Woman of the Century/Aubertine Woodward Moore
MOORE, Mrs. Aubertine Woodward, musical critic, translator and lecturer, born near Philadelphia, Pa., 27th September, 1841. Her maiden name was Annie Aubertine Woodward. Her father and grandfather were publishers, and Mrs. Moore was Dorn and reared in an atmosphere of literature and music. On her mother's side she inherits Swedish blood, through ancestors who left Sweden in the reign of Queen Christina and settled in New Sweden, on the Delaware. Mrs. Moore began at an early age to produce literary work, after acquiring a wide education, including a course of music under Carl Ciaetuer, the well-known artist and composer. Her studies included modern languages, and her first literary work consisted of musical sketches and criticism, published both in the United States and Germany. She wrote under the pen-name "Auber Forestier," and her work attracted attention immediately. During a stay of some length in California she contributed to the Philadelphia papers a series of letters on that State and its resources. Returning to the Fast she published translations of several novels from the German, including "The Sphinx." by Robert Byr, in 1871; "Above Tempest and Tide." by Sophie Verena, in 1873, and "Struggle for Existence," by Robert Byr, in 1873. She translated Victor Cherbuliez' "Samuel Brohl and Company," which appeared as number one of Appleton's series of "Foreign Authors." Then followed in rapid succession stories, sketches, translations of poetry for music, and original songs. She became interested in the "Niebelungen Lied." and in 1877 she published "Echoes from Mist-Land." or, more fully, "The Niebelungen Lay Revealed to Lovers of Romance and Chivalry." which is a prose version of the famous poem. Her's was the first American translation of that work. That was the first American edition of the Niebelungen Lied, and the book was favorably received in the United States, in England and in Germany. In 1879 she went to Madison, Wis., to extend her studies in Scandinavian literature, under the direction of Prof. R. B. Anderson. She soon brought out a translation of Kristofer Janson 's "Spell- Bound Fiddler." which is a true narrative of a real character, Torgier Audunson, a renowned violinist, who died in Telemark in 1872. The book was republished in London, Eng. She then assisted Professor Anderson in the translation of Bjornson's novels, and George Brandes' " Eminent Authors." Those two pioneers in the translation of Norse literature published "The Norway Music Album." a valuable collection of Norwegian folk-songs, dances, national airs and recent compositions for the piano-forte and solo singing. In December. 1887, Miss Woodward became the wife of Samuel II. Moore. She has read papers before women's clubs, schools of philosophy, literary societies, editorial conventions and Unitarian conferences. She is authority on the music, history and literature of the Scandinavians, and a collection of her writings in that field would form the most valuable compendium of Scandinavian lore to be found in the English language. She has done valuable work in making Americans familiar with Norwegian literature and music in her "Evenings with the Music and Poetry of Norway," which she initiated in Concord, Mass., while visiting relatives in that historic town. Reading the songs and playing the airs upon the piano, she aroused an intense interest in her auditors, and was invited to give similar '"evenings" before numerous clubs and art societies, including the Woman's Club, of Boston, Sorosis, of New York, and others in the East and West. As a translator of the poetry of Norwegian, French and German writers she is unexcelled. Her translation of Gœthe's "Erl King" is called by Prof. William T. Harris "by all odds the finest ever made." Her translations of some of the poems of "Carmen Sylva." the Queen of Roumania, have been widely read, and the queen sent her an autograph letter acknowledging the merit of her translations. Mrs. Moore in all her work shows the greatest thoroughness. Everything she does is well done.