Wikisource:WikiProject The New Church
Works by Emanuel Swedenborg regarding The New Church
Apocalypse Revealed - Vol II
Heaven and it's Wonders and Hell, from Things Heard and Seen
Miscellaneous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg
External Links
Arcana Cœleſtia quae in Scriptura Sacra, ſeu Verbo Domini ſunt, Detecta: Hic Primum quæ in Geneſi. Una cum Mirabilibus Quæ viſa ſunt in Mundo Spirituum, & in Cœlo Angelorum, Pars Prima
De Coelo et Ejus Mirabilibus, et de Inferno ex Auditis Visis
De Nova Heirosolyma et ejus Doctrina Coelesti
Doctrina Novae Hierolyme de Domino
Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio
Works by Miscellaneous Authors
The Bible and the Churches by George Fryer
The book of Daniel - its Prophetic Character and Spiritual Meaning by Willard H Hinkley
Catalogue of the Library of the New Church Society
Death and the Future State by Soloman Hogue Spencer
Desolation of the Sanctuary, and Time of Restitution by Robert Abbott
Dissertations on the Regenerate life by James Arbouin
by Herbert Newall Morris
The Genius of Ecclesiastical Freedomby William Elder
New Church Essays on Science, Philosophy and Religion
Job Abbott
Lecture on Swedenborg
by Theodore Compton
Natural Phenomena and their Spiritual Lessons
The New-Church Preacherby various authors
by D. Gopaul Chetty
by Nathaniel Francis Cabell
Sermons on the Lord's Prayer (Henry Worcester) by Henry Aiken Worcester
Swedenborg and the New Age
The Swedenborg Epic
The Bible That Was Lost and Is Found
Words in Season
Benjamin Fiske Barrett
[edit]External links
[edit]External links
The Spiritual Exposition of the Apocalypse - Vol 1
The Spiritual Exposition of the Apocalypse - Vol 2
The Spiritual Exposition of the Apocalypse - Vol 3
The Spiritual Exposition of the Apocalypse - Vol 4
John Clowes
The Golden Wedding Ring
The Gospel According to Matthew (John Clowes)
The Gospel According to Mark (John Clowes)
The Gospel According to Luke (John Clowes)
The Gospel According to John (John Clowes)
Cuthbert Collingwood
[edit]Joseph Deans
[edit]Richard Edleston
The Immortal Fountain
Infants in Heaven
Marriage - its Uses, Duties, and Blessings
Intoxicants, Prohibition, and our New Church Periodicals in 1884-5
The New Christianity - an Appeal to the Clergy and to all Men in behalf of its life of Charity
A Reply to "The Academy's" Review of "The Wine Question in the Light of the New Dispensation"
The True and False Theory of Evolution (without source scan) |
John Goddard
[edit]David George Goyder
[edit]Thomas Goyder
[edit]External links
[edit]External links
[edit]- Letters to Dr. Priestley
- An essay on the resurrection of the Lord
- The Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World
- A vindication of the character and writings of the Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg
- A seal upon the lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole, supreme, and exclusive divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
The Other Life
The Sexes Here and Hereafter
External links
[edit]Jacques-François Le Boys des Guays
Letters to a Man of the World
Religion, its Influence on the State of Society
Lewis Pyle Mercer
[edit]Carl Theophilus Odhner
[edit]Theophilus Parsons
[edit]External Links
[edit]Elias de la Roche Rendell
[edit]External links
[edit]Abiel Silver
The Elements of Character
External links
[edit]Woodville Woodman
[edit]External links
[edit]Benjamin Worcester
The Life and Mission of Emanuel Swedenborg
John Worcester
[edit]External links to be added
[edit]- Talks with a Child on the Beatitudes
- Heroism, or, God our Father, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent by Horace Field
- Lessons from daily life by Emily E. Hildreth
- Observations on the authenticity of the Gospels by a Layman
- The Athanasian Creed and Modern Thought by Thomas Murray Gorman
- The Freewill of Man and the Origin of Evil by William Cooper Howells
- A study of the internal or spiritual sense of the fifth book of Moses called Deuteronomy by Alexander Payne
- Perpetual existence by Jabez Fox
- A sketch of Swedenborg and his writings
- Swedenborg: a lecture, etc by John William Fletcher
- The feminine soul by Elizabeth Strutt
- Matthew's Gospel by John Worcester
- Commentary on the Psalms by Robert Samuel Fischer
- The kingdom of Heaven as seen by Swedenborg by John Howard Spalding
- The Kramph will case
- Psychiasis; healing through the soul by Charles Holbrook Mann
- by Nathaniel Hobart
- An Essay on the Credibility of Swedenborg
- Observations on the growth of the mind by Sampson Reed
- Book of public worship
- On the doctrines of baptism and regeneration
- texts at bayside church
- What is the use of Baptism?
- Religion and Philosophy United
- Words for the New Church
- How did the Lord Jesus Christ save man? by John Presland
- Who was Swedenborg, and what are his writing?
