Woman of the Century/Anna A. Fisher
FISHER, Miss Anna A., educator, born in Cambridge, N. Y., in 1858. She comes of New England parentage and inherited from her father a taste for literature and history, and her early reading and education were well and wisely directed. From her mother she inherited many charms of person, and a poise of character marked by decision, excellence of judgment, great force and a heart full of tenderness and thoughtfulness for others. As principal of Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., she passed nine years of eminent usefulness, giving an amount of mentality and strength that left a marked impression upon that institution. She is a graduate of Antioch College, from which institution she received her degree of A. M. In connection with teaching she has found great delight in continuing her studies in certain Tines of work, especially literature and history. An associate member of the committee on education in the World's Congress, she has had various positions of honor offered her. She was a candidate for consideration as president of Barnard College. In the autumn of 1891 she was elected to the chair of literature in Denver University, Col., and is now lady principal. She is filling that position successfully.