Woman of the Century/Effie Louise Hoffman Rogers
ROGERS, Mrs. Effie Louise Hoffman, educator, born in Jackson, Ohio. 13th May, 1855. She is the only daughter of Dr. D. A. and Emily Smith Hoffman. When a small child, she went to Iowa with her parents, who settled in Oskaloosa. She received her education in the public schools. In the fall of 1869 she entered college and was graduated 19th June, 1872, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Returning home, she gave her time to music and literary work. She wrote for several papers and magazines. In 1877 she entered a conservatory of music and became proficient in the art. At the close of that year she began to teach music and continued for a number of years. On 28th April, 1880, she became the wife of J. F. Rogers, cashier of the Cloud County Bank. Concordia, Kans. He was a man of unusual business ability as well as a man of fine literary attainments. The first two years of her married life were spent in Concordia, where her time was devoted to church and Society work. There she gathered around her the young girls of the town and entered with all her heart into the work of helping them into a higher literary and religious life. Each Saturday afternoon found her home filled with girls, who spent an hour in Bible reading and study. In December, 1882, she moved with her husband to Great Bend, Kans , where he organized the Barton County Bank. The March following, their first child, a daughter, was born. In August, 1883, Mr. Rogers, after three days' illness, died. Mrs. Rogers at once returned to her former home in Iowa, where in August her second child, a son, was born. He lived only two months. In 1885 she made an extended trip through the Southern States. She achieved considerable fame as a newspaper writer at that time. In the fall of 1885 she became city editor of the "Oskaloosa Times," a Democratic newspaper. That position she held for eighteen months. She next entered the "Globe" office, and there remained for nearly two years. She then began the publication of the "P. E. O Record," a secret society journal. That magazine she edited and published for two years, but, owing to increasing demands upon her time, was obliged to give it up. She was president of the Iowa Grand Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood three years. Under her supervision the organization grew and prospered. In 1890 she was elected national grand chapter president of that sisterhood. She has ever been interested in all work connected with woman's advancement. She is a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and has been, since its organization, holding important offices in that society. In 1889 she was elected county superintendent of the public schools of Mahaska county, Iowa. She is the first woman ever elected to that office in that county. She was reelected in 1891 with an increased majority. Under her supervision the county schools are taking high rank, and education in all lines is being advanced. She also served as member of the school board, vice-president of the State teachers' association, and president of the Woman's Round Table. In 1891 her name was mentioned for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. She refused at once to allow her name to be presented to the Democratic convention. She is a member of the executive council of the educational department of the Columbian Exposition of 1893. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church and interested in the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. She is at present editor of the "Schoolmaster," an educational journal published in Des Moines, Iowa.