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Wikisource:WikiProject Popular Science Monthly/Authors H to L

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The Popular Science Monthly Project
Authors and contributors
H to L

Table of contents
Last name Author Number of articles


Haberlandt Gottlieb Haberlandt 1
Haddon Alfred Cort Haddon 2
Hadley Arthur Twining Hadley 1
Hadley Philip Bardwell Hadley 1
Haeckel Ernst Haeckel 3
Haffkine Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine 2
Hagenau M. Hagenau 1
Haggerty Melvin Everett Haggerty 1
Hahn Walter Louis Hahn 2
Haines Thomas Harvey Haines 2
Hale George Ellery Hale 3
Hale Horatio Hale 7
Hale Marcia E. Hale 1
Hale William Henry Hale 1
Hale William Jay Hale 1
Haliburton Robert Grant Haliburton 1
Hall A. D. Hall 1
Hall Asaph Hall 1
Hall James Hall 1
Hall Lucy M. Hall 2
Halleck Reuben Post Halleck 1
Halliburton William Dobinson Halliburton 1
Hallock Edward John Hallock 2
Hallock P. F. Hallock 1
Hallopeau François Henri Hallopeau 1
Halsted Byron David Halsted 19
Halsted George Bruce Halsted 2
Hamerton Philip Gilbert Hamerton 1
Hamilton Allan McLane Hamilton 1
Hamilton Francis E. Hamilton 1
Hamilton Frank Hastings Hamilton 2
Hamilton Robert S. Hamilton 1
Hamlin Augustus Choate Hamlin 1
Hammett Charles Edward Hammett 1
Hammond Clement Milton Hammond 1
Hammond William Alexander Hammond 4
Hancock Harris Hancock 1
Handfield-Jones Charles Montagu Handfield-Jones 1
Handlirsch Anton Peter Josef Handlirsch 1
Handschin Charles Hart Handschin 1
Hanus Paul Henry Hanus 1
Hardaker M. A. Hardaker 1
Harding Abner Clark Harding 1
Hargitt Charles Wesley Hargitt 1
Harley George Harley 1
Harley Lewis Reifsneider Harley 4
Harmond J. Harmond 1
Harper Roland McMillan Harper 2
Harris Gilbert Dennison Harris 1
Harris James Arthur Harris 5
Harris Rollin Arthur Harris 1
Harrison Frederic Harrison 2
Hart Ernest Abraham Hart 3
Hart Joseph Kinmont Hart 1
Hart Samuel Hart 2
Hartmann Robert Hartmann 1
Hartt Charles Frederick Hartt 1
Hartwich C. Hartwich 1
Hatch E. D. W. Hatch 2
Hatzfeld A. Hatzfeld 1
Haviland Charles Tappan Haviland 2
Hawes Austin Foster Hawes 1
Hawkins John Hawkins 2
Hawkshaw John Hawkshaw 1
Hawley Walter L. Hawley 1
Hay (Physiologist) George Hay (Physiologist) 1
Hayes Jr. Alfred Hayes Jr. 1
Haynes Henry Williamson Haynes 1
Hays Harold M. Hays 1
Hayward John Williams Hayward 1
Haywood S. H. Haywood 1
Hazard Rowland Gibson Hazard 1
Heck Ludwig Heck 1
Hedrick Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick 1
Heidenhain Rudolf Heidenhain 1
Heilprin Angelo Heilprin 11
Heim M. Heim 1
Heincke Friedrich Heincke 1
Heinemann P. G. Heinemann 3
Hellems Fred Burton Ranney Hellems 1
