Woman of the Century/Grace Hibbard
HIBBARD, Mrs. Grace, author, born in a suburb of Boston, Mass., and there received her education. She is the daughter of the late Dr. Porter, a Massachusetts clergyman, and a descendant of an old English family. Her early life was spent in New England, where, at her father's knee, when still a child, she learned the Hebrew and Greek alphabets long before she learned the English. At an early age she was graduated from a young ladies' college near Boston. Soon after she graduated her father removed to Chicago, where after a short time he died. Mrs. Hibbard has spent the last few years in Colorado and California, and she has made a number of trips to Mexico, where she studied the Mexican character, which she has portrayed in her writings. Her first literary work appeared in the Springfield, Mass., "Republican," and since then she has been a contributor to many of the leading magazines and papers of America. In short stories and ballads she excels. One short sketch. "Bummer and Lazarus," a story of San Francisco, was translated into the German and printed in one of the leading papers published in the German language. She has contributed to "Belford's Magazine," the San Francisco "Morning Call " and other journals. About three years ago she became the wife, in Colorado Springs, Col., of Dr. Hibbard, of Denver, Col., and now lives in the last named city.