Woman of the Century/Esther Gordon Frame
FRAME, Mrs. Esther Gordon, minister and evangelist, born in Washington, Ind, 10th July, 1840. Her maiden name was Gordon. Her father was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, and his ancestors came from the Scottish Highlands and were Scotch-Irish. In early life he resided in Centerville, Ind., and there studied law. From Centerville he removed to Thorntown, Ind., and in 1854 represented Boone county in the Indiana Legislature. In 1856 he went to Salem, Iowa, and was there admitted to the bar as a lawyer. Deborah Mendenhall, Mrs. Frame's mother, was born in New Garden, Guilford county, N. C. She was of English stock, and her people were inclined to the learned professions. Mrs. Frame was educated mostly among the Friends. In her school-days she often called her companions around her and preached to them with such effect that her juvenile audiences were brought to tears, She wove beautiful stories, to which her auditors listened with delight. In March, 1857, she became the wife of Nathan T. Frame, of Salem. Iowa. She has had three children, one of whom, a boy. died in infancy, and two daughters. Itasca M., and Hettie C. She was formerly a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but, feeling that she was called to preach and that the Methodists would not ordain her. she joined the Society of Friends and was ordained a minister by them. She began her ministry in New Garden Friends Meeting, in Indiana, 1869. Her home is now in Jamestown, Ohio, where she has lived since 1880. Her ministry has not been confined to her own denomination. For more than twenty years, with her husband, who is a minister, she has preached as an evangelist among all the principal churches of the United States.