Woman of the Century/Ellen Oliver Van Fleet
VAN FLEET, Mrs. Ellen Oliver, poet, born in the town of Troy, Bradford county, Pa., 2nd March, 1842. She is of English parentage. From her mother she inherited faithful domestic tendencies, together with an unswerving regard for duty. From her father she inherited a strong literary taste. Miss Oliver was educated by private teachers at home, in the public schools and private schools of her native town, in the Troy Academy, and in Mrs. Life's seminary for young women, then in Muncy, Pa., now in Rye, N. Y. She never aspired to literary fame, and she has always written for a purpose. While her contributions to various periodicals and magazines are numerous, her choicest works are still in manuscript. Her lesson hymns are many and beautiful. She wrote a large number during a period of eight years, which were used by David C. Cook, publisher, of Chicago, Ill. Among her hymns of note is the "Prayer of the Wanderer," which has been extensively sung in this country and in Europe. Her later writings bear the impress of mature thought toned by contact with the world. In September, 1887, Miss Oliver became the wife of Charles G. Van Fleet, a lawyer and a man of literary tastes. Her home is in Troy, Pa.