gonna let me kill myself, are you, baby?
Hahaha! I am so sorry. We were just playing a little game. Won't you come in?
Will I? Can a duck swim, huh? Hehehe! Who's the old girl?
Hehehe! That is my cook.
Cook? Is she up on Irish stew?
We will excuse you.
Cook! ¡Dios mío! What next?
Hehehe! She is very bashful. You don't mind?
Not at all, not at all.
Well, finally you change your mind, Mr. Soldier, eh?
When I'm wrong, baby, I admit it. Hahaha.
Yeah, you should. You were very bad to me in saloon.
I'm sorry. No gent can say more. Hehehe!
Well, of course I was a little fresh myself. I know that. Hehe!
Yeah, I should say you were. But big-hearted Mike forgives you.
Maybe...Maybe you like to come in house. Eh?
Eh, huh? Well, I'm practically in.
Pobre Tonia. Qué mal camino. ...
I get you some nice, cool vino, eh?
Red ink? Yes, ma'am.
Sí. Hahaha!
Put a little red ink in front of the old Sarge, and he'll begin to chat like Laura Jean Libbey.
You. You come this way...often?
Often? Say, I'm already runnin' for office in this town.
I would like to know if you got a girl.
Sister, I've been a hermit all my life. It's made me just a little bitter.
Aww. Hehe! You should not feel this way. You cheerful.
Yes, huh? Hehehe! Baby, I see where I'm gonna be putty in your hands in no time!
Hahahaha! You ready?
You like some vino, eh? Huh?
Mhm. You bet I would. Hehehe!
To you—my soldier!
To you, muchacho.
Ahh! Nice, eh?
Yeah, that and the caress of a mule.
Would you like me to tell your fortune, eh?
Yeah. Sister, if that's in the system, gimme the works. >/b Hey. My soldier, huh? Swell. Hehe!
Ah! What is this? Huh?
Hey! That's my traveling bag.
Oh! Hehehe! Now I tells your fortune, eh?
Are you good at it, baby, huh?
Good? Anything I tell you, you can believe.
Ah, look! The first one. You are lucky.
Yeah. The Big Casino shoots another natural. Ahem!
There is...a very beautiful girl coming into your life—beautiful face, the most beautiful eyes, hair and teeth. She is a dream. And what a figura.
Yeah! He got a shape just like "Venice."
Venice? That's in Italy, ain't it?
You are going to fall madly in love with her.
"Going to"?
Come here.
Hahaha! Tell me. Do you make much money, eh?
Enough for two, and maybe three, huh?
You like to look ahead, don't you? You are very...romantic?
Yeah? Well, you ain't doin' so bad yourself. Hehehehe!
Listen, baby. I'm gonna be transferred next month to Governor's Island.
Where is that?
Back to civilization—New York, right at your front door. Gee.
Oh, I'd like to see it. You take me there, huh?
Sister, that's the idea that's been gallivanting through my mind this very minute—you and me in New York together. Say, you'll love it. >/bAw, New York! Gee. Why in New York, you can get a glass of beer that high for a nickel—on ice, too. Hehe! >/b And the Bowery—baby, you ain't seen nothin' till you see the Bowery. Finest street in the world. Saloons and dance halls everywhere. Free lunch—all you can eat for nothin'. And the finest whiskey? Ten cents a throw. You can pour it yourself.
They got pretty clothes for girls there, eh?
Clothes? Hahaha! Baby, you can get the swellest pair of shoes in the world there, for two dollars. And hats? Well, you can get a hat for a dollar and a quarter with a feather that long. And petticoats? Oh, baby. Wait'll you see the petticoats. Every color under the sun. Girls show 'em on rainy days. Oh, rainy days! That's when you see the sights. Hehe! Hot tomato. Hahaha!
Oh, I would love to see it.
Yeah? You and me together. Is it a go, hmm?
Yes. It is a go!
Let's seal it with a kiss. One for Big Casino. Hmm?
... por Dios! ...
You mind your own business!
... a los dos!
You get out! Get out, quick!
Get out, you—
Oh, I hate that old woman! She's always so nosy!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
She's always spying on me.
Where's your camp? Far from here?
No, not very far.
I would love to see it.
You take me there?
Sure. You got a horse?
No. But I ride with you, eh?
Aw, that suits me, baby.
Please. I get my shawl, eh?
All right.
I be with you in just a minute.
I am ready.
Yes? Oh, uh, don't you want to leave a note for, uh, somebody?
Why do you say this?
Well, I thought the old woman might worry.
Oh, let her worry. I hope she worries the rest of her life. The old cat!
Hehehe! Come on, baby.
Are there nice soldiers in the camp, eh?
Huh? Yeah. Perfectly nice.
That's the Cisco Kid, all right.
What do you reckon he's gonna get for them steers?
About four thousand.
Five thousand on his head and four thousand in his pocket. That's nine thousand for us. Say, all we gotta do is to trail him in the hills, and give him both barrels in the back. Why, it's the easiest money we ever got.
Now, he's heading through to Coyote Wells. Now, come on. Let's take to the pass.
¡Olé, camino! ¡Ándele, ándele!