Henderson Charles Hanford Henderson 23
Henderson Yandell Henderson 1
Henke Frederick Goodrich Henke 1
Hennings Karl Hennings 1
Henri Catherine Henri 1
Henri Victor Henri 1
Henry Charles Henry 1
Henry Joseph Henry 1
Henry Stuart O. Henry 1
Henshaw Henry Wetherbee Henshaw 1
Henslow George Henslow 1
Hensoldt Heinrich Hensoldt 1
Herbert Auberon Herbert 4
Herdman William Abbott Herdman 2
Hering Daniel Webster Hering 2
Heron G. A. Heron 1
Herrick Bertha F. Herrick 2
Herrick Charles Judson Herrick 1
Herrick Francis H. Herrick 6
Herrick Glenn Washington Herrick 1
Herrick Sophia Bledsoe Herrick 4
Hersey Mayo Dyer Hersey 1
Herter Christian Archibald Herter 2
Hertz Henri Hertz 1
Herzog C. Herzog 1
Hess Ralph Henry Hess 1
Hewitt Abram Stevens Hewitt 2
Hibbard Shirley Hibbard 1
Hickson Sydney John Hickson 1
Higgins P. J. Higgins 2
Higgs Henry Higgs 1
Higgs Paget Higgs 1
Hilber Vinzenz Hilber 1
Hildebrand Friedrich Hermann Gustav Hildebrand 1
Hilditch Warren W. Hilditch 1
Hilgard Eugene Woldemar Hilgard 2
Hill Alex Hill 2
Hill David Jayne Hill 1
Hill Franklin C. Hill 2
Hill Leonard Hill 1
Hill Robert Thomas Hill 2
Hill (1818-1891) Thomas Hill (1818-1891) 1
Hills Frederick Lyman Hills 1
Hinrichs Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs 1
Hinton James Hinton 1
Hirsch William Hirsch 2
His Sr. Wilhelm His Sr. 1
Hitchcock Albert Spear Hitchcock 1
Hitchcock Charles Henry Hitchcock 5
Hitchcock James Ripley Wellman Hitchcock 1
Hitchcock Romyn Hitchcock 1
Hittell John Shertzer Hittell 1
Hobbs William Herbert Hobbs 4
Hochheimer Lewis Hochheimer 1
Hodge Clifton Fremont Hodge 5
Hoffman Frank Sargent Hoffman 1
Hoffman Walter James Hoffman 1
Hoffmann Charles Frederick Hoffmann 5
Hoffmeister G. Bernard Hoffmeister 1
Hogan Louise Eleanor Hogan 1
Holden Edward Singleton Holden 17
Holder Charles Frederick Holder 4
Holland William Jacob Holland 1
Hollander Bernard Hollander 1
Hollister George Buell Hollister 1
Holmes Samuel Jackson Holmes 2
Holt Byron Webber Holt 1
Holt William Leland Holt 1
Holway Ruliff Stephen Holway 1
Hooker Joseph Dalton Hooker 1
Hopkins Cyril George Hopkins 2
Hopkins J. H. Hopkins 1
Hornaday William Temple Hornaday 1
Horowitz B. Horowitz 1
Horsford Cornelia Horsford 1
Horsley Victor Horsley 1
House Roy Temple House 1
Houssay Frédéric Houssay 1
Houzeau Jean-Charles Houzeau 2
Hovelacque Abel Hovelacque 1
Howard Charles P. Howard 1
Howard Leland Ossian Howard 4
Howard Rossiter Howard 1
Howard W. L. Howard 1
Howard William Lee Howard 1
Howe Edwin J. Howe 1
Howe Elizabeth M. Howe 1
Howe Frederic Clemson Howe 1
Howe James Lewis Howe 3
Howe Lucien Howe 1
Howell Thomas Jefferson Howell 1
Howerth Ira Woods Howerth 3
Howes Clifton A. Howes 1
