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Wild Weasel mission transcript part 3

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Audio recording and transcript of a Vietnam War F-105 Wild Weasel combat mission.

This is an audio recording and transcript of an F-105 Thunderchief Wild Weasel combat mission flown over Hanoi during the Vietnam War. The audio, running 18 minutes, is courtesy of Plumalley, who was an Electronic Warfare Officer (Bear) who flew such missions from the 2nd seat of Wild Weasel aircraft.

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Each flight of four aircraft was randomly assigned a common name, such Harpoon or Buick. Sometimes flight leaders whose voices are easily recognized would be called by their nicknames.

The recording documents interphone coordination between the pilot and Bear (Electronic Warfare Officer), as well as transmissions from the pilot to the strike force (as advisories, since he is not the mission commander), transmissions on mission primary frequency, transmissions on the international distress frequency GUARD, electronic threat signal intercepts detected by the multiple aircraft systems, and a constant calibration whistle used for later laboratory analysis of these signals. All these signals are simultaneous and combined. Note that time correllation is lost through in-process editing. See Wild Weasel mission 1 October 1967 for explanation of some of the terminology.

35378Audio recording and transcript of a Vietnam War F-105 Wild Weasel combat mission.

00:00 Take about four more to the right, you'll be lined up for the launch, I've got a Firecan at 12 o'clock

00:12 Locus flight: Lead is going to xxxx one off here

00:26 You got the time on it? I'm timing.

00:34 OK, Lead is going to try another one.

00:38 You get an impact on it? It (the signal) still there? Roger.

01:00 OK #2 moving in here

01:14 You got a Firecan at 12 o'clock, Bob

01:49 He just went off at 55 seconds

02:28 High PRF

02:40 Rico flight departing the area

03:38 You got a Head-Up

04:12 I've got a Launch Light, Bob

04:30 Yes, she just impacted

05:02 Another one coming

05:12 Lead is going up

05:36 I've got the site (visually), does everybody have it?

05:48 Going to roll in and strafe it

06:52 I saw one missile explode on the site

07:36 I saw my rockets impact right on the radar in the middle (of the site.)

07:45 Ok, John, strong contact

08:35 Mombo, you turned on at the present time?

08:55 9 o'clock, that the two in Hanoi

09:40 Hurricane, set um up, push um up

10:39 We're getting Flak, 85

11:05 It's all coming out of that resevoir down there

11:40 Vegas Lead is rolling in

11:45 Hurricane the site we are hunting should be at 9 oclock, set um up for rockets

12:02 TWS high

12:20 I have the site in sight

12:30 Hurricane is in on the site

12:42 35 35 7000

13:05 Sector and PRF are off the air