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Wild Weasel mission 5 November 1967

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Audio recording and transcript of a Vietnam War F-105 Wild Weasel combat mission.

This is an audio recording and transcript of an F-105 Thunderchief combat mission flown over Hanoi during the Vietnam War. The audio, running 15 minutes, is courtesy of Plumalley, who was an Electronic Warfare Officer (Bear) who flew such missions from the 2nd seat of Wild Weasel aircraft. The first-person account of the mission is courtesy of Lt Colonel USAF (Ret) Bill Sparks who was flying Marlin Lead.

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Each flight of four aircraft was randomly assigned a common name, such Harpoon or Buick. Sometimes flight leaders whose voices are easily recognized would be called by their nicknames.

The recording documents interphone coordination between the pilot and Bear (Electronic Warfare Officer), as well as transmissions from the pilot to the strike force (as advisories, since he is not the mission commander), transmissions on mission primary frequency, transmissions on the international distress frequency GUARD, electronic threat signal intercepts detected by the multiple aircraft systems, and a constant calibration whistle used for later laboratory analysis of these signals. All these signals are simultaneous and combined. Note that time correlation is lost through in-process editing.

37949Audio recording and transcript of a Vietnam War F-105 Wild Weasel combat mission.

00:00 We have a 21 behind us...

00:04 OK you've got one at your six; break right, break right Buick!

00:12 Ugg...Ugg...

00:15 He's firing. Ok, he's shooting. Keep right on the trees Buick 2

00:25 ???? tanks?, that's affirm

00:35 What's your heading Buick 2?

00:40 Trying to get out to the water (140 degrees magnetic heading; Tonkin Gulf). I can't find if the guy is still behind me.
– I don't see him either.

00:45 Keep right on the trees and keep moving

00:46 Are you in burner?

00:55 OK Buick, I think they are breaking off the to right; are you in burner?

01:03 I thought I saw somethin' go past this xxxxx canopy!

01:15 What's your heading Buick 2? Whats your altitude Buick 2? I don't have you in sight. Buick 2, you on the deck?
– I'm right on the treetops.

01:27 OK, I've got me one baby! Buick 2 says "Shit Hot"

01:32 I'm right on his ass.
– Get'm Get'm

01:57 OK, I missed him, I'm going back to the deck.
– Roger

02:04 Are you out over the water, yet, Buick 2?
– Yeah. I don't think I will make it to the tanker, but I will make it a bloody good show.

02:23 You want to go up the east side of the Ridge, Dick.

02:26 Ah xxxx, looks like a valid Launch, take it down

02:35 In the grass, pilots

02:42 Where is it coming from?
– Don't know yet.
– Out of the target area.

02:48 Mombo's got bogies; Mombo's headed south east down the ridge.

02:57 Mombo's got two good bomb hits

03:09 Marlin Lead is hit.

03:12 Keep it going Sparks

03:16 OK we've got one of our guys low at…

03:30 You're doing good Sparky

03:32 Red Dog 3 and 4, you going down the Ridge now?

03:35 Take it down. Anybody at the north end of the ridge, there's a SAM coming at you.

03:40 Thats an airplane on fire.

03:48 Keep going Dick, babe

03:51 Disregard the Launch

04:04 Mayday, this is Red Dog 4; I've got a fire…

04:12 Turn left a little bit into the sun

04:23 Did you just shoot off your Shrikes?
– Yes
– Well that is you that is torching

04:30 I'm about to lose control of it

04:39 Turn left 20 degrees, I'll tell you when to roll out.

04:42 You are doing good Sparky

04:45 Lead's got you in sight, 3 and 4 go ahead and head for the River.

04:54 I'm going burner

05:03 Red Dog has only guns now

05:09 Better alert SAR now, I don't think he will make it all the way?

05:18 I'd leave the AB off, Dick, just put the nose down and try to get the speed up, try to burn it out

05:25 277 (magnetic) is the heading

05:39 I've lost my rudder pedals

05:50 Red Dog 4 is about to lose control

05:52 Bullseye xx 050

05:56 I've got a xxx SAM, 9 o'clock

06:06 Someone else in the Force hit?

06:53 Woooo Woooo Wooo

07:06 OK Sparky…

07:15 Two chutes in sight, Red Dog 4

07:31 Cobiel OK, Cobiel OK

08:30 Keep it going Sparky

08:39 Bail out, Bailout, get out of it Sparky

09:15 Have three chutes in sight

09:54 Red Dog Lead (and flight) needs a tanker

10:21 I don't think there is any rescue we can do with these guys but I want to see them land

11:04 Red Dog 2's got seven; OK one more circle and we'll head out

11:36 Marlin 3 is hit; Marlin 3 is down below, I followed the aircraft down, it crashed and burned, but I see no chute.

11:56 Our people are drifting down in a Village, about two miles from the smoke.

12:30 Red Dog has 21 20 N, 105 14 E for the position of Red Dog 4

12:45 Red Crown, Red Crown this is Marlin 4 is 85 miles out on the 045 radial, got a good chute.

13:17 I've just crossed the Red, heading 240

14:24 Marlin 6 circling Marlin Lead 2,3,4,5

14:47 Marlin 4 is at 17