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Windsor Forest (4th edition)/Advert

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The Rape of the Lock, an Heroi-comical Poem, in five Cantos. Written by Mr Pope. The fifth Edition. To which is added a Key to the Lock, or a Treatise proving beyond all Contradiction the dangerous Tendency of a late Poem entituled the Rape of the Lock to Government and Religion. By Esdras Barnévelt Apoth. The third Edition, with Cuts. Price 1 s. 6 d.

An Essay on Criticism. Written by Mr. Pope. The fifth Edition. To which is added an Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia's Day, written by Mr Pope. The third Edition, with curious Frontispieces to each, design'd by Cheron, and engrav'd by Mr. Gribelin. Price 1 s.

Windsor-Forest, A Poem: To the Right Honourable George Lord Landsdown, by Mr. Pope. The fourth Edition: To which is added Messiah, a sacred Eclogue; in imitation of Virgil's Pollio, with Notes. To Mr. Pope on his Windsor-Forest, by the late Reverend Mr. Francis Knapp Dean of Killala in the County of Mayo in Ireland, with a Frontispiece. Price 1 s.

The Temple of Fame, a Vision, a Poem, by Mr. Pope. The second Edition, with a Frontispiece. Price 1 s.

Eloisa to Abelard, a Poem. Also Verses to the Memory of an unfortunate Lady. Both by Mr. Pope. To which is added, Florelio, a Pastoral; lamenting the Death of the late Marquis of Blandford. By Mr. Fenton. Upon the Death of her Husband, by Mrs. Elizabeth Singer. A pastoral Ballad, by Mr. Gay. Richy and Sandy, a Pastoral, on the Death of Mr. Joseph Addison, by Mr. Allan Ramsay, a Scotch Poem. An Explanation of Richy and Sandy, with a Poem to Mr Allan Ramsay on his Richy and Sandy. Both by Josiah Burchet Esq; Secretary to the Admiralty: with the Picture of Eloisa and her Convent prefix'd. Price 1 s.

N. B. The above five Books of Mr. Pope are finely Printed in Octavo Editions.

The poetical Works of Mr. Alexander Pope.

Hæc studia adolescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant; secundas res ornant, adversis perfugium & solatium præbent; delectant domi, non impediunt foris; pernoctant nobiscum; peregrinantur, rusticantur,

Cicero pro Arch.
Price 14 s.

The Iliad of Homer, translated by Mr. Pope, in six Volumes Folio. Large Paper Price one Guinea, and small Paper 14 s. each Vol.

Fresnoy's Art of Painting, a Poem, with Remarks, translated by Mr. Dryden; and an original Preface, concerning a Parallel between Painting and Poetry, by Mr. Dryden. As also an Account of the most eminent Painters, ancient and modern, much enlarg'd by Richard Graham Esq; The second Edition. To which are prefix'd Verses from Mr. Pope to Mr. Jervas, occasion'd by this Edition. Price 5 s.

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