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Wikisource:WikiProject Popular Science Monthly/Multiple part articles 1

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Volume Month/Year Article
1 May 1872 The Study of Sociology I
1 June 1872 The Study of Sociology II
1 September 1872 The Study of Sociology III
1 October 1872 The Study of Sociology IV
2 November 1872 The Study of Sociology V
2 January 1873 The Study of Sociology VI
2 February 1873 The Study of Sociology VII
2 March 1873 The Study of Sociology VIII
2 April 1873 The Study of Sociology IX
3 May 1873 The Study of Sociology X
3 June 1873 The Study of Sociology XI
3 July 1873 The Study of Sociology XII
3 August 1873 The Study of Sociology XIII
3 September 1873 The Study of Sociology XIV
1 May 1872 The Natural History of Man I
1 June 1872 The Natural History of Man II
1 July 1872 The Migrations of Men III
2 March 1873 Physical Characters of the Human Races IV
5 September 1874 Natural History of Man V
2 November 1872 Aims and Instruments of Scientific Thought I
2 December 1872 Aims and Instruments of Scientific Thought II
2 December 1872 A New Phase of German Thought I
2 January 1873 A New Phase of German Thought II
3 May 1873 Instinct in Insects I
3 June 1873 Instinct in Insects II
3 June 1873 Domestic Economy of Fuel I
3 July 1873 Domestic Economy of Fuel II
3 June 1873 Nature and Origin of the Drift-Deposits of the Northwest I
3 July 1873 Nature and Origin of the Drift-Deposits of the Northwest II
3 September 1873 Hypnotism in Animals I
4 November 1873 Hypnotism in Animals II
3 October 1873 The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science I
4 November 1873 The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science II
4 December 1873 The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science III
4 January 1874 The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science IV
4 January 1874 Replies to Criticisms I
4 February 1874 Replies to Criticisms II
4 February 1874 Modern Optics and Painting I
4 March 1874 Modern Optics and Painting II
4 March 1874 Physiology of the Passions I & II
4 April 1874 The Pathology of the Passions III
5 July 1874 The Development of Psychology I
5 August 1874 The Development of Psychology II
5 July 1874 The Chain of Species I
5 August 1874 The Chain of Species II
5 September 1874 The Chain of Species III
5 October 1874 Thermal Death-Point of Living Matter I
6 December 1874 Thermal Death-Point of Living Matter II
6 November 1874 The Natural History of the Oyster I
6 December 1874 The Natural History of the Oyster II
6 December 1874 Address Before the American Association I
6 January 1875 Address Before the American Association II
6 January 1875 Reason Against Routine in the Teaching of Language I
6 February 1875 Reason Against Routine in the Study of Language II
6 January 1875 Biology for Young Beginners I
6 March 1875 Biology for Young Beginners II
6 March 1875 The Atmosphere in Relation to Fog-Signaling I
6 April 1875 The Atmosphere in Relation to Fog-Signaling II
6 April 1875 The First Traces of Man in Europe I
7 May 1875 The First Traces of Man in Europe II
7 May 1875 The Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion I
7 July 1875 The Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion II
7 September 1875 The Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion III
8 December 1875 The Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion IV
7 June 1875 Savagism and Civilization I
7 July 1875 Savagism and Civilization II
7 July 1875 The Endowment of Scientific Research I
7 August 1875 The Endowment of Scientific Research II
7 August 1875 Physical Features of the Colorado Valley I
7 September 1875 Physical Features of the Colorado Valley II
7 October 1875 Physical Features of the Colorado Valley III
8 November 1875 The Relations of Women to Crime I
8 January 1876 The Relations of Women to Crime II
8 February 1876 The Warfare of Science I
8 March 1876 The Warfare of Science II
8 March 1876 Modern Philosophical Biology I
8 April 1876 Modern Philosophical Biology II
8 March 1876 Lessons in Electricity I
9 May 1876 Lessons in Electricity II
9 June 1876 Lessons in Electricity III
9 July 1876 Lessons in Electricity IV
8 April 1876 The Polar Glaciers I
9 June 1876 The Polar Glaciers II
8 April 1876 Caroline Lucretia Herschel I
9 May 1876 Caroline Lucretia Herschel II
9 August 1876 Voice in Man and in Animals I
9 September 1876 Voice in Man and in Animals II
9 October 1876 Nature of the Invertebrate Brain I
10 November 1876 Nature of the Invertebrate Brain II
10 November 1876 What American Zoologists Have Done for Evolution: 1876 Speech I
10 December 1876 What American Zoologists Have Done for Evolution: 1876 Speech II
10 November 1876 Professor Huxley's Lectures I
10 December 1876 Professor Huxley's Lectures II
10 January 1877 Professor Huxley's Lectures III
10 February 1877 Education as a Science I
10 March 1877 Education as a Science II
11 August 1877 Education as a Science III
13 July 1878 Education as a Science IV
13 October 1878 Education as a Science V
14 November 1878 Education as a Science VI
14 December 1878 Education as a Science VII
11 May 1877 Gar-Pikes, Old and Young I
11 June 1877 Gar-Pikes, Old and Young II
11 May 1877 Mesmerism, Odylism, Table-Turning, and Spiritualism I
11 June 1877 Mesmerism, Odylism, Table-Turning, and Spiritualism II
11 June 1877 On the Evolution of the Family I
11 July 1877 On the Evolution of the Family II
11 July 1877 The Tides I