- The Dawn
- The Aurora; or, The Dawn of Genuine Truth
- Morning light
- The New Church Magazine
- An Appendix to the Rev. Mr. Clowes's Pamphlet Or Swedenborgianism Displayed
- Swedenborg and Modern Biblical Criticism by Edwin Gould
- New Church Essays on Science, Philosophy and Religion
- New Church Advocate and Examiner
- Emanuel Swedenborg as a man of science by Fernald Woodbury
- The New Church Messenger
- Emanuel Swedenborg by L. B. De Beaumont
- The Gospel according to John: translated from the original Greek, and illustrated by extracts from the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg
- The New Church In The New World A Study Of Swedenborgianism In America by Marguerite Beck Block
- The New-Jerusalem Magazine, vol 1
- Swedenborg and the 'Sapientia angelica by Frank Sewall
- A Swedenborg Perpetual Calendar Uploaded to commons, missing pages 16-17
- The Swedenborgian
- A liturgy for the General Church of the New Jerusalem
- A liturgy for the New church
Works in accordance to the doctrines of the New Church but not clearly connected
[edit]- The scriptural doctrine of hades by George Bartle
- Mistaken: Or, The Seeming and the Real by Lydia Fuller
- Talks with a philosopher on the ways of God to man
The Spiritual Diary of Emmanuel Swedenborg
[edit]John Clowes
[edit]- Concerning infants, or little children, in heaven, etc.
- A Letter to Rev. W. Roby
- A letter to the Rev. John Grundy
- 24 Sermons by John Clowes
- A summary view of the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church by John Clowes
- Twenty-four Sermons, on the parable of the marriage of the king's son
- Two sermons preached in the parish church of St. John
- Sermons, on various subjects, preached in the Parish Church of St. John
George Henry Dole
[edit]Warren Felt Evans
[edit]- Esoteric Christianity and mental therapeutics
- The primitive mind-cure
- The mental-cure, illustrating the influence of the mind on the body, both in health and disease, and the psychological method of treatment
- Mental medicine
- The divine law of cure
- The New Age and Its Messenger
Woodbury Fernald
[edit]- Emanuel Swedenborg as a Man of Science
- A New Age for the New Church
- God in His Providence
- A View at the Foundations
- The True Christian Life
- Universalism against partialism
George Field
[edit]- Memoirs, incidents & reminiscences of the early history of the New Church in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and adjacent states, and Canada
- Sermon on the subject of everlasting punishment, (from Matthew, Ch. xxv, v. 46.)
- The Two Great Books of Nature and Revelation
David George Goyder
[edit]- Spiritual reflections for every day in the year. vol. II
- Spiritual reflections for every day in the year. vol. III
Thomas Goyder
[edit]- A defence of the doctrines of the New Church
- Glimmerings of Light from the Word of God
- Spiritual gleanings from the Word of God
Chauncey Giles
[edit]- The apparent contradictions of the sacred scriptures reconciled
- Lectures on the incarnation, atonement, and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The nature of spirit, and of man as a spiritual being
- Perfect prayer: how offered: how answered
- The Resurrection of the Lord
- The sanctity of marriage
- The Second Coming of the Lord
- textsThe spiritual world and our children there
- The nature of spirit, and of man as a spiritual being
- Our children in the other life
Leo Hartley Grindon
[edit]- Life: its nature, varieties, and phenomena
- The little things of nature: considered especially in relation to the divine benevolence
William Benjamin Hayden
[edit]- Science and Revelation
- On the character and work of Christ
- Wine, as a Scripture Symbol: Baptism : and the Holy Supper
- On the dangers of modern spititualism
Sabin Hough
[edit]Oliver Prescott Hiller
[edit]- The Pleasures of Religion, a Poem
- Practical Sermons
- Sermons, Doctrinal, Miscellaneous, and Occasional
John Hyde
[edit]Thomas A. King
[edit]- Pearls of great price
- Allegories of Genesis
- Reasons for embracing the doctrines of the New Church as contained in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg
Clarence Lathbury
[edit]Edward Madeley
[edit]William Mason
[edit]Samuel Noble
[edit]- The plenary inspiration of the Scriptures
- An appeal in behalf of the views of the eternal world and state, and the doctrines of faith and life, held by the body of Christians who believe that a New Church is signified by the New Jerusalem
- Important doctrines of the true Christian religion
- The Praises of the Lord
Carl Theophilus Odhner
[edit]- Emanuel Swedenborg's Journal of dreams and spiritual experiences translated by C. F. Odhner
- Emanuel Swedenborg, the servant of the lord
- Michael Servetus, his life and teachings
John Presland
[edit]- The creed of the New Church
- How did the Lord Jesus Christ save man?
- The Lord's Second Coming an Accomplished Fact
- Man a Spiritual Being Ruined by Sin
Elias de la Roche
[edit]- A Treatise on the Peculiarities of the Bible Same as The Word and its Inspiration vol 3
- The Deity of Jesus Christ Asserted
- Hints about the heavenly state
- The Nature of Visions, and the Quality of the Holy Word
- Reply to the second letter of the Rev. Thos. Sharples
- Death, the passage into a new condition of spiritual life
- The First Resurrection
- An Authentic history of the rise, progress and proceedings of the Society belonging to the New Jerusalem Church, in Newcastle upon Tyne
- The Wisdom of Numbering Our Days
- The Revealed Nature and Orderly Operations of the Divine Omnipotence
- A brief discussion of some of the claims of the Hon. E. Swedenborg to be received as the herald of the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Holy Supper
- The Monthly Theological Expositor. No. 1-6. June-Nov. 1833
Robert Rogers
[edit]Julian Kennedy Smyth
[edit]Rudolf Leonhard Tafel
[edit]- Documents concerning the life and character of Emanuel Swedenborg vol 1
- Documents concerning the life and character of Emanuel Swedenborg vol 2 part 1
- Documents concerning the life and character of Emanuel Swedenborg vol 2 part 2
- Authority in the New church
- Emanuel Swedenborg as a philosopher, and man of science
George Trobridge
[edit]William White
[edit]- Emanuel Swedenborg: his life and writings - Vol 1
- Emanuel Swedenborg: his life and writings - Vol 2
- Life of Emanuel Swedenborg