Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Ocean Waif

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The Ocean Waif 1 Doris Kenyon as Millie Jessop.

2 Carlyle Blackwell as Ronald Roberts.

3 Edgar Norton as Hawkins.

4 William Morris as Hy Jessop.

5 Fraunie Fraunholz as Sem.

6 Ronald Roberts, the young novelist on board the Steam Yacht Seagull,

 receives a wireless message.

7 "Hawkins, pack my grips, we're going

      ashore this evening."

8 Ronald sends a message to his


9 Hy Jessop, Millie's foster father.

10 Millie Jessop, the Ocean Waif.

11 "What d'yer mean by staying out so long.

  What d'yer think I keep yer for?"

12 "You beast! You'll never see me here again!"

13 A refuge.

14 "Perhaps I could stay here tonight."

15 "Captain, I've got to write another book. Can you find me a quiet romantic spot

 where I can get an inspiration?"

16* Ronald and Hawkins find lodging in a

  nearby inn.

17 "Don't worry, Hawkins, it's only for

           one night."

18 Next morning Ronald investigates

  the village surroundings.

19* "There's a queer old place near here that belonged to Colonel Sumner, who died five years ago. They say its haunted by his

          daughter's ghost."

20 "Just the place. I'll take it."

21 A voyage of discovery.

22 "Spooky kind of a place, sir. Looks as bad as the Inn. I think you'd be much better

   on the yacht, sir. Really I do."

23* Helpless in the kitchen.

24 "I'll make her pay for this."

25 The haunted house.

26* "H'excuse me, sir, but are you going to write your new book in this 'orrible place, sir?"

27* Hawkins is greeted ---

and warned --- by a
  local fisherman.

28 "Say, matey, wouldn't the boss like some

           nice fresh fish?"

29 "Have you heard about the ghost that

       haunts this house?"

30* "I knew it, sir. This is a

 bad place, sir. It has
     a lady ghost."


 "If you find her,

Hawkins, introduce me."

32* "But they're perfectly

  fresh fish. The
fisherman said so."

33 Hunger forces Millie to action.

34 "Hawkins, you've been drinking."

35 "No sir, not a drop today, sir."

36* Ronald decides to

go for a swim.

37* "Your bathing suit is gone. It must be that

 bally ghost, sir."


  Ronald finds the 

"ghost's" wet clothes.

39 "Hawkins, our ghost has been taking a


40 Direct from producer to consumer.

41* Lacking inspiration.



When all is peace and beauty sleeps Genius wakes and the robber creeps.

43 "Come out, Miss Ghost or I'll shoot."

44 "Let me see whether you're real flesh."

45 "Now tell me where you come from?"


 "I have run away from

Hy Jessop, my foster father. When I was a baby he found

  me on the seashore."

47 "That's your ghost, Hawkins. Isn't she


48 "'Cast Up by the Sea!' The very thing for

     my story. 'The Ocean Waif.'"

49 All night Ronald works on his new


50 "Hawkins, this is the best story I have

           ever written."

51 "The girl was as beautiful as a rose---"

52 "Advancing through the blackness he heard

             a scream---"

53 "He lifted the stone. There lay the skeletons

           of a dozen men---"


 "He turned and beside him

stood a beautiful girl clad in

 the robes of long ago---"


Hawkins saves 

Millie from harm.


Sem is heartbroken to

see Millie and Ronald's

 growing affection.

57 Cupid lurks in the shadows of the

       big living room.

58 "Tell me about yourself. I am sure you're a

      prince and live in a castle."

59 "That is my fiancee. She is coming to

             see me."

60* Distraught by the news of

 Ronald's engagement,
   Millie runs away.

61 "Let me have a package. Same calibre as


62 "Can you tell us where Ronald Roberts


63 "She is only an ocean waif whom I am


64 "Is kissing part of the protection?"

65* "I trust you will accept

Mr. Robert's affection

paternally. We are to be

  married you know."

66* The homecoming.

67 "Slick looking kid. She's a woman now

       and I ain't her father."

68 "You aint afraid of me, are you?"

69 "Now you know as I aint your father. Suppose you and me goes and gets married."

70 "Why not?"

71 "That fellow Roberts will find mighty little

          to shoot around here."

72 "Your gun was just fired and you must have been right outside when Jessop was


73 "I'll have to arrest you."


 "Mother, I have a 

surprise for you. I am engaged to the Count."

75 A life in the balance.

76* The sheriff gives


77 While the jury deliberates.


Millie visits Sem and 

wearily pleads her case.


"Sem, it will break my 

heart if he is convicted. I

am sure he is innocent."


 Sem writes a note

confessing the murder and delivers it to the


81 "Give this to the Judge."


  "In view of this new 

evidence, the court sustains the motion of the defendant

  and he is discharged."

83* Shortly thereafter, Sem kills himself.

84 The silver lining.


  • = Reconstructed title