Hoyt William E. Hoyt 1
Hubbard Bela Hubbard 2
Huber John B. Huber 2
Hubrecht Ambrosius Arnold Willem Hubrecht 1
Hudson Charles Bradford Hudson 1
Hudson William Henry Hudson 7
Huet Alden B. Huet 1
Huey Edmund Burke Huey 1
Huggins William Huggins 1
Hughes James L. Hughes 1
Hughes Percy Hughes 1
Hugins Roland Hugins 1
Humphrey James Ellis Humphrey 2
Humphreys William Jackson Humphreys 3
Humphry George Murray Humphry 1
Hungerford Mary C. Hungerford 1
Hunner Guy LeRoy Hunner 1
Hunt Robert Hunt 1
Hunt Thomas Sterry Hunt 2
Huntington Alfred Kirby Huntington 1
Huntington Ellsworth Huntington 1
Huntington Oliver Whipple Huntington 1
Hussakof L. Hussakof 1
Hutchison J. Hutchison 1
Hutton Richard Holt Hutton 1
Huxley Thomas Henry Huxley 46
Hyde Arthur Houghton Hyde 1
Hyde James Nevins Hyde 1
Hume John F. Hume 1


Ide Alexandra L. B. Ide 1
Ide Kate Kingsley Ide 1
Iles George Iles 19
Ingersoll Ernest Ingersoll 4
Ingram Henry Balch Ingram 1
Ireland W. Alleyne Ireland 1
Ivins Sr. William Mills Ivins Sr. 1


Jaccard A. Jaccard 1
Jackman Wilbur Samuel Jackman 1
Jackson Edward Payson Jackson 1
Jackson George A. Jackson 1
Jackson John Hughlings Jackson 2
Jacobi Abraham Jacobi 1
Jacobs Joseph Jacobs 1
Jacoby Harold Jacoby 1
Jacques William W. Jacques 2
Jaggar Jr. Thomas Augustus Jaggar Jr. 3
James Edwin Warley James 1
James Edmund Janes James 2
James Joseph Francis James 9
James William James 10
Jameson Charles Davis Jameson 2
Jametel Maurice Jametel 1
Jamin Jules Jamin 1
Janes Lewis George Janes 3
Janet Paul Janet 1
Janssen Pierre Jules César Janssen 2
Jaques Heinrich Jaques 1
Jastrow Ignaz Jastrow 1
Jastrow Joseph Jastrow 17
Javal Louis Émile Javal 1
Jebb Richard Claverhouse Jebb 1
Jelliffe Smith Ely Jelliffe 1
Jenkins Stuart Jenkins 1
Jennings Herbert Spencer Jennings 1
Jevons William Stanley Jevons 2
Jitong Chen Jitong 2
Johannsen Nicolas August Ludwig Jacob Johannsen 1
Johnson Arnold Burges Johnson 1
Johnson Douglas W. Johnson 1
Johnson Duncan S. Johnson 2
Johnson Edward Johnson 1
Johnson Franklin Winslow Johnson 1
Johnson Helen Kendrick Johnson 1
Johnson Lawrence Clement Johnson 3
Johnson Roswell Hill Johnson 1
Johnson Jr. John Johnson Jr. 1
Johnston A. St. Johnston 1
Johnston-Lavis Henry James Johnston-Lavis 2
Johonnot James Johonnot 1
Johow Friedrich Richard Adelbert Johow 1
Joly Nicolas Joly 2
Jones Edward D. Jones 3
Jones Harry C. Jones 1
Jones William Jones 1
Jordan David Starr Jordan 57
Jordan Edwin Oakes Jordan 2
Jordan H. E. Jordan 2
Joy Charles Arad Joy 1
Judson J. A. Judson 1


Kahn Max Kahn 1
Kappler August Kappler 1
Karpinski Louis Charles Karpinski 2
Karr Benjamin Karr 1
Kassel Charles Kassel 4
Kay George Frederick Kay 1