Well, this is the place. Now, let's wait for him up on the bluff. Come on.
Thank you for the money, my friend. Good-bye. Good luck.
Ben, have you ever seen that fellow before?
No, I don't believe that I ever have.
Well, take a good look at him, because you'll never see him again. Those three cattle rustlers have been waiting for him. Two-to-one, they'll get him.
Beat him to it! Bring him down the first chance you've got.
There he is! Give it to him, Art!
Hey! You coyote, you! Tell him you meet the Cisco Kid. These other two fellows don't talk no more.
Go on, sister. Try it. You've got a swell voice.
I should sing it?
Sure, go ahead. Gurgle it. Give her a chord, Joe. Hahaha!
Now. Ta-da!
No, no. Not "the brewery". "The Bowery"! Hahahaha!
Go on, baby. Now. Ta-da!
Hahaha! "I don't think I go there some more!"
That's fine, baby, swell, huh? Sweetheart, you've got a voice like a Brooklyn sparrow. Hahaha!
I don't understand it. You tell me what a nice place this Bowery is, and that you're gonna take me there to show it to me. Then, in the songs, you say: "You don't think you go there some more." How you make that out, eh?
Hahahahaha! Say, I never thought of that. Whoo! Haha! >/b Hey, wait a minute. Where you goin', huh?
I go fix your place, eh?
I come right back.
All right, baby. Don't be long, baby!
Sweet as a peach.
I guess. Some worker. I gotta give you credit, Sarge. You sure can pick 'em.
Haha, love and duty—for once, they go together.
How do you mean, "together"?
You fellows know why we come up here.
Why, sure.
Hey. Listen. Now, this gal used to belong to the Cisco Kid, see? But when I came into her life, things changed.
Cut that out!
$5,000.00 reward!
Mickey! Mickey!
Yeah? What do you want, sweetheart?
Come here.
Oh, I'm practically there. What's on your mind, sister?
Now I know why you come to my house. You come there looking for someone.
That's right, baby. I was lookin' for you.
Not the first time. The first time, you come looking for a man—a bandit!
How do you know?
I am not blind. Here is a paper, offering...
...reward for him—a big reward. Is that the reason you make love to me? To get the man and the money?
Hahahahaha! No, no, no, no. No...
That is a lie. You are a cheat! I hope he kills you!
Hey, baby, now...
¡No me toques! No me quieres. ¡No me quieres!
Hey, wait a minute, sister! Gee!
Doesn't come to the level with this gal.
Oh, he ain't. He plays them all.
He's serious this time. This morning he asked me if I knew anything about buying furniture on the installment plan.
Wanted to know how much it would cost, to furnish a flat in Flatbush.
Hmph! Say, don't let that fool you. Six weeks lets him out with any gal. Say, listen. He buys weddin' rings like you and me buy bananas. That is, if we bought bananas.
How much is this reward?
Five-thousand dollars. Say, you didn't think I was figurin' on any part of that, did you?
What do you mean?
Why, I was gonna turn the whole amount over to you.
Ahh! Haha! I did not know this.
Five-thousand dollars, all for me?
Why, certainly. I'll get a promotion out of this. Hehehe! And a gal, huh? That's enough for me, baby. You get the money, all of it.
Five-thousand dollars! Oh, the things I could buy with this. ¡Dios!
Yeah? Hehehe!
Hey. The sarge is framin' a nice surprise on this bandit. Only gonna take his life and his gal. That's all.
He ain't out of it yet.
Don't worry. Don't worry. He's the best shot in the army.
Well, he'll have to be, if what I hear of this Cisco Kid is true.
Yeah? Ahh—
When do you expect the Cisco Kid to come back?
Soon. Guadalupe is not very far. Yes. He will be back soon. Maybe you better take me home, eh? I tell you this. You will never capture him alive.
Yeah? Well, I ain't figurin' on capturin' him alive. Haha!
Five-thousand dollars! I'll be rich! Rich! Come on. We go now, eh?
All right, baby.
Maybe you got better mantilla than this, eh?
No. This is the best one I got. It is very rare. It come from Seville.
Yeah? Huh. How much you take for him?
One hundred dollar in gold.
That is fine. I buy him. Hehehe! By gollies, you know I ride many miles just to find you. Yeah. I say to myself, "I cannot go home unless I bring something nice for mi enamorada."
Thank you.
Yeah, I can see her in this now. Beautiful like angel.
Adiós, amigo.
Soldier, in the house.
Well, baby, that's what I call a perfect evening. Pardon me.
I love no one but you, my soldier. The Cisco Kid—hmph—I never, never loved him. I swear to you. Mickey, my love, he will come back soon. He will kill you on sight. You must not let him find you here. He is a beast. I wish he were dead. You must kill him. He tell me he would never be captured alive. He is desperate. Oh, I wish he were dead.
Will I get this reward money soon?
Haha. Sure you will, just as soon as they identify him.
I will send you a note by the old woman, when he returns—maybe tonight, about ten o'clock, my lover!
So long, my muchacha. Ten o'clock.
