Woman of the Century/Amelia Kempshall Wing
WING, Mrs. Amelia Kempshall, author and philanthropist, born in Rochester. N. Y., 31st May, 1837. She is the oldest of a family of eight children. Her father, the son of an English gentleman and a representative man, gave his children the best educational advantages of the time. Mrs. Wing was a student in the Wyoming Academy and in Ingham University. Although reared with a prospect of continued affluence, Tier earnestness of
purpose was early shown, for, at the age of sixteen, during financial trouble, she, eager to feel herself in touch with the world, went to teach in a public school in Brooklyn, N. Y. At twenty years of age she became the wife of Frederick H. Wing, and in Newark, Ohio, began her wedded life. The stirring needs of the war were arousing the women into action, her capabilities were quickly recognized, and she was made secretary and treasurer of a local branch of the Sanitary Commission, in which position she did active service. On her return to Brooklyn she continued her connection with philanthropic work, and was chairman of the executive committee of the Maternity Hospital and recording secretary for the Home for Consumptives. In January, 1886, she was elected president of the Brooklyn Woman's Club, and by unanimous reelection remained in office five years. Her executive ability is shown by the enlarged scope of the work of the club committees, which is due to her personal interest. Her literary work, begun after her two sons were grown, shows much merit, and the mother-love is effectively portrayed in her stories written for children. She has written on many subjects. A deep religious spirituality pervades her "hymns and poetry, and when she speaks of the "Coming Woman," a favorite subject, she exalts her topic by the high standard of her ideal.