Keasbey Lindley Miller Keasbey 4
Keating J. M. Keating 1
Keely Jr. Robert N. Keely, Jr. 1
Keen William Williams Keen 1
Keir Robert Malcolm Keir 1
Keller Henry George Keller 1
Kellerman Ivy Kellerman Reed 2
Kellogg Theodore H. Kellogg 1
Kellogg Vernon Lyman Kellogg 4
Kemp James Furman Kemp 1
Kendall (1849-1934) Henry Kendall (1849-1934) 1
Kennedy Horace M. Kennedy 1
Kennedy William Sloane Kennedy 1
Kennelly Arthur Edwin Kennelly 2
Kepley Ada Harriet Miser Kepley 1
Kesteven W. Henry Kesteven 1
Key Axel Key 1
Keyes Charles Rollin Keyes 4
Keyes John Arnold Keyes 1
Keyser Leander Sylvester Keyser 1
Kidder Jerome Henry Kidder 1
Kilmer George L. Kilmer 2
King Albert Freeman Africanus King 3
King Charles Cooper King 1
King D. B. King 1
King Irving King 1
Kingery H. M. Kingery 1
Kingsley Charles Kingsley 2
Kingsley John Sterling Kingsley 6
Kinley Isaac Kinley 1
Kipling John Lockwood Kipling 1
Kirk Hyland Clare Kirk 1
Kirkpatrick Edwin Asbury Kirkpatrick 2
Kirkwood Daniel Kirkwood 7
Kirkwood Joseph Edward Kirkwood 1
Kisch Enoch Heinrich Kisch 1
Kishimoto Nobuta Kishimoto 1
Kitson Arthur Kitson 2
Klein Hermann Joseph Klein 2
Klett Francis Klett 1
Kline Linus W. Kline 1
Kneeland Samuel Kneeland 1
Kneitsch R. Kneitsch 1
Knight George Henry Knight 1
Knopf Sigard Adolphus Knopf 1
Knowlton Frank Hall Knowlton 2
Knudson A. A. Knudson 1
Koch Robert Heinrich Herman Koch 1
Koehler Sylvester Rosa Koehler 1
Kofoid Charles Atwood Kofoid 1
Kolbe Parke Rexford Kolbe 1
Kopernicki Izydor Kopernicki 1
Kraepelin Emil Kraepelin 1
Král Joseph J. Král 1
Krätzer Hermann Krätzer 1
Krause Ernst Krause 3
Krauss Friedrich Salomon Krauss 2
Kreitner Gustav Kreitner 2
Kroeber Alfred Louis Kroeber 1
Kropotkin Peter Kropotkin 4
Kulischer Michael Kulischer 1
Kuntze Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze 1
Kunz George Frederick Kunz 4


Lacassagne Alexandre Lacassagne 1
Ladd George Trumbull Ladd 3
Lagrange Eugène Lagrange 2
Lagrange Fernand Lagrange 4
Laing S. Laing 1
Laisant Charles Ange Laisant 1
Lake Henry Lake 1
Lake John J. Lake 1
Lamb Horace Lamb 1
Lamb Richard Lamb 1
Lancaster Albert Benoît Marie Lancaster 2
Lane Alfred Church Lane 4
Langen G. Langen 1
Langley John Newport Langley 1
Langley John W. Langley 2
Langley Samuel Pierpont Langley 9
Lankester Edward Lankester 1
Lankester Edwin Ray Lankester 5
Lankford J. S. Lankford 1
Lansing Gerrit L. Lansing 4
Laporte Victor Laporte 1
Larned Josephus Nelson Larned 1
Larrabee William Henry Larrabee 16
Latimer Caroline Wormeley Latimer 1
Lattimore S. A. Lattimore 1
Laughlin James Laurence Laughlin 3
Lauth Charles Lauth 2
Law V. Marshall Law 1
Lawes W. G. Lawes 1
Lazenby William R. Lazenby 1
Le Bon Gustave Le Bon 4