Yaqui, my friend. You remember I told you, I was great lady's man. Haha! That does not go now. I am not as good as I think I am. Hehe! And maybe I never was.
Coney Island! Brooklyn! The Bowery! Five-thousand dollars!
¡Dios mío!
Well, mi vida.
Ahh! My lover! I was afraid something might have happened to you. I was afraid you might not come back.
I would not disappoint you. Hehehe! I know how anxious you have been for me to come back.
Tonia. Tell me. Have there been anybody here looking for me, today?
Why, no, no.
Tonia Maria, this law is closing in around me. Tonight, I am sure that this life I live—it does not pay, but like the man who is caught in the whirlpool, I cannot get out. That is what a thief comes to know. He cannot rub out his past. Ah, he may be able to get away from these people, who hunt for him, but he can never get away from himself. I go on, Tonia, till the chapter here is finished, but I know in the end I will pay.
Tonia, we will go far away tonight together, huh? To Portugal! Ah, Tonia, I try. I try to start all over again, just for you.
Ah, that will be grand! But, I cannot get ready tonight—tomorrow.
Yes, mañana.
Well, you get ready for long, long journey. Get me wine. Get me vino.
Yes, I get you wine and fruit, eh?
Yes. I put my horse in corral.
Elenita! Elenita!
Where you been?
At the market.
In the wagon?
Sure, in the wagon.
Listen. Take this note to soldier. Ride in the wagon to his camp. Do you know where it is? Hurry, quickly. It's very important. Don't make talk. I explain to you when you get back. Here. Quick! Hurry! Hurry!
The old cat!
My Love >/b He is here but he is going away to-night. He is scared. He thinks the posse knows his hiding place. Come at 10 o'clock to-night. Do not fail my love. Shoot quick & straight.
A hundred kisses
Say, listen. Why don't you fellas change the bill of fare once in a while? Beans, beans, beans. Geez. General Grant said, "Let us have peas."
What a memory that boy has got.
Eggs! Why don't you get some eggs?
Say, do you know that eggs cost fifteen cents a dozen?
Do you have to buy 'em?
Well, what do you want me to do? Lay 'em?
Hahaha! You can't do that.
Come at 10 o'clock to-night. Do not fail my love. Shoot quick and straight.
A hundred kisses
Tonia Maria
For soldier.
Sí, Conejito.
Men all love Tonia Maria. You can get any man you want.
I did not tell you, I was to Yuma.
You got something for me?
Hehehe! The surprise of your life! Look.
A mantilla!
From Seville.
Oh, it is lovely.
Nah. It is you who are lovely. To tú, my faithful, loyal, constant sweetheart; to your eyes, with their warm devotion; and to your lips, with their warm kisses; and to the heart of you and all the other girls in the world who are true; I drink.
To you, my brave caballero, the bravest of the brave, my lover...
Hehehe! I'm sorry, Tonia. The wine was so strong, it make me cough.
Hahaha! It don't make me cough.
¡Ándele, ándele!
The old woman.
Listen, you better be careful, Sarge. You know, you're liable to get into some trouble.
Now, listen, you fellas, keep quiet. No funny business, now, you understand?
I didn't say anything.
What's the matter with the guy?
Who is the old woman?
Ah, she lives with the gal.
Well, he'd better look out for them foreigners. They do things different.
Gracias, senora. I guess I know who it's from.
Anda, caballo.
"He is here, but he is going away tonight. He is frightened. He thinks the posse knows his hiding place. When he goes, he will be disguised as a girl. He will wear my clothes, and on his head, a large, white mantilla. I will wear his clothes, and ride away."
"Come at ten o'clock tonight. Do not fail. Shoot quick and straight. A hundred kisses, Tonia Maria."
Hey, here's something else.
"Remember, he will wear a large, white mantilla. You will be able to see it from a distance."
You get the idea, boys? The bandit's gonna try to escape tonight in a girl's clothes.
Well, this is empty.
You have more, eh?
No, no. No. I have had...enough.
The job's finished, boys. I get my man tonight—get him alone.
You better let us go with you, Sarge.
No, sir. I've got a particular reason for wanting to turn this trick all by myself. So long, boys! The old sarge has got a new gal, and she's a pippin.
Hey, we ought to go along with him anyway.
Nah, nah. Didn't I tell you he was the best shot in the army?
Oh, well...
I think it is getting dangerous for me to stay here.
I better go. I send for you. Adiós.
No, no! You must not go. You must not. I will not let you! I will not let you!
You must stay here tonight. I am afraid to be here alone. Tomorrow, you can go. But I will not let you go tonight.
Hmm. Such anxiety is touching. Hehehe!
You are so beautiful. I could not refuse you, anything. Hehehe!
Ah! We should have gone to Portugal tonight.
I better look around outside to make sure there is no danger. I...
Somebody is out there!
Adiós, my beautiful angel. That is what you are, and what you will be—an angel.
When I ride away, you stand outside where I can see you, and wave good-bye to me. Then I know you love me. If it is to be the end, I want to know that you are thinking only of me. My beautiful angel.
Adiós. Adiós.
Don't forget to wave to me when I ride away.
Her flirtin' days are over, and she's ready to settle down.
The End