Woman of the Century/Alice Barbee Castleman
CASTLEMAN, Mrs. Alice Barbee, philanthropist, born in Louisville, Ky., 5th December, 1843. She is the daughter of ex-mayor Barbee. of that city. Her father and mother were native Kentuckians and were numbered among the early pioneers. She was their oldest daughter. She became the wife of Gen. John B. Castleman on 24th November, 1S68. She is the mother of five children, three sons and two daughters. Mrs. Castleman was educated in the Last. Although she is a social leader, she finds much time for charitable work and is a philanthropist in the broadest sense. Always on the alert to advance the cause of woman, she is progressive, cultured and liberal in her views. She is president of the board of the Louisville Training School for Nurses. She is a prominent member of the Woman's Club, a member of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Board of Missions, Foreign and Domestic, and a member of the National Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition. She is active in the affairs of the Filson Club of Louisville. In religion she is an Episcopalian and a member of Christ Church, of Louisville.