Le Clear Gifford Le Clear 1
Le Conte John Le Conte 3
Le Conte Joseph Le Conte 15
Le Conte Stevens Walter Le Conte Stevens 12
Le Fevre Edwin Le Fevre 1
Le Plongeon Alice Dixon Le Plongeon 2
Le Sueur Ernest Arthur Le Sueur 4
Le Sueur William Dawson Le Sueur 14
Lea Henry Charles Lea 2
Leared Arthur Leared 1
Leclère Adhémard Leclère 3
Lee Frederic S. Lee 2
Lee Henry Lee 1
Lee Mary V. Lee 1
Leeds Albert Ripley Leeds 2
Leffingwell Albert J. Leffingwell 2
Leidy Joseph Leidy 1
Leighton Margaret Wentworth Leighton 2
Leighton Marshall Ora Leighton 1
Leighton Jr. William Leighton Jr. 1
Leland E. R. Leland 5
Lemattre Gustave Lemattre 1
Lenard Philipp Lenard 1
Leonard Fred Eugene Leonard 1
Leonard Mary Hall Leonard 2
Lepper Charles H. Lepper 1
Leroy-Beaulieu Henri Jean Baptiste Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu 1
Leroy-Beaulieu Paul Leroy-Beaulieu 3
Lesley J. P. Lesley 1
Letourneau Charles Letourneau 2
Lewes George Henry Lewes 1
Lewes Vivian Byam Lewes 1
Lewinski-Corwin Edward Henry Lewinski Corwin 1
Lewis A. H. Lewis 1
Lewis Frederic Thomas Lewis 1
Lewis Howard Thompson Lewis 1
Lewis Nelson Peter Lewis 1
Lewis Jr. Elias Lewis Jr. 10
Libby Walter Libby 2
Liebovitz Sidney Liebovitz 1
Liebreich Richard Liebreich 1
Lillie Frank Rattray Lillie 1
Lillie Ralph Stayner Lillie 2
Lilly William Samuel Lilly 1
Lindsay William Lauder Lindsay 1
Lingelbach William Ezra Lingelbach 1
Linton Elizabeth Lynn Linton 1
Linville Henry Richardson Linville 1
Lipman Jacob Goodale Lipman 1
Lipsky Abram Lipsky 3
Littlehales George Washington Littlehales 4
Littlewood H. Littlewood 1
Lloyd Charles Edward Lloyd 1
Lloyd Francis Ernest Lloyd 2
Lock C. G. Warnford Lock 1
Lockwood Samuel Lockwood 16
Lockyer Joseph Norman Lockyer 6
Locy William A. Locy 3
Lodge Oliver Lodge 1
Lodian Walter Lodian 1
Loeb Jacques Loeb 3
Loeb Leo Loeb 1
Loeb Morris Loeb 1
Loew Oscar Loew 1
Lombroso Cesare Lombroso 4
Lommel Eugene Lommel 1
Long J. H. Long 2
Loomis Frederic Brewster Loomis 1
Loomis Lafayette Charles Loomis 1
Loomis Seymour C. Loomis 2
Lortet Louis Charles Émile Lortet 1
Lotsy Johannes Paulus Lotsy 1
Lounsbury T. E. Lounsbury 1
Lovejoy Arthur O. Lovejoy 9
Lovell John Harvey Lovell 2
Lovering Joseph Lovering 3
Lovett Robert W. Lovett 2
Low Charles Rathbone Low 1
Lowell Percival Lowell 3
Lubbock John Lubbock 10
Lucas Édouard Lucas 1
Lucas Frederic Augustus Lucas 2
Lucas Keith Lucas 1
Lüders M. A. Lüders 1
Lull Richard Swann Lull 3
Lungren Charles Marshall Lungren 7
Lunt Horace Lunt 1
Lusk Graham Lusk 2
Lusk William Thompson Lusk 1
Lyle David Alexander Lyle 1
Lyman J. F. Lyman 1
Lyman Oliver E. Lyman 4
Lyon George Francis Lyon 1
Lyon George G. Lyon 1
Lyons Timothy Augustine Lyons 3