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Woman of the Century/Anna Bishop

From Wikisource
2240578Woman of the Century — Anna Bishop

BISHOP, Anna, singer, born in London, England, in 1814; died in New York City, 18th March, 1884. Her father was a drawing-master named Riviere. She studied the piano-forte under Moscheles, became distinguished for her singing, and in 183 1 became the wife of Sir Henry Rowley Bishop. She eloped with Bochsa, the harpist, in 1839, and soon after went on a tour through the principal countries of Europe, which extended down to 1S43. From that time until 1846 she remained in Italy, and was at one time prima donna at the San Carlo, Naples. After her stay in Italy she returned to England. In 1847 she came to this country, remaining here until 1855, when she sailed for Australia. She then again made a brief visit to England, and in 1859 came to this country for the second time. Her stay was prolonged to 1866, with a brief visit to Mexico and Cuba, when she sailed for the Sandwich islands, visited China, India. Australia, Egypt and England, arriving in the United States again about 1869. Probably no other singer traveled so much or sang before so many people. She visited nearly every country on the globe, and the most of them repeatedly. In 1858 she was married to Martin Schultz, an American, and made it her permanent home in New York City. Her last public appearance was in a concert in New York in the spring of 1883.