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Wikisource:Wikidata/Maintenance/Encyclopedia articles

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Wikidata Maintenance Encyclopedia articles

Key items and properties


Any encyclopedia article without a main subject (P921)

# Any encyclopedia article without a main subject (P921)
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13433827. # P31 is a: Q13433827 encyclopedia article
  MINUS { ?item wdt:P921 [] } . # P921: main subject
  # the label service is too slow, so try this
    ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel. FILTER( LANG(?itemLabel)="en" )

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Articles without main subjects, by parent work

Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition (Q867541)
EB1911 articles with no main subject
A Compendium of Irish Biography (Q19020593)
Compendium of Irish Biography articles with no main subject