12 December 1877 The Tides II
12 November 1877 Illustrations of the Logic of Science I
12 January 1878 Illustrations of the Logic of Science II
12 March 1878 Illustrations of the Logic of Science III
12 April 1878 Illustrations of the Logic of Science IV
13 June 1878 Illustrations of the Logic of Science V
13 August 1878 Illustrations of the Logic of Science VI
12 November 1877 The Growth of the Steam-Engine I
12 December 1877 The Growth of the Steam-Engine II
12 January 1878 The Growth of the Steam-Engine III
12 February 1878 The Growth of the Steam-Engine IV
12 March 1878 The Growth of the Steam-Engine V
13 May 1878 The Growth of the Steam-Engine VI
12 December 1877 Our Six-Footed Rivals I
12 January 1878 Our Six-Footed Rivals II
12 December 1877 History of the Dynamical Theory of Heat I
12 January 1878 History of the Dynamical Theory of Heat II
12 January 1878 The Ice Age I
14 November 1878 The Ice Age II
12 February 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government I
12 March 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government II
12 April 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government III
13 May 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government IV
13 June 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government V
13 July 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government VI
14 November 1878 Evolution of Ceremonial Government VII
12 February 1878 Spontaneous Generation I
12 March 1878 Spontaneous Generation II
12 March 1878 Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America I
12 April 1878 Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America II
12 March 1878 Liquefaction of the Gases I
13 May 1878 Liquefaction of the Gases II
13 May 1878 The Scientific Study of Human Testimony I
13 June 1878 The Scientific Study of Human Testimony II
13 July 1878 The Scientific Study of Human Testimony III
13 July 1878 Civilization and Science I
13 August 1878 Civilization and Science II
13 September 1878 Civilization and Science III
13 August 1878 The Teredo and its Depredations I
13 September 1878 The Teredo and its Depredations II
13 August 1878 Monera, and the Problem of Life I
13 September 1878 Monera, and the Problem of Life II
13 October 1878 Monera, and the Problem of Life III
14 January 1879 Herbert Spencer Before the English Copyright Commission I
14 February 1879 Herbert Spencer Before the English Copyright Commission II
14 January 1879 Scientific Relation of Sociology to Biology I
14 February 1879 Scientific Relation of Sociology to Biology II
14 March 1879 Experiments with Living Human Beings I
14 April 1879 Experiments with Living Human Beings II
14 April 1879 John Stuart Mill I
15 July 1879 John Stuart Mill II
15 October 1879 John Stuart Mill III
16 November 1879 John Stuart Mill IV
16 January 1880 John Stuart Mill V
16 February 1880 John Stuart Mill VI
14 April 1879 Dietetic Curiosities I
15 May 1879 Dietetic Curiosities II
14 April 1879 New Guinea and its Inhabitants I
15 May 1879 New Guinea and its Inhabitants II
15 June 1879 The Condition of Women from a Zoological Point of View I
15 July 1879 The Condition of Women from a Zoological Point of View II
15 July 1879 Food and Feeding I
15 August 1879 Food and Feeding II
15 September 1879 Food and Feeding III
15 August 1879 Chloral and Other Narcotics I
15 September 1879 Chloral and Other Narcotics II
15 August 1879 Geographical Evolution I
15 September 1879 Geographical Evolution II
15 October 1879 Mythologic Philosophy I
16 November 1879 Mythologic Philosophy II
16 November 1879 On Radiant Matter I
16 December 1879 On Radiant Matter II
16 November 1879 Ocean Meteorology I
16 December 1879 Ocean Meteorology II
16 November 1879 Why Do Springs and Wells Overflow? I
16 January 1880 Why Do Springs and Wells Overflow? II
16 December 1879 History and Methods of Paleontological Discovery I
16 January 1880 History and Methods of Paleontological Discovery II
16 April 1880 The Pleasure of Visual Form I
17 May 1880 The Pleasure of Visual Form II
17 May 1880 Hysteria and Demonism I
17 June 1880 Hysteria and Demonism II
17 July 1880 Hysteria and Demonism III
17 June 1880 Goethe's Farbenlehre: Theory of Colors I
17 July 1880 Goethe's Farbenlehre: Theory of Colors II
17 July 1880 The Interior of the Earth I
17 August 1880 The Interior of the Earth II
17 September 1880 The English Precursors of Newton I
17 October 1880 The English Precursors of Newton II
17 October 1880 Criticisms Corrected I
18 November 1880 Criticisms Corrected II
18 January 1881 Criticisms Corrected III
18 November 1880 The Development of Political Institutions I
18 December 1880 The Development of Political Institutions II
18 January 1881 The Development of Political Institutions III
18 February 1881 The Development of Political Institutions IV
18 March 1881 The Development of Political Institutions V
18 April 1881 The Development of Political Institutions VI
19 June 1881 The Development of Political Institutions VII
19 July 1881 The Development of Political Institutions VIII
19 September 1881 The Development of Political Institutions IX
19 October 1881 The Development of Political Institutions X
18 December 1880 Domestic Motors I
18 January 1881 Domestic Motors II
18 February 1881 Domestic Motors III
18 December 1880 Indigestion as a Cause of Nervous Depression I
18 January 1881 Indigestion as a Cause of Nervous Depression II
18 December 1880 The Sabbath I
18 January 1881 The Sabbath II