Wikisource:WikiProject Open Breslov
[edit]Welcome to WikiProject Open Breslov! This project was modeled after the Wikisource:Open Mishnah Project. This is the project page for The Open Breslov Project. (For the title page and index of works, see Portal:Breslov.)
The Open Breslov (also spelled Breslev) Project is designed to be a multilingual, free content version of Breslev literature. It will include the original texts, as well as new translations and commentaries collaboratively written, in Wiki fashion. Breslev literature includes the works of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and his students.
A Hebrew Wikisource Breslev Books page already exists, with several books available. However some books are still lacking there, for example Likutei Halakhot.
Besides English, other language versions --- French, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, etc. --- should be created as well! New versions can be started in any language.
There are several good English translations of some Breslev literature. However only a few are free content or in the public domain. Printed books are not searchable. Some works, such as Likutei Halakhot, have not been published in full translations. Many small parts exist in different parts of cyberspace. Some of the Hebrew texts contain artifacts of transcription, errors of digital presentation, missing diacritical marks (mainly Dagesh and Ḥolam Ḥaser), errors of arrangement, etc.
The Wikisource project provides the opportunity to be the forum for creating a searchable, collaborative electronic edition of Breslev literature, which includes translations or original texts and commentaries, and other study aids, in multiple languages. The act of recording accurate translations is also a powerful study aid. If you learn even with a chavruta, how much do you retain? But if you can learn (perhaps with a chavruta as well) and translate at the same time, how much deeper will your learning be, while providing a searchable resource for others!
The "talk" pages on each unit of text provide the added opportunity to create community-type study of the texts at hand.
This is the Project page. It is a description of goals, methods, coordination, etc. in building a multilingual version of the Breslev with commentary and study aids. Discussion of these matters can take place on the talk page.
[edit]We aim (1) to rapidly create accurate free content materials facilitating the study of the Breslev, and (2) also to become a practicing and learning community of Breslev. The second goal may be reached both through the very process of producing the materials, and also by making use of the "Talk" pages associated with each individual Breslever.
Translation and supplementary materials
[edit]When providing translations, please keep in mind Wikisource's translation policy.
We ask translators to be mindful to translate into language that is readable and meaningful, yet strict, unambiguous, and perhaps even "robotic." This way, automated translation softwares will be able to produce rough translations into other languages. These rough translations can then be refined over time through the Wiki. Think of how computers will interpret and translate what you write.
For example, if several contributors each contribute a chapter or two per week (perhaps following a "daily Breslev" schedule), we will slowly but surely be able to produce the first complete free content edition of the Breslev literature ever. Not only that, but it will be more that just a static translation with study aids: It will be a project that is never finished, and can be added to and improved upon forever!
This project will provide both translations and supplementary materials (the latter mostly based upon the source texts of the classical commentaries on Breslov literature but not always direct translations).
In accordance with Wikisource policy, as spelled out in Wikisource and Wikibooks, it will be possible throught the use of templates to view plain translation separately in a "clear" version without notes or commentary.
The index for each book should be divided into chapters. See how it is done at at the Open Mishnah Proect, for example, Mishnah Tractate Berakhot.
Importing from Word or other word processors
[edit]Formatting is lost when you copy and paste from Word directly into Wiki.
One great remedy for this is to use the User:Cacycle/WikEd tool. There are two options for doing this.
1. Install WikEd onto your Javascript file in WikiSource:
- Use the instructions at w:User:Cacycle/wikEd installation#On-wiki installation code.
To use WikEd:
- Copy and paste your text from Word or elsewhere.
- If you want to keep any formatting in the imported text, or any link, or any table, you can convert the formatted pasted text into Wiki code by selecting all the text (Control-A) and pressing the Wikify button
2. Use the WikEd editor on Wikipedia, where you can just select it in My Preferences
- Log in to Wikipedia using your Wikipedia or Wikisource or other WikiMedia account.
- Go to My Preferences>Gadgets, check the box for WikEd, and at the bottom click Save.
To use WikEd through Wikipedia:
- Click "Edit" on any dummy page (for example, your My Talk page) in Wikipedia.
- Copy and paste your text from Word or elsewhere.
- If you want to keep any formatting in the imported text, or any link, or any table, you can convert the formatted pasted text into Wiki code by selecting all the text (Control-A) and pressing the Wikify button
- Copy and paste the Wikified text into the Wikisource page you want to edit.
- Do not save changes to the dummy page in Wikipedia.
- You may need to first "Find and Replace" (Control-F) paragraph marks (^p) with two line breaks (^l^l) in Word before importing your text into Wiked. Otherwise, the paragraph marks (¶) may be erroneously translated as an image, or ignored. (To see your paragraph marks in Word, press the Show/Hide button (¶) on the Standard Toolbar (If this toolbar is not available at the top of the program, select View>Toolbars>Standard).
[edit]In general, all materials must be produced by the users themselves. Texts may not be taken from published editions of the Breslev that are copyrighted unless there is explicit written permission to do so. For more information, see Permissions.
Hebrew help
[edit]Adding Hebrew/Typing in Hebrew on your keyboard
[edit]- If you use Windows, and you want to type in Hebrew on your keyboard:
- Go to "My Computer"
- Select "Control Panel"
- Select "Keyboard"
- Select "Language" and add Hebrew to your selected language(s)
- From now on, to switch back and forth between typing in different languages, use the "En/He" button at the bottom of your Windows screen, or hit "alt-shift" to accomplish the same thing.
- If you use Linux with KDE:
- Open the "K Menu"
- Open the "Control Center"
- Open the "Regional & Accessibility" options and select "Keyboard Layout"
- In the "Available layouts:" list, select "Israeli" and click "Add >>"
- Click "Apply"
- An icon will appear in your system tray that will tell you what keyboard layout you are currently using. You can switch between layouts by clicking on the icon. You can alter the way it changes the layout by modifying the "Switching Options" tab in the "Keyboard Layout" menu.
Hebrew word processor
[edit]It may be easier to edit a Breslev material in your word processor first, and then copy and paste them into a Wikisource "edit box" when you are finished. Some people even find it convenient to do a chapter at a time this way. The links and categories are easier to edit several at a time in a word processor (using "find" and "replace").
Word processors thank support Hebrew include Microsoft Word and Open Office, which is a free, quality alternative that supports Hebrew, available for download here:
Hebrew Text and Nikkud
[edit]Each Breslev text in the English version should ideally contain a formatted Hebrew text as well. Most of the texts did not contain Hebrew vowels (nikkud) or punctuation, so these have usually been added to the texts.
Note that a software bug is currently interfering with the presentation of Hebrew vowels in Wikibooks (and in other Wikimedia projects). For technical details on the bug, see here. Apparently the bug is solved in Windows XP with SP2, but not in other Windows versions.
[edit]- nissimnanach 15:46, 7 Apr 2010 (UTC)
- yosefnatan 9:07, 13 Apr 2010 (UTC)
See also:
[edit]- Portal:Breslov - The index to Breslev texts in English.
- [Hebrew Wikisource Breslev Books].
- How to contribute
- Advertisement
- Permissions
- Breslov Book (Use this model code to create a new page for a new Breslev book that does not yet exist in the project!)